portable tube amp

  1. Kaei Design - Tap 1

    Kaei Design - Tap 1

    Portable Desktop Full Balanced Headphone Tube Amp Portable&Desktop Dual Modes3.5mm/4.4mm Balanced Input and OutputAir Bag Shock Absorption TechnologyUp to 4900MW Output Power, Perfect for Headphone
  2. grant0317

    Xduoo XD05T "Portable" Dac + Tube Amp

    I saw the prototype image months ago but shenzhenaudio announced yesterday that the xd05t was ready. Not sure when it'll be launched but I was really looking forward to this one. Green would not have been my first choice for this product.
  3. Hanks Kang

    Alpha tube2 - Portable balanced tube amp by Miu tech

    Portable tube amps with EH6922 tube and 4.4mm in/out applied is released to the market. As I know, It is the first balanced portable amps with big tube. I ordered it several days ago and test it yesterday. It was very shock with the outstanding performance in consideration of the price. It...
  4. Dragon Leader

    Portable Tube Amp Recommendations

    Hello, my dear Head-Fiers, I am on the hunt for a portable (not transportable) headamp that can drive the IER-Z1R, EE Odins, and the Meze Elite. As a stationary amp, I use a Mal Valve Headamp 3 and my current DAP is an SP2000 (Copper) which is resolving and analytical yet something smoother for...