<$125 Circumaural headphones
Apr 4, 2006 at 2:48 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


Mar 20, 2006
Still in search for the right pair of headphones. Can you guys suggest some circumaural cans that are less than $125 shipped?

Open or sealed, doesn't matter to me, but comfort means a lot. Sound-wise, I'm a fan of the Grado SR60 type of presentation, although maybe a tad mellower would be nice. I'm also a fan of bass.

thanks a bunch
Apr 4, 2006 at 2:51 AM Post #2 of 14
1. Likes Grado Sound
2. Mellower
3. < $125

Sounds like a cry for a pair of Ms-1s to me.

Not superbass heavy though but I cant think of any "grado sounding" can that is great for bassheads.
Apr 4, 2006 at 2:54 AM Post #3 of 14
I am not too familiar with the SR-60s, but from your description I think the Sony MDR V6/7506 might fit. Comfortable, fairly portable, very durable and good bass.

The difference between the V6 and 7506 sonically is pratically non existant, although cosmetically the 7506 have a gold eighth inch jack. Happy listening.
Apr 4, 2006 at 2:56 AM Post #4 of 14

Originally Posted by stmpjmp
1. Likes Grado Sound
2. Mellower
3. < $125

Sounds like a cry for a pair of Ms-1s to me.

Not superbass heavy though but I cant think of any "grado sounding" can that is great for bassheads.

I should have thought of these. From what I've read they definitely have the Grado sound you like. Pretty much the only downside in comparison to the Sonys I mentioned is that the Allessandro is open as opposed to closed design, so will give no isolation.
Apr 4, 2006 at 3:11 AM Post #6 of 14
indeed, I would love a pair of MS1's but my ears can't take superaural pads for that long before hurting. I'm also tempted by the V6 (maybe with the beyer pads), but again, I'm afraid my ears won't be able to take it.

thanks for the suggestions so far though... keep 'em coming
Apr 4, 2006 at 3:46 AM Post #8 of 14
I was going to recommend the K240S as well, but it's sound signature is pretty far removed from the Grado SR60. Other than that fact, it's a good sounding comfortable circumaural headphone for the money.
Apr 4, 2006 at 4:32 AM Post #9 of 14
What's the difference between the 240M and the 240S? I have a feeling it's just impedance, but I wanted to make sure. I'll be using a CMOY to power what ever headphones I end up getting, is that powerful enough for the 240M (which seem to be cheaper).
Apr 4, 2006 at 4:37 AM Post #10 of 14
Yes, the only difference between the 240S and 240M is the impendence, the Studio's are 55ohms and the 240M's are 600ohms. If you only have a cmoy, I would suggest against the 240M's
Apr 4, 2006 at 5:30 AM Post #11 of 14
It not mine, but there is a AKG k271 in the for sale forums right now, if you can stretch to $150 shipped its a good phone I think
Apr 4, 2006 at 5:33 AM Post #12 of 14
Maybe you could try some used HD580s? And do you have objections to ALL supraaural pads, or just Grado bowls and standard pads on normal cheapo headphones? Because I vastly prefer circumaural, and bowls hurt my ears after awhile because my outer ear presses up against the driver, but I've found two different Grado replacement options that are both quite comfortable. The Sennheiser HD414 pads (modded or not), and some Radioshack replacements. The Radioshacks are more comfortable and look better, but don't sound quite as good. In any case, just thought I'd mention that there are MUCH more comfortable situations than Grado bowls/flats, if that was what you specifically objected to.
Apr 4, 2006 at 7:36 AM Post #13 of 14

Originally Posted by Meyvn
And do you have objections to ALL supraaural pads, or just Grado bowls and standard pads on normal cheapo headphones?

I haven't had much experience with supra-aural pads, but so far they all hurt my ears (SR60 and some cheapy sealed sony's). I mean, I actually think the grados are really comfortable for short periods of time (stock "comfy" pads). But after awhile it starts to hurt the ends of my ears. This could be due to the fact that I wear glasses. So I suppose I can't really rule out ALL supra-aural cans, it's just that so far in my experience circum-aural are more comfortable for me.
Apr 4, 2006 at 1:08 PM Post #14 of 14

Originally Posted by kevin1592
Yes, the only difference between the 240S and 240M is the impendence, the Studio's are 55ohms and the 240M's are 600ohms.

U sure? AFAIK the K240M is more neutral.

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