  1. Trihexagonal

    Robot Overlords

    Today the Jakcom R5 Smart Ring I bought myself for Christmas arrived from China in good time. I I'm not smart enough to figure it out without reading the instructions, in incredibly tiny font, but it has 6 RFID chips on board, 128GB storage space and 2 Tai-Chi health stones that hare gong to...
  2. JayceOoi

    360 S6 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

    Author's Note: The original review can be found at my blog - 360 S6 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Unboxing and 360 S6 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Review @ Best Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum, Roborock S50 alternative? Automatic sweep and mop by itself. Yup, that’s the ability of the latest S6 Robot...