apos caspian
  1. Apos Audio

    Check Out Our Apos Certified Products

    Hi all, We wanted to introduce Apos Certified products to the Head-Fi community, a program that we’ve been running for a while on Apos Audio. When an item is returned back to us we work with our partners to refurbish it back to its original condition before putting it back out in the world...
  2. Apos Audio

    Apos Caspian Open-Back Headphone Giveaway

    Hi all, Here's our first holiday present for the community. We’re giving away an Apos Caspian Open-Back Headphone. Made with hand-assembled, sustainable materials, the Apos Caspian looks timeless and sounds thrilling. In order to join, Headfiers who comment on this thread will get one entry to...
  3. Apos Caspian

    Apos Caspian

    Apos Audio and Kennerton collaborated to create this $499 open-back headphone. Since there are so many details about it, I suggest you follow the "full story" from Apos' website: "Explore the Caspian’s story, measurements, and creation process." Official Page...