3 albums that i can't recommend highly enough
Apr 3, 2004 at 6:57 PM Post #16 of 28
thanks glowworm, but you're missing the point, the thread was to reco these three specific albums, not to solicit reco's for three other albums. just thought i'd let you know.
Apr 3, 2004 at 11:05 PM Post #18 of 28
ok fine, i get the point, derail the topic altogether, make three random recommendations of your own even though as i stated i started this thread to recommend these three specific albums, i guess some people just don't read or want to listen.
Apr 3, 2004 at 11:08 PM Post #19 of 28
I apologize for misunderstanding your question fyrfytrhoges.
To tell you the truth I really don't know that much about indie music, or alot of the newer stuff in general, but I'm sure there is some good current music out there that I just havn't been exposed to yet. Being a 42 y.o., I guess I'm still stuck in the 60's, and 70's... But I am open to try something new because it does get kinda boring listening to the same old stuff all the time. I will try to check out some of the music you and the other guys have mentioned here, and let you know what I think. Sorry to be off topic, and I hope that I didn't kill your thread.
Apr 3, 2004 at 11:11 PM Post #20 of 28
Sorry, Sorry, Sorry...

Serves me right for not reading this post carefully

If it helps, I will be checking out your recs, fyrfytrhoges

It truly was not my intention to post off topic - my apologies.
Apr 3, 2004 at 11:19 PM Post #22 of 28
I don't know, but she sure does have a 'nice set of cans'

...and now back to our regularly scheduled program...
Apr 4, 2004 at 7:17 PM Post #24 of 28
Haven't heard the other two that were recommended, but I picked up Muse's Absolution the other day and I can't recommend it enough. It leans more toward Origin of Symmetry (which I STILL wish would be released in the US) than Showbiz, and is the sort of almost-over-the-top-but-not-quite music that just rocks.
Apr 6, 2004 at 5:24 AM Post #25 of 28
I have listened to all the Muse samples at the Itunes music store, and they sound JUST like radiohead. Too much I think. They sound like a really good cover band playing c-sides from the bends. I am not saying that they are not good, because they sound good, but they don't really seem to have their own sound. Is that a bad thing? I don't know. I would not hesitate for a moment to see them at a concert, but I don't think I will buy their albums. Does that make any sense?

edit: Ambulance LTD seems pretty good. I might pick up their album. I need some more upbeat(ish) stuff.
Apr 6, 2004 at 8:35 AM Post #26 of 28
No! Muse isnt Radiohead alike except the voice of Matt Bellamy, and their style are very different too, Thom Yorke is more laid back, while Matt is more over-the-top. The overall sounding of Muse is thinner, more straight forward, classic-rock like and uses a LOT of Barouqe/Bach style broken chords. Radiohead, on the other hand, have more texture and layers and is more dedicated.

I love them both.
Apr 6, 2004 at 4:43 PM Post #27 of 28
I gave these a try and let me preface my reaction by stating that I'm not a big fan of Radiohead but I did like their album The Bends (no flames please). I've also listened to Kid A (liked it), OK Computer and portions of Hail to the Theif neither of which I really could get into. Funny that most people either love Radiohead or hate them, but I'm somewhere in the middle.

Ambulance Ltd (self titled)
I like this group/album the best of these three. I like this kind of dreamy guitar work.

Muse "absolution"
I've listened to this album twice so far and to be fair I'll give it another listen. I just can't get into the lead singer Matt Bellamy's voice. The music and lyrics are decent but Bellamy's voice is not enjoyable to me - ymmv

Still haven't listened to this all the way through yet but sounds interesting. I think I have to be in the mood for this type of painfully slow, brooding music so I'll try to listen when the mood strikes me.

I urge others to try these for themselves. My taste may not match yours. I listen to a wide variety of music but my main pref is alternative rock and I'm not a big fan of electronica or music that incorporates a lot of sampling or droning but certain groups/albums have made it into my collection.

Thanks for the recommendation, fyrfytrhoges - without exposure to stuff like this I'll never know if I like it or not so it's all about trying new stuff! Thanks for expanding my horizons a bit more.
Apr 7, 2004 at 1:12 AM Post #28 of 28
Ambulance ltd's EP was wonderful, I'm going to buy the LP as soon as I can...thanks for alerting me that there was one out, fyrfytrhoges

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