<250$ Rock and Classical Headphones
Dec 27, 2013 at 1:30 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


New Head-Fier
Dec 27, 2013
I am new to the headphone scene; I have never owned a pair (only 20$ earphones). I'm looking for a high quality pair that is good for listening to mainly rock and the occasional Two Steps From Hell track. I would like them to be around 250$. I would also like them to be rather comfortable but would probably not listen to them more than two hours at a time.
Dec 27, 2013 at 2:27 PM Post #2 of 3
  I am new to the headphone scene; I have never owned a pair (only 20$ earphones). I'm looking for a high quality pair that is good for listening to mainly rock and the occasional Two Steps From Hell track. I would like them to be around 250$. I would also like them to be rather comfortable but would probably not listen to them more than two hours at a time.

May I ask what you will be listening to your headphones from,
if your getting a nicer headphone it's often a good idea to get a Dac or amplifier to enhance the quality of your music, as well as optimize the headphones performance. 
Additionally, you may also want to ensure that your music is at least 320kbs. The reason you want a larger music file has to do with quality. 
Dac and Amp- your headphone reporduces the signal that it gets from the Dac, or digital to analog converter. EVERY  digital device that can "play" music has a dac, as music is sotred in 0's and 1's digitally, and needs to  be in analog form before you can listen to it.                   Now the amp works with the dac, a dac simply outputs an analog signal, and it often has no way to control the amplitude of that signal, the amplitude being the volume level of it. Some dacs have amps within others do not, how ever the amp allows you to adjust the volume of the signal out of the dac. Most of the headphones in the price range that your looking for do not require any ampage, but having even a small amp will help to preserve the quality of your music. Not to mention there are some nice Dac amp Combo units around $60 that also have equalizers in them to help you further "personalize your music                                                                                                                                                                                                         Now the Dac recives it's data from your source, if your using your celluar phone as your music source, things get complicated or rather expensive, How ever if your music is stored on a pc, then there are a plethera of very in expensive dac units to help you get the best out of your music. Going onto quality, remember that music is an Analog wave, to store it on a pc a sample of that wave is taken. So your "digital" song is about 99% of the orignal analog wave. That's assuming that the song has been stored in a lossless format, how ever lossless formats take a lot of space so often times they are compressed. My point here is chances are your listening to compresed music or aac or Mp3 files, when you take your 99% Lossless song and compress it to mp3 you lose quality. Your physically lose some of that song, so the quality will degrade. How ever 320kbs can be likend to 98% of the orignal [these number are not accurate] but if you want the best listening experince, and want to get the BEST BANG for your buck. Make sure your listening to high quality music                                  
Now as far as products go, there is another question to be asked
are you listening in a quiet enviorment or a loud one?
If your some where quiete, then you may want open hedphones.Open headphones are essitanlly speakers on your head, the sound leaks out of and into them. Simmilar to how you can hear sound from a speaker, and from... your noisy room mate at the same time
If your listening in a loud enviorment than you may want closed headphones, chances are your currently own closed headphones. Closed headphones block out some of that outside noise.
SO xD once you deicede what you need open or closed we can get to recommandations
How ever, IF your using a PC as your source, the Fiio E07k is a nice $70[ish] dollar Dac and Amp combo unit
additionally, the Beyerdyanmic Dt 990 Pro 250 Ohm [$150 new] is a very nice open headphone
and the Audio Technica A900x [$100-180 New (price vary a lot)] is also a very nice closed headphone! 
Again sorry to bombard you with lots of info, how ever. If your SERIOUS about getting ncie headphones and enjoying your music. I encourage you to go in 100%
For me, music is like food. If I'm buying a $20 Cut of Steak, I think I'd like to have a nice Grill to Cook it on, my point is don't mircowave your steak, and with music... your Pc or CellPhones on board DAC does to your music, what a mircowave does to a steak...
Yea you can eat it but it's nothing special! And hearing your music sound "special" is what makes getting nice headphones a worth while investment imo!  
Dec 27, 2013 at 2:42 PM Post #3 of 3
  May I ask what you will be listening to your headphones from,
if your getting a nicer headphone it's often a good idea to get a Dac or amplifier to enhance the quality of your music, as well as optimize the headphones performance. 
Additionally, you may also want to ensure that your music is at least 320kbs. The reason you want a larger music file has to do with quality. 
Dac and Amp- your headphone reporduces the signal that it gets from the Dac, or digital to analog converter. EVERY  digital device that can "play" music has a dac, as music is sotred in 0's and 1's digitally, and needs to  be in analog form before you can listen to it.                   Now the amp works with the dac, a dac simply outputs an analog signal, and it often has no way to control the amplitude of that signal, the amplitude being the volume level of it. Some dacs have amps within others do not, how ever the amp allows you to adjust the volume of the signal out of the dac. Most of the headphones in the price range that your looking for do not require any ampage, but having even a small amp will help to preserve the quality of your music. Not to mention there are some nice Dac amp Combo units around $60 that also have equalizers in them to help you further "personalize your music                                                                                                                                                                                                         Now the Dac recives it's data from your source, if your using your celluar phone as your music source, things get complicated or rather expensive, How ever if your music is stored on a pc, then there are a plethera of very in expensive dac units to help you get the best out of your music. Going onto quality, remember that music is an Analog wave, to store it on a pc a sample of that wave is taken. So your "digital" song is about 99% of the orignal analog wave. That's assuming that the song has been stored in a lossless format, how ever lossless formats take a lot of space so often times they are compressed. My point here is chances are your listening to compresed music or aac or Mp3 files, when you take your 99% Lossless song and compress it to mp3 you lose quality. Your physically lose some of that song, so the quality will degrade. How ever 320kbs can be likend to 98% of the orignal [these number are not accurate] but if you want the best listening experince, and want to get the BEST BANG for your buck. Make sure your listening to high quality music                                  
Now as far as products go, there is another question to be asked
are you listening in a quiet enviorment or a loud one?
If your some where quiete, then you may want open hedphones.Open headphones are essitanlly speakers on your head, the sound leaks out of and into them. Simmilar to how you can hear sound from a speaker, and from... your noisy room mate at the same time
If your listening in a loud enviorment than you may want closed headphones, chances are your currently own closed headphones. Closed headphones block out some of that outside noise.
SO xD once you deicede what you need open or closed we can get to recommandations
How ever, IF your using a PC as your source, the Fiio E07k is a nice $70[ish] dollar Dac and Amp combo unit
additionally, the Beyerdyanmic Dt 990 Pro 250 Ohm [$150 new] is a very nice open headphone
and the Audio Technica A900x [$100-180 New (price vary a lot)] is also a very nice closed headphone! 
Again sorry to bombard you with lots of info, how ever. If your SERIOUS about getting ncie headphones and enjoying your music. I encourage you to go in 100%
For me, music is like food. If I'm buying a $20 Cut of Steak, I think I'd like to have a nice Grill to Cook it on, my point is don't mircowave your steak, and with music... your Pc or CellPhones on board DAC does to your music, what a mircowave does to a steak...
Yea you can eat it but it's nothing special! And hearing your music sound "special" is what makes getting nice headphones a worth while investment imo!  

I was considering buying a Fiio E10 DAC and all of my music is either 320k or CD-Ripped FLAC which MusicBee tells me is around 1000k. I can tell the difference between the different qualities already with my speakers so I have always used high quality files. My listening environment is usually quiet but it can be loud. Though part of the reason I want headphones is to I can listen to music at night without anyone else in the house hearing it.

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