usb dac recommendations cheap
Noise on one IEM i recently got
Hello everyone I'm here because im looking for help or some advice on what i could get or might need, i recently bought an IEM from Massdrop it was the Noble x Massdrop IEM and i mean i feel the price was nice and great look to it as well, but recently i started using it with my Schiit Fulla 2...- musicalychallenged
- Thread
- amp dac help and recommendations iem noise noise canceling price recomendations usb dac usb dac recommendations cheap
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Audible interference from PC motherboard audio. Will a DAC fix this? Recommendations?
Hello, I have an issue in that i can hear interference from my pc motherboard audio out. Its like a low hum/hiss sometimes almost like beeping. It's very faint but annoying when I have nothing playing through the headphones. It strangely seems to get a bit louder when I move the mouse around...- BigEarsMan
- Thread
- usb dac recommendations cheap
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations