100 Albums You Should Remove from Your Collection Immediately
Apr 13, 2003 at 2:53 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 62


100+ Head-Fier
Jul 27, 2002
This is worth a good laugh. I personally own 25-30 of the recordings on this list. They're right about a few of them IMO, but many / most of them don't belong on the list.

100 Albums You Should Remove from Your Collection Immediately

ps Don't read this if you're easily offended by criticism or ridicule of your musical tastes...

Happy listening!
Apr 13, 2003 at 3:02 AM Post #2 of 62

Never been so hurt while laughing so much. I'm just so torn. I own like half of those. And I do put Time Out on when I'm feeling in a thinking outside the box kind of mood. There's nothing like a good 5/4 rhythm.
Apr 13, 2003 at 3:02 AM Post #3 of 62
Yeah I own a bunch too...

Heh, I shouldn't have looked at that...stuff like that gets me all pissy
Some of his reasons...well, some don't even have reasons and make me think they're there just to be "controversial"
Apr 13, 2003 at 4:14 AM Post #4 of 62
Now that made me angry!
Bitches Brew, Time Out, Giant Steps... all classics. This is just some dirty Brittany Spears yuppie-music lovin' yahoo!

And this author should learn how to write HTML... look here at #3 on the list.
Apr 13, 2003 at 5:51 AM Post #5 of 62
I will rue the day that Nevermind embarasses my children.
Apr 13, 2003 at 7:30 AM Post #7 of 62
I don't own or have even listened to any of those cds.. does that mean i have great taste?
Apr 13, 2003 at 7:37 AM Post #8 of 62
The article is a joke. He trashes to many good albums to be serious.
Apr 13, 2003 at 7:49 AM Post #9 of 62
He makes a good point with a lot of those cds. I went to school with all those Gap chino, dirty white baseball cap wearing mother*****ers who ran most of those cds into the ground. They played that crap so much it almost killed me. Since Its been ten years since I dropped out (couldnt let those suicidal urges get the best of me) some of those songs arent so bad anymore including:
Check Your Head
Led Zeppelin
Nothings Shocking

But theyre best taken in small doses, like sophmoric humor.
Apr 13, 2003 at 9:40 AM Post #11 of 62
If you read people's response to the article the GET SO PISSED OFF. It's ridculous. Can't these morons see it's a piece of humour writing? Duh!

I just contacted them to see if I could reprint the article in our newpaper's humour column. I think it's funny, dead-on and extremely amusing piece of observation on pop music. Thanks for the link!
Apr 13, 2003 at 11:10 AM Post #12 of 62
mmm, I'm doing pretty well I guess. of that list I only have Giant Steps, War and DSOTM

funny how people get all offensive over funny things like that.
Apr 13, 2003 at 12:49 PM Post #14 of 62
I'm crying right now. That was absolutely hillarious ! Come on guys. Snap out of it. For one, the guy was obviously in some sort of hate phase, and decided to rag on not really mostly the music...but society as a whole's bias towards a certain preference of popular music.

It's very transparent what he did. He was going for the rabble rousing value, and it most definetely worked. Anyway, why anyone would care what another person whose life is inconsequential to them thinks about the music that they loved, is absurd. Just take it for what it is...nothing more than some dude having fun with peoples heads.

What makes it a brilliant list, is that there is much truth in what he says about many of the albums...cause yeah, alot of those DO suck. I'm gonna agree with Bitches Brew for sure...that was Miles at his incoherant best. Definetely an album for the pseudo preppy wanna be's that just think it's cool to own something that is hardly worth anything musically. (Just MY opinion peeps...doesn't mean ya have to flame me...you can like it if you find that it's priceless to you...cause it just may be)

But then you have this golden nugget

ohn Coltrane - Giant Steps
Most jazz created after the Big Band era is essentially musical masturbation (and like masturbation, if you must do it, you should do it in private!). It's self-indulgent noodling interesting only to the person playing it, a few fetishists, and lots of pseudo-intellectuals and wannabe hipsters who have to pretend to like it because it's "cool." Like *****, it's dismissive of and degrading to both the performer and the viewer. People who watch ***** do so alone for a reason... it's embarrassing. Some pornos are glossier and prettier than others, and Coltrane may be the John Holmes of jazz, but ***** is still *****, and Giant Steps is still a tedious, embarrassing, snoozer of an album

THAT .....is funny. Coltrane is the John Holmes of Jazz..I nearly peed my pants on that one !

While it's true that alot of people simply own the album because it bears the "cool" factor" and never actually listen to it...I highly doubt that this guy listened to it either. There are brilliant passages throughout the album. But that's what makes this guy so funny..he mixes in truth which he somehow manages to find, and mixes it in with stuff that comes out his ass. I love it.

I mean come on...To even think of putting DSOTM in there along with Celine Dion ? ROFLMAO !

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