MEElectronics M6 PRO Universal-Fit Noise-Isolating Musician’s In-Ear Monitors with Detachable Cables


New Head-Fier
Pros: Bass, mids, price accessories.
Cons: Property aka old Nokia cable connectors higs that need ironing.
Very close to neutral bass, good sub bass. Just tad under the neutral mids, high mids are boosted. Extreme exaggerated higs; rather big peak on 5 KHz with huge one 10 Db at 10 KHz still this ain't something what is that hard to iron out with EQ. Sound stage ain't anything special but separation is rather good.
All in all pretty good. Got them on outlet for 25$. Second gen is only refined first gen so if you can grab first one with discount they represent much higher bang for $.


New Head-Fier
Pros: Unparalleled bang for buck, detachable cables, clear sound, moderately flat response
Cons: Slight unnatural high end bump, build quality, cable connector, jack end, isolation
I do not like long reviews so I will try to keep this short.
Let's start with the good:
*They have a very flat response for a single dynamic IEM, especially at this price
*Very revealing sound
*The cables are detachable, a must for stage IEMs
They will easily beat out Shure SE215s as far as clarity and frequency response. In my opinion you will only start seeing better at around the $150-$200 mark (Westone UM Pro 10)
On to the bad:
*They have a slightly sibilant, unnatural top end.
*The build quality is not great, the jack connector relief is not good (I've broken 1 cable and I'm about to break another). Also, the plastic part around the connector on the IEM itself is weak.
*The isolation is not good, unless you use foam tips and even then it's not fantastic. Personally I'm not a fan of foam tips, but if you get Snugs sleeves you'll probably get around the isolation issue
*The design of the IEM enclosure is not that good, which adds to the isolation issue (they can stick out a bit)
*They have a stupid proprietary MMCX-esque connector that won't work with any other IEM
FINAL VERDICT: There is no way you will find a better stage IEM than these at the price. If you are broke like me, these are a fine solution. If you can spend a bit more, here are my recommendations for every price point if you are looking into universal IEMs:
$50+: MEEAudio M6 Pro
$150+: Westone UM Pro 10
$200+: Audiofly AF120
$300+: Audiofly AF140
$400+: Audiofly AF160
$500+: Audiofly AF180
$650+: Westone UM Pro 50
$700+: Audiofly AF1120 (Uncontested stage IEM champions IMHO. I mean 6 BA drivers and a very flat response!? What more could you ask for?)
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Reviewer at Sound Perfection Reviews
Formerly affiliated with HiFi Headphones
Pros: Price-Performance ratio, balanced sound
Cons: Could use a slight boost in the treble.
Firstly I would like to thank Hifiheadphones for this sample for review, I always try to write honest reviews, these received over 50 hrs of burn-in before reviewing, no major differences were noted.
Gear Used:
Audio Opus #1 > M6 Pro (non remote cable, Medium Comply T200 Tips)


Tech Specs (Price £44.99):
driver type
moving coil (dynamic)
driver size
10 mm
frequency response
20 Hz to 20 kHz
16 Ohms at 1K
100±3 dB (1mW at 1KHZ)
maximum power input

Packaging, Accessories and Build Quality:
The packaging is a simple affair that I really quite like, on the front you get a picture of the monitors, on the side is a plastic window showing the IEM’s and a list of accessories, on the back you get additional info and on the other side you get a list of specifications. I really like the outer box, it’s packed full of info but not cluttered, the box opens at the bottom and you pull out the tray which has the carry case and the IEM’s held in their foam in-tray. Overall very nice packaging for an IEM of this price range.
Accessories again are very impressive for the price, you get 2 cables, one normal, one with a mic and volume control. You also get a vast array of tips, 1 pair of M T200 Comply tips, 2 pairs of triple flange silicone tips (M and L), 1 pair of bi-flange silicone tips (they look L) and 3 pairs of regular silicone tips (S, M and L).

Both cables come with a cable clip, also included is a nice large carry case and a 3.5 to 6.3mm adapter. A great selection of accessories, and I couldn’t ask for more.
Build quality is great, the housings are well finished and extremely lightweight. The cables are good, the normal cable feels better built than the one with the volume control, but one time will tell. Luckily the cables are replaceable and replacements cost $9.99 for the regular one. Strain relief on all parts is excellent and I can see them actually standing up to some abuse one stage, or at the gym. They are sweat proof, perfect for active use and stage monitoring.

Comfort, Isolation, Driver flex and Cable noise:
Comfort is excellent, I managed to get a good seal with both Complys and the silicone tips. The fit is perfect and I have no issues wearing these for prolonged periods of time. I do prefer Comply tips for their overall comfort and isolation, also the sound out of these sounds like they were made with Comply tips in mind. They also fit fairly flush in your ears, and have a very secure fit.
Isolation is good with both silicone and Comply tips, but Comply edge out the silicone ones in the isolation department. These offer very good isolation, and would work well in most every situation you can find yourself in, just be careful when crossing roads with these in.
Driver flex is not an issue with these.
Cable noise is present but not hugely, and this can be fixed with the cable clip or chin slider.

Split in to the usual categories with a conclusion at the end. Just a note about the tips, I first listened to the silicone tips and found they sounded good but not quite right, switching to Comply tips I realised these must have been tuned with Comply tips, as they just sound so much better with them.
Lows: These overall are like an improved SE215, the lows are more linear and cleaner, they are not as full but this leads to an overall more balanced sound. The punch is there, the articulation of bass guitars means their lines are easy to follow. kick drums have body and tracks like Release The Pressure by Leftfield really show off that they can bounce along to any rhythm. They are not bass monsters, the lows always manage to keep controlled and never become boomy, they also stay separate from the mids.
Mids: These are marketed as a stage monitor, so the mids have to cut through the mix successfully, and they do succeed in this respect. They don’t suffer from much bleeding from the lows, retaining clarity, there is a bit of an upper mid peak but this does not induce sibilance, just puts emphasis on the 5-6kHz range which brings out female vocals a little better, and upper male vocals. The mids are nicely detailed and I can see these being good for stage use, they are clear rather than smooth. Misguided Ghosts by Paramore really shows off how capable the mids are, you can hear the picks of the guitar strings and the reverberation of the body of the guitar, and Hayley’s vocals sound incredibly clear but natural (this song sounds amazing on these).
Highs: The highs don’t suffer from any big spikes and I like the amount that is presented, they are always there in the background and come out when called for, they actually extend well and also have good detail. Cymbal crashes come in from the right places and they are never overbearing but always there, they fair a lot better than most of the competition at the price point and higher.

Soundstage is intimate, but wider and taller than a lot of budget IEM’s, you still get out of head experiences but they are mostly engaging and up-front.
Instrument separation is very good, there isn’t a lot of air around the instruments but all instruments are easily separated.
Well the M6 Pro with Comply tips may have become a new favourite for around £50, I actually prefer it to the 1MORE E1001 Triple driver which are very refined but a little too smooth and somewhat dull. These really managed to have everything and sound very engaging, the highs do not disappoint with their presence and tone, the mids are slightly up front and the mid bass has a mild boost, as a stage monitor I can see these being good and the sound would be easily tuneable with EQ.
They are also a lot better than the SE215 which sound veiled and dark in comparison, do not fear, these are not bright and piercing in the slightest, they are just cleaner sounding with better detail, all for less money.
These suit genres like Rock and Pop very well, and if you are looking for a pair of IEM’s under £70 go and get these now, you won’t be disappointed.

Sound Perfection Rating: 9/10 (Neutral, engaging, and a steal for the price, go get some)

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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: clarity, detail, form factor, VALUE, comfort
Cons: microphonics, included tips, very slight v-shape signature
Keep checking the bottom of this review for updates!

As of writing this review, I've only listened to the M6 Pros for about an hour, and I'm happy to report that I'm completely blown away by the value of this product.

About me: I don't own a huge collection of audio products, but that is simply because I am extremely diligent with my purchases. I always do weeks of research before I buy any sort of gadget so that I can be confident that I'm spending my money wisely. For that very reason, my only other set of headphones are the ATH-M40X, which have, for me, become the gold standard by which I compare all other headphones due to their exceptionally flat and accurate sound. Oh that's another thing, I'm one of those guys....I want my headphones to have as little impact on my listening experience as possible. By that I mean, I don't want them to change the music, but rather to produce it as faithfully as possible (within financial reason). And the M40X has proven to me that you honestly don't need to spend a small fortune to achieve precisely that.
My reason for wanting a set of buds simply comes down to travelling. The M40Xs are full sized cans, so they take up a lot more space than what a set of buds do. 

M6 Pro Initial Impressions: Taking into account what I said above about wanting accurate audio products whilst keeping absolute value in mind, I have become a huge Audio Technica fan, which is why I was initially planning on getting the ATH-IM02. From all of the reviews I've read and watched, the collective feedback is that they are balanced and accurate, which sounded perfect to me. My only concern was the price. Let's face it, compared to the cost of other in-ears, $150-200 isn't a lot of money for a great performing set....but that is still quite a bit of money to be spending on such a tiny product. So I was concerned about whether or not I'm spending my money wisely. Would the ATH-IM02 fit the bill perfectly in terms of getting the best value for money? The M6 Pros are shouting: NO! 

Seriously, how could a $50 set of buds be this good? I can't stress this enough...$50!!! I genuinely don't have an answer for must be witchcraft. Granted, I haven't had a chance to listen to the ATM-IM02, but that's not the point. The point is that I trust the M40X, and will compare any headphones to them alone. So that being said, the M6 Pros really make me (and my wallet) smile. 

Do they sound every bit as flat and true as the M40X? No, not yet anyways. It is for this reason that I'm leaving this review as merely an impression for now, rather than drawing any concrete conclusions for now. Most reviews seem to say that they get better with burn in. Now, you might be a believer or non-believer with regards to burn in, but personally I have not seen any concrete evidence to say that burn in absolutely does or doesn't work. So I've set them aside and I'll be playing the Frybaby track through them over the next 2 days or so.

So, how did they sound within the first hour? Honestly, even though I read and watched a ton of reviews, they still surprised me. Yes, they can be a bit sibilant (again, perhaps just for now) and it does seem to have an ever so slight v-shape sound, but the detail and clarity is fantastic. And keep in mind this is from a single dynamic driver, yet there was not a single sound missing. I previously had a set of FXZ200s (a $190 set), which was a dual BA + single dynamic setup, but they couldn't hope to provide as much clarity and detail as the M6 Pros. I also wonder if those who have complained about the highs have simply done so because they aren't accustomed to a relatively flat response. Because while I do (initially) hear a bit of sibilance, it's nowhere near as bad as others have reported.  

Other things I like: I really, really like the form factor. That (other than the price) was the main thing that put me off of the ATH-IM02. I much prefer how the M6 Pro has a negative profile. I also like the fact that you get so many added bits and pieces with it. This shows that MEE really thought about giving customers a total package, to cram as much value into it as possible.

Things I don't like: I've never liked Comply tips, but that's simply because I've never found them to be comfortable for me. I tried the Comply ones that came with the M6 Pros, but unfortunately they ripped when I tried to take them off again. So if you're gonna test out the tips, make sure to test the Comply ones last. None of the other tips gave me both a comfortable feel and perfect seal, so I ended up using my trusty Sony Hybrids. The M6 Pros also have a fair amount of microphonics going on with the standard cable (the one without the mic and remote).

So that's it for the initial impressions. I'll update with a more detailed review as I spend more time using them.


Continuing on from my initial impressions, I've allowed these to burn in for roughly 2 days, and I'm happy to report that I simply couldn't be happier with them. The highs have been tamed, and the bass smoothed out. It still doesn't have a flat frequency response, but it is awfully close. At my listening levels I don't hear any distortions or anything else that stands out to me as a considerable flaw. I'm seriously still astounded at the bang-for-buck value of these.  

What I particularly like about these is that I popped them in when I went cycling, and I experienced no discomfort, nor did their seal get broken at all. I previously mentioned that I didn't end up using any of the included tips and instead opted to use the Sony Hybrids; however, I've actually found that the "double bubble" tips included worked best for me in terms of maintaining a perfect seal. As mentioned, they don't have a perfectly flat response, it does have a slight v-curve sound (and I do mean VERY slight)...which, as it turns out, is spot on perfect for what I need. I've got a whole bunch of "beast mode, cycling, fitness tempo" compilations, of which all tend to have an emphasis on rather powerful bass, and the slight v-curve sound pairs perfectly for this. The only thing I noticed is that, while cycling, I do tend to pick up a bit of wind noise, and as such, bass response is reduced. My best guess is that this happens because the housings aren't completely sealed (due to the dynamic drivers). But, in all honesty, this is probably a good thing in terms of safety whilst cycling. 

I've also just ordered the Fiio M3 and the arm band for the M3, which I think will give me a fantastic budget friendly exercise audio setup.

Overall, I couldn't be happier with these. They sound absolutely fantastic, they're super comfortable, they maintain their seal whilst exercising, they look great (which is the least of my concern), and they're super budget friendly. If I absolutely had to mention a single downside, I'd say that I'd want them cheaper (heck, who wouldn't?)...but that's just being greedy.

For me, these are perfect for exercise and the occasional travel use.

Absolutely, unequivocally, without a doubt, HIGHLY recommended. 
Pros: Looks stunningly good. Stupidly cheap real monitors. Crazy levels of modularity.
Cons: Upper vocal tendency for stridency. Bass will be too polite for some.
MEE audio M6 Pro Quick Review by mark2410
Thanks to MEE audio for the sample
Full review here
Brief:  A bargain priced monitor
Price:  US$50 or £35
Specifications:  driver type moving coil (dynamic), driver size 10 mm, frequency response 20Hz to 20kHz, impedance 16 Ohms at 1K, sensitivity 100±3 dB (1mW at 1KHZ), maximum power input 30mW, Microphone Specifications directivity omnidirectional, frequency response 100 Hz to 10 kHz, sensitivity -42dB± 3dB, Product Details, ear coupling intraaural (in-ear), cable length 51 inches (1.3m), detachable, cable connector 3.5mm, right angle plug, weight 5.8oz (164g), water resistance rating IPX5.
Accessories:  Protective carrying case, eartips, shirt clips, spare cable, ¼" adapter
Build Quality:  Not just nice for the money but nice full stop.  Sure it’s all plastic but the cable with the transparent outer sheath with its bright silvered mesh weave underneath, it is one of the best looking IEM’s anywhere and at any price.  Its then all nicely put together and it’s all modular, the whole thing just exudes a quality level that is far in excess of its price.
Isolation:  Pretty good.  They may be dynamics but they are quite well sealed and thusly they isolate moderately well.  Absolutely fine for most typical uses, out and about, on a bus.  Tube and flights in a pinch but certainly not my first choice.  Obviously more than enough to get yourself run over if you aren’t paying attention.
Comfort/Fit:  Excellent.  They must be worn up which not everyone love but I do and they fit me perfectly.  They were perfectly comfortable to wear all day long too.  First rate on both accounts.
Aesthetics:  I love how these look.  They are for me one of the best looking earphones out there.  Not only are the buds fantastic looking but absolutely love that transparent sheath over that silvered mesh weave cable, stunningly good looking.
Sound:  Normal consumers may not have their expectations met.  I know I expected them to be very M6 like but other than visually they aren’t.  Acoustically they have nothing in common with each other.  The M6 Pro is a vastly more grown up, monitor like balanced IEM.  It really is an In Ear Monitor too.  The bass is competent and capable if a little boring.  The mids are very nice, a little prominent and forward compared with what many will be used to.  The treble is nicely refined, no edge, no brutality so some may find it not as in your face as they wish.  It’s not attention seeking at all, very plain and easy on the ear.  There is a bit of an upper vocal stridency but pair with something moderate, warm and don’t play silly buggers with the volume control and you’ll mostly be fine.  They really aren’t an exciting thrill ride.  They are grown up proper monitor like but for barely any money.
Not one for thrill seeking party people but if you’re a high school band, budding YouTube star, budding podcasting star, someone who wants an audio monitor but hasn’t tremendous wealth.
Value:  Just silly, the look fantastic, they come with two cables, detachable cables, you can buy replacement cables, replacement single buds and even a single sided cable if you only wantto use one side.  These should be pretty much at the top of the list for every budding audio based star starting out.  They then come with a craze lifetime, will replace for half price if you kill them offer. 
Pro’s:  Looks stunningly good.  Stupidly cheap real monitors.  Crazy levels of modularity.
Con’s:  Upper vocal tendency for stridency.  Bass will be too polite for some.


Headphoneus Supremus
Reviewer at Headfonics
Pros: Sound stage, sound quality, value, build quality, accessories, two cables, case
Cons: slight sibilance, memory cable can pinch ear, cable can tangle
I lost my Klipsch s4ii's....I was despondent. I had no good headphones as a result. Through a search of the internet, I was led to Head-Fi, and my "reentry" into the personal-portable music world began. Through much reading and research, I was led to the MEElectronic (now MEE Audio) m6 Pro's. I eagerly ordered them and anxiously awaited their arrival. In the mean time, I kept reading/researching, delving deeper into the Head-Fi world, but those findings will be for another review, or reviews...
I have no affiliation with MEE Audio, nor any of their affiliates, even though I would love to! My listening style varies from Stevie Ray Vaughan to Lyle Lovett, to Dave Matthews, to Bob Marley and everything in between. Too much loud rock and roll as a kid with $ and a car stereo of envy, I now have hearing loss, mostly in the upper end. Anything sibilant can and does bother me. That said, I am also a Wildlife Biologist/Earth Science teacher who studied songbirds in a different life...This allows me the ability to pick out a sound which should not be in that environment or is new to that environment...such as hearing a songbird on our surveys which had not been heard yet on our routes. I prided myself in that ability to pick out the sounds of what was not there upon our initial arrival. I like to think that this will help with my reviews, but I cannot guarantee it. I am post 50, but love good music and good sound quality.
Upon arrival, I eagerly opened the package. All arrived safe and sound. Since I had no inclination at the time to review, I did not take package opening pictures. what was revealed in said package was a top quality box, mixed with white and dark gray colors, highlighted by gold and black lettering. Quite impressive for the price point. Going over the specifications, I noticed the low impedance, which means that my then only source (iPhone 6+) should drive them quite nicely. 
A teasing view of the IEM's themselves was had on one side through a "storefront-type" open plastic window. A very nice touch, and something I had not seen on other items. A list of accessories included was highlighted below the window. Quite an impressive list! Care was taken to open the box, knowing full well from other electronic resales, that the packaging can be worth saving for a number of reasons, I opened with the near-delight of a kid at Christmas (snarky, I know but that is how I truly felt). Directions for opening the package were idiot-proof (even though I failed...
), with good instructions on how to step by step proceed. Pulling the inner sleeve out revealed a stark contrast to the outer box. Plain smaller packages lined the inner box, except for the foam protecting the IEM's. This to me is no big deal, and can't fault them for that.
I immediately took the buds out and inspected them.
Pictures up from for your viewing pleasure, and thank you to my wife for her fabric collection!
Design/Build Quality:
My initial response at holding the buds was actually a "WOW", these are plastic but well built. Fit and finish are quite good for any price point let alone the crowded <$50 market. Nothing cheap about them. A positive with the smoked gray is that you can teasingly see the inner workings of the unit. I like that. I did not like the clear version, so I ordered the smoke color. I do not regret it. Clear markings meant even I could not screw this up when inserting the cable. This was my first foray into the removable cable world, and I approached it with some trepidation. No problem, after carefully examining the markings on the bud and cable. Both are clearly marked (even if upside down to me), and with minimal effort I successfully attached both L & R cables. I initially hooked up the inline mic cable to test it out, as I like that option. Both included cables are quite nice, albeit on the thinner side (see below for CONS). The right-angle headphone jack was a definite plus to me for two reasons: 1. I like the shallow nature of that type of jack so it does not "snag" on pockets, etc...and, 2. The jackactually fit through my iPhone's XDoria Defense case. The bruited aluminum of this case is fantastic, but the thick nature of that case can lead to problems with headphone jacks. No problem here. MEElectronics was clearly thinking that people value their smartphones by placing them into quality cases, or thick cases. I am happy to report that I have not had a problem at all with the fit and consequent connection of the jack. No problem, none. I was very happy so far...
The included cables are very nice, indeed. While I think the inline mic cable looks better, and seems of a better quality, I cannot say the same for the function of the mic. It is glitchy to the point, where it only functions as a volume up/down feature. To be honest, I never took a phone call on that cable, so I cannot attest to the quality of the phone conversations, but if I press the vol up toggle, I expect it to react. YMMV. As a result, I installed the mic-less cable, and have not looked back. I am very happy with that cable except for the tangling of it when I remove the cable and buds from the included quality case. More on that later with the CONS section.
The included sets of tips is VERY impressive regardless of price. It is obvious that MEE thought and thinks of their potential customers, and tries to cover most bases with the included various sizes and styles. And thankfully, not to the detriment of sound quality. I like to think that MEE even reinvigorated a trend in price-conscious IEM's that it is a standard to include such variety. I really appreciate this aspect of the ownership equation. Seven pairs of ear tips (6 silicone and 1 foam), along with 2 (TWO) shirt clips shows this thinking.
I placed the two categories together, because in my mind if it doesn't fit, it won't be used...My main use for the m6 Pro's will be to kick around and just listen. I will use these when I mow, too because the isolation is quite good, when you have the proper seal. I only use Comply/foam tips as of right now, because that is what works for me. I tried the silicone tips, but to me they make the sound too harsh (going back to my hearing loss). I have good luck with the Complys (I am not associated in any way with Comply nor their affiliates, I just like them). The m6's are touted as a good workout bud, as well as an onstage monitor (even says so on the package), to which I can say that many of the reviews I read verify these two uses. I would not disagree because once fit, they absolutely stay in place. 
As for fit, once the correct-to-you tips are in place, the next "hurdle" is the memory cable. I had read how this was a huge positive to the phones, and i cannot disagree. Once I fiddled with the cable enough to get a good fit, without becoming a tourniquet on my ears, I can say that the m6's are quite good. Not fantastic as others that simply drape over the ear would be, but it is a definite positive to have a cable which when carefully taken on/off keep their shape. This does nothing but help placing the buds back on the next time with minimal effort. I took great care in finding the correct bend, and taking the time to bend the cable so they do not pinch, or "bite" my ear. I had never had the type of memory cable before, and I determined that in order to fit properly I should do this. I wear glasses, and have no trouble removing either the IEM's or the glasses as a result. Yes, I am careful, but due to the construction, I would argue that with careful effort, you can pretty much beat these and they will take it.
Now the good stuff...I am no Sound Engineer, nor Sound Technician...I do not have the equipment for verifying what I hear. I have my ears and and that is it. Again, the music I used to fully audition these ranged from Stevie Ray Vaughan to Ziggy Marley and Coldplay. I even threw in some Ella Fitzgerald for the female voices, plus she is just damn good. I used mostly TuneShells as my music app. I like this one the best on my phone for various reasons.
My initial response was one of "what the heck did I spend so much on my Klipsch's for??!!" I had found my lost pair and used them for comparison, as I did not have my ordered Dunu Titan1's yet. I will only compare to the Klipsch, due to the difference in prices. Initial sound was very bright, with extremely bright highs. I found myself turning down my source (again, only iPhone 6+ at the time) regularly, but knew that this was due to the newness of the phones. Everything I read stated that the highs could be quite sibilant (and they were), but with proper burn in tamed somewhat. My choice of Comply's also helped. the initial sound was overall a much better sound than my Klipsch. Not muddied like my s4's, bright energetic, and FULL. These really got me thinking, how could a company price these so cheap, with this kind of quality? The bass was fairly good, not thumping, but good. Mids were much clearer than the Klipsch, and very present, but not overly so.
I let the phones burn in for two nights straight, adding approximately 24 additional hours to them. I did my best to refrain from judging them as a result.
After a total of about 36-40 hours of burn in, I noticed that the highs had tamed themselves, but not completely. Gone (mostly, recording-dependent) was the sibilance which other mentioned. Bass had settled in nicely, not deep, but with proper EQ certainly acceptable. Mids moved more forward than my initial listening, and the highs were settling in. Not knowing what a good soundstage would be, I was very happy to find, and verify that this pair was quite wide (not as wide as some phones I now own, but for $50 very impressive).
Separation of instruments is very good. Sometimes it is as if I am actually on stage with the musicians, while other times I am sitting in the back of the bar, taking in all of the instruments. I like this aspect of the m6's. Wide when needed, but very intimate when needed. I now own a pair of MEE Audio Pinnacle P1's, and am starting to think this is a testiment to their design. Hearing the individual finger strokes on a guitar is quite nice. Hearing the singer take a breath and vary their sound is very good. I know that these are well below custom IEM's, but from where I was coming form, these are just darn good. I am very happy with this purchase.
Isolation with the proper tips is very good, and not once with the Comply's did my family tell me to turn them down! I will say that outside sound can bleed in, but I count that as part of the design of the buds...not to be completely sealed off from the world.
In conclusion, I am a very happy MEE customer. The build is top quality, regardless of price. The included accessories are impressive, and the sound once settled in, belies its price point. MEE has hit the proverbial home run with this pair, and they can stand even with other more well known brands in this price and above. I won't go all gushy and claim them to be $250-300 price killers, but they are certainly an excellent option for someone on a budget and can only afford one pair.
Cons: I can only think of three cons non of which would prevent me from owning them (YMMV): 1. The memory cables can be a pain to fit properly, and can still pinch if not done correctly. 2. The non-mic cable can and does tangle upon removal from the excellent case. I am very careful with my gear, but someone in a hurry could cause damage. 3. The remaining highs at higher volumes can get tiresome after awhile. These are still quite bright, and with my sensitive hearing, I have to turn down songs which with other phone I can easily keep at higher volumes. Just beware of the bright highs.
Overall: I would highly recommend this pair to budget-conscious people or people who just need another pair for an active sport, or as a commuter pair while the expensive pair sits at home. I really like these phones. Thank you for reading this review (my first!!), and please look for more in the future. All the best.


New Head-Fier
Pros: Decent bass, amazing highs, and very detailed. Comes with a bunch of extras.
Cons: Bit of a V soundstage. Really hard to find a right fit.
Bought these to try them out at work and now I use them every day! Great sounding IEMs. The low end is lacking a little, but a slight eq fixed it for me. The only con was trying to find an ear tip that fit, and even then these are a struggle to put on, but once you do, it's worth it! 


Pros: Sound, accessories, price
Cons: None so far
As my first universal IEM, I did a lot of research before purchasing the MEElectronics M6 Pro. After a few months of ownership, I am very glad to have purchased them as they have been a great IEM to listen to. Almost any review I read had said these headphones were a great bargain for the price, and they were RIGHT.
The amount of accessories alone that you get with these IEMs make this a great value. The extra set of cables, one with a volume slider and mute button for smart phones and one normal; the various sizes of tips including one pair of comply foam tips; and most importantly, the hard case, yes a HARD case that can fit both your DAP, the extra cables, and extra tips easily.
With the 7 different pairs of tips to choose from, you're almost guaranteed to find a great seal with the M6 Pro's. I thought I would always be using the comply foam tips but I got curious one day and tried a few of them. The 7 different pairs are split up into 2 pairs of triple flange tips (small and large), 1 pair of medium sized double flange tips, and then 3 pairs of single flange tips (small, medium, and large sizes), and of course, the comply foam tips. The medium single flange tips fit me the best, as well as the double flange and the large triple flange tips. All provide a very good seal but it is very much so dependent upon the size of your ear canals, hence the number of different sizes provided.
Overall, the sound of the M6 Pro's is great, they cover a good range of lows, mids, and highs. I would definitely not describe them as sharp or bright but warm and soothing as far as sound signature is concerned. I listen to quite a bit of R&B/Soul, Jazz, and what not and have found that the bass on these is pretty prominent. It's definitely not overpowering by any means but has good punch to it.
Vocals sound great, clear but somewhat drowned out every now and then by the bass. Instrument separation is pretty good. The more I listen to the same album with these the more I notice things I didn't the first time around.
I've used these while mowing the lawn quite a bit and the isolation on them is great, especially with the comply foam tips. I can hear the mower running but can hear the music over the mower more so.
All around a great universal IEM, perfect for somebody looking for something better than their Apple Earbuds but not willing to spend over $100. 


New Head-Fier
Pros: Detailed and crisp. Included extras. Detachable cables.
Cons: Harsh highs during burn-in period.
Hello everyone this is CanadianPenguin and today I’m here with a review for MEEAudio’s (formally MEElectronics) M6 Pro In Ear Monitors! (IEM’s) 

Like always, I’m going to start with where you can buy these awesome IEM’s.
They can be bought from and for $49.99usd and $55.00cad respectively, or from their offical store for $49.99usd. Let me just say this now, the price of these IEM’s is an absolute bargain for what you get. Nothing else even really comes close to beating them in this price range, more on this later.

The packaging and extras that come with this pair of IEM’s are probably among the best I’ve seen yet. The unboxing was a complete pleasure, it felt like opening a present only find find even more little presents to open. Everything is neatly arranged and the sheer amount of extras included sweeten the deal even more. You get two detachable cables, one with a built in microphone, the other without. A large array of different sized eartips, and a set of Comply memory foam eartips. A 3.5mm to quarter inch adapter. 2 shirt clips. A very nice carrying case. And, of course, the IEM’s themselves. Outside of the box you get a lifetime replacement in case something happens to them, which I must say is just plain awesome. The amount of extras and the entire unboxing experience is something I really appreciate.  

The design of these IEM’s at first glance resemble a lot of Shure’s earphones, but you get a lot of the features of Shure’s at a fraction of the price. Like stated earlier, these headphones are an amazing value. Detachable cables and “memory wire” are just 2 of the things that really add to the value. The memory wire is a very nice feature. At the very top of each cable, right after the connectors, the wire is much stiffer. This is so you can loop it around your ear and make the wire fit your ear perfectly. The Comply eartips provided also feel great and together make for an earphone that feels custom to your ears. Also I can’t forget they are IPX5 water resistant which protects these from large splashing and maybe even quick submergence. I could easily wear these all day, which I wouldn’t be able to say the same for most earphones in this price range.

These IEMs being aimed toward musicians have a very neutral sound to them, but not when you first buy them. If you plan on picking a pair of these up I have to stress that these require you to burn them in. Don’t literally light them on fire though… That wouldn’t be a good idea. By burning them in I mean listening to them for an extensive amount of time. It took me about 2 days to burn mine in and I must say they get much better after the burn in period.

The sound of these, like mentioned before, are very neutral. I found they lean more towards the highs and mids but don’t fully leave the lows in the dark. These earphones really focus on having a warm sound while very slightly recessing the lows, but still give them the power to kick when needed. One thing I really liked was that these have great clarity in all departments and sounded detailed and crisp. Listening to Daft Punk’s “The Prime Time Of Your Life” is probably my favorite experience with these earphones as all the background noises sound extremely crisp and really make this song sound even better than it already is. One thing I did find was that switching out the eartips did change the sound. I’d highly recommend using the Comply eartips as I found they provided the best seal and sound out of all the other included tips.

Overall they do sound fantastic and I’ve enjoyed every song I’ve listened too with the M6 Pro’s. From movies, music, and even video editing; these have been a blast and provided a very enjoyable earphone experience.

In conclusion these are easily one of the best IEMs you can buy for around $50. The quality, construction, sound quality, and included accessories make this a pair of IEMs I can easily recommend to anyone looking for a neutral and more natural sounding music experience.
If you liked this review please check out my YouTube channel and website!
Thanks for reading :)


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: accessories, value, arid bass, detachable cables, resolution for the price
Cons: lower treble, some microphonics with the regular cable, soundstage not the best for the price

Before I start with my review, I’d like to thank Mike from MeElectronics for providing me with a sample of the M6 Pro for my review and the e-mail support.

In my review, I’ll integrate in some places comparisons to my MeElectronics A151 that I bought last year.

A special offer from MeElectronics’ side is a lifetime replacement service, allowing you to get a new pair for half of the price when warranty has expired.

Technical Specifications:

Driver: dynamic, 10 mm
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Impedance @ 1 kHz: 16 Ohms
Sensitivity (1 mW @ 1 kHz): 100 +/- 3 dB
Maximum Input Power: 30 mW
Water Resistance Rating: IPX5
Cable: 130 cm, detachable

Delivery Content:

The package in familiar MeElectronics design which I already know from my A151 has got a little plastic window on the right side with the M6 Pro in-ears being behind it.
Once the box is opened, the huge variety of accessories gets revealed, which are a ¼ inch jack adapter, seven pairs of different eartips (1x Comply Foam tips, 2x triple-flange silicone tips, 1x bi-flange silicone tips, 3x single-flange silicone tips), two different user-replaceable cables (both have got a shirt clip; one has got a microphone and in-line remote control) and a large carrying case, being about
twice the size of the A151’s and offering enough space for the in-ears, a small audio player and a spare cable. That’s quite a lot and remarkable for ~$50 in-ears.

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Build Quality:

At first glance, the M6 Pro appeared rather cheap to me, but its body is well manufactured und seems very sturdy, though Shure’s IEM bodies seem more thick-walled.

By the way, the in-ears are IPX5-certified and therefore water- and sweat-proof.

In contrast to most other inexpensive IEMs, the M6 Pro’s cable is replaceable, but uses 2 mm DC plugs which are known from battery chargers and used by other IEM manufacturers such as JVC and Panasonic instead of the commonly used 2-pin or MMCX connectors. Against expectation, they aren’t rotary but snap in very tight and need some force to be disconnected, wherefore I expect them to last quite long.
My initial impression of those rarely used connectors is very good.

One out of the two cables has got a remote control with built-in microphone (you can read more about that further below) and is silver-coloured beneath the clear rubber coating, very flexible and transports only very few microphonics.
Strain relief is on all relevant places except for directly below the remote control.

The regular cable is twisted, just like the A151’s, but has got an additional transparent rubber coating that makes it more microphonic and less flexible.
There’s good strain relief on every relevant part of it.

       The In-Ears with the regular Cable:                                 The Strain Relief at the angled Connector is superb:​
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The Microphone-Cable is silver and not twisted:                 Upper Cable: Regular; Lower Cable: Microphone​
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Comfort, Isolation:

Having quite large auricles, I don’t have comfort issues with most in-ears, which also goes for the M6 Pro.
Getting a good seal first seemed impossible and took me some minutes after I had found the right eartips, but I finally found out how to insert them into my ear canals: I need to place them quite deep and twist the shells a bit, then seal is perfect. Though, inserting them to my ears doesn’t go as fast and with only hand, which is possible for me with the A151 and IEMs from Shure/Westone.
Having a good seal, the M6 Pro sits very secure, snug and comfy.

The MeElectronics M6 Pro is intended to be worn with the cables around the ears which is also my preferred style as it improves comfort and fit and reduces microphonics, wherefore I wear each of my IEMs that style if it is possible.

Isolation is good mediocrity and lacks clearly behind IEMs with utterly closed shells (such as the A151, Shure SE425 or Logitech UE200), which is because the M6 Pro’s bodies have each got two vents.

In-Line Remote Control, Microphone:

In contrast to most other in-ears that allow volume control on the remote, the M6 Pro uses an analogue slider potentiometer instead of buttons that send a digital signal to the source device which then adjusts the volume. The slider’s movement is quite tight, preventing the listener from unintended volume changes.
An advantage of this method is that the volume control works independently from the source device, but on the downside, it can suffer from oxidation over time, which is expressed by crackling noise when using the slider.
The one button for pausing and continuing playback works with every device that supports in-line remote controls.

Microphone’s quality is only mediocre; voices are a little too bright and tinny; speech quality is just mediocrity, too. The M6 Pro’s microphone quality can’t quite keep up with the one of the Brainwavz Jive.

Probably a little hard to see: the volume slider on the left (= "top"),
the button on the right:


Sound was evaluated with the largest single-flange silicone tips and my iBasso DX90 with mostly CD rips in FLAC file format (16 bit, 44.1 kHz). There were at least 50 hours of burn-in (just in case if there are any changes) before I started listening.


The M6 Pro’s general tonality can be best described as moderately bassy and warm with emphasised lower and middle treble.

Sub-bass and mid-bass are evenly emphasised by about 4 to 6 dB, upper bass a bit less. Ground tone area also has got some moderate emphasis and is responsible for a certain warmth.
The lows that start rising from upper bass down to sub-bass are integrated very well into general sound signature and don’t seem exaggerated.
Mids (and therefore voices) are a little pushed back in comparison to the lows and highs, and are rather on the dark side.
In the area of the upper mids/lower treble, the treble’s emphasis starts at 2.5 kHz and goes to about 7.5 kHz. Sweeping showed peaks at 5.2 and 7.5 kHz. Above the latter peak, highs decline rather fast; upper highs and super-highs are definitely in the background, but extension both in lows and highs is very good and reaches to at least 18 kHz.

Due to the quite early starting emphasis in the highs, especially female voices and this area in general sounds somewhat straining, but also compensates the lows’ emphasis, albeit I’d liked to see/hear the treble emphasis starting a bit higher to be more pleasant.
Despite this quite early starting emphasis, treble doesn’t sound overly artificial and is quite consistent and more homogenous and realistic than for example the Brainwavz Jive’s (with stock tips).
The use of brushes on the percussions sounds quite artificial on the M6 Pro, cymbals and hi-hats however sound more realistic.
All in all, sounding is done quite successful in my opinion, except for the too early starting treble emphasis.

Compared to the A151, the M6 Pro has got more bass and less ground tone; voices are pushed back a little, but also less dark than the A151’s. Lower and middle treble are emphasised on the M6 Pro, whereas they’re audibly recessed on the A151. Treble extension is definitely superior on the M6 Pro due to the use of dynamic transducers.


Resolution is on a fairly decent level and only little behind the A151 or more expensive Brainwavz M3.
Single notes are well separated from each other and even with fast and/or complex music, the M6 Pro retains controlled.
Bass is surprisingly solid, dry and controlled for a dynamic transducer and the M6 Pro produces a fairly good and realistically sounding bass body without sounding too soft in the sub-bass.
The A151’s lows however are definitely faster and more controlled than the M6 Pro’s due to the use of BA transducers, but the Brainwavz Jive’s low range is clearly beaten by the M6 Pro as the MeElectronics’ bass sounds more controlled, drier and faster.
Speech intelligibility is better on the A151 and Brainwavz Jive.


In my ears, the M6 Pro’s soundstage is coherent and consistent. Size is a bit more than average from what I perceive and has got a fairly good depth to it. In my ears, it is wider and deeper than the A151’s stage.
Instrument separation is somewhat worse than average and depth scaling lacks precision and sounds rather blurred; layering isn’t that good either, although the M6 Pro has got good spaciousness, but lacks precise separation and a little definition. The A151 and Brainwavz Jive are better in this regard; especially the A151 has got the sharper instrument separation and better layering.


The plenty of useful accessories and the good build quality are a positive overkill regarding the MSRP and a huge plus for every customer.
Before I started writing or even listening, my initial concern was that the huge variety of accessories could have a bad impact on the sound quality, but this concern was luckily baseless, as resolution is on a high level for the price and bass isn’t exaggerated but fairly fast and dry for a dynamic transducer.
Sound is coherent and pretty good; solely the lower highs are a bit straining. Soundstage reproduction is fairly good, though I’ve heard better IEMs in the same price range, regarding soundstage.

Just as the A151 back then, the M6 Pro is mostly convincing.


Previously known as ahnvx
Pros: Clarity, Detail, & Comfort
Cons: Soundstage
My experience with IEMs is short lived, but I've had fair enough experience to give you proper detailing.
I mainly use detachable only, and can report from multiple detach period with the M6 they don't have an issue being pulled apart.
-Sub Bass
-Shiny/Glistening Highs
-Detail In Mid Rhythm Section
-Bass is Deep, right seal needed to achieve proper Bass Reponse.
-Sparkling Shiny Highs
-Acoustic Separation
-Piano Detail
Driver Specs
[driver type    moving coil (dynamic)]
[driver size    10 mm]
[frequency response    20 Hz to 20 kHz]
[impedance    16 Ohms at 1K]
[sensitivity    100±3 dB (1mW at 1KHZ)]
[maximum power input    30mW]
Microphone Specs
[directivity    omnidirectional]
[frequency response    100 Hz to 10 kHz]
[sensitivity    -42dB± 3dB]
Comfort with this IEM is unforgettable, during the first day I received them I actually kept them in the whole day, and would only pull out one just to keep with a conversation.
They are soothing, and comfortable, and quite easy to forget about if you can't tell the difference in muffled sound while something is in your ear.
--Notes For The Skeptical People(If you're considering buying it, I recommend you read over this)--
These are just some important notes for people who are worried, or are trying to understand the sound more.
The M6 Pro is Accurate, Has Clean Bass, & Highly Detailed for it's asking price which is something you won't always get in this price range. 
Accuracy ranges from the spot on guitar lines, to the punchy non textured, deep, laid back bass.
Separation is good, but I think the way it's separate is what makes high notes come off sharp sounding, and maybe piercing.
For the price, you really can't beat this if you're looking for something accurate, detailed, or something to use while you're on stage.
The M6 Pro has a very High Fidelity sound!
I'd recommend ignoring anyone who comments on Bass, as the driver changed sound as you listen to it more.
--High Note Info--
These are a bit glistening in the highs, and some may refer to them as piercing, which be it, unfortunate.
The tinging you get from most Open Back, or well derived Closed Back doesn't remain to be a thing here, though arguably Cymbals, Brass, & other Metal, Nickel, & Brass based instruments will be a bit on the Bright Sounding side and crush with the Treble causing what's normally classified as Hot Treble Sound.
EQ'ing will work this out, but tends to ruin the genuine definition of what the monitor is meant for.
--Bass Notes For People Who Love Bass--
I mentioned ignoring comments on this IEM that claim it has no Bass. And I stand by that.
If you want a few good tips on achieving Bass Structure, find an EQ you like that has the Bass Resolution you like, and let it burn in to the M6 Pro for at least 24 Hours.
Doing this has helped buff Bass.
For standard users who want a little Bass, the extension is in the Monitor, and it sounds really deep, and lead on, but it helps with the detailing on instruments so that the emphasis isn't too focused on the lows.
--Clear Genre Responses--
I mention below that Jazz sounds precise, & gorgeous in these, and stuff with a more Acoustic, or Brass element may come of crisp, but lean, and not matured in the bass regions deterring others opinions.
Now I've commonly heard the comparison of these coming off a bit like the $150 Westone UM Pro10, and from experience with both it's very unlikely as people don't really care much for the tinny sound of the UM Pro10 and criticize it due to its bass response.
Which leads me into saying that the M6 Pro doesn't share much, only sharing kind resolution, and musical notes that give off a lively sounding feeling, as states the purpose, "Great for On Stage use".
--Build Quality--
The M6 Pro for being $50 is built VERY NICELY, and arguably better than the SE215, & IM50 which feels easily breakable under pressure.
If anyone is to find this topic important, the M6 Pro give off a gorgeous shimmer in sunlight, and make it pop out of a crowd.
They're very pleasing to look at, and gaze into and get lost. The drivers shimmer, to the true photogenic beauty of this IEM, you won't need to worry about a silly look factor, and if you don't wear hats, I'm sure you'll get glances.
--Soundstage & Separation--
Like most IEM Variants in this range, Soundstage is rather important to some people.
I feel the stage on this is a bit lacking for being such a beauty, and a musical piece to listen to.
I'd compare it to being on a small stage, and hearing everything around you at once, but not being able to move your head, so it's very compact. Though don't let that shy you away!
The separation factor is great! I refer to separation as being able to tell certain instruments apart from one another.
Due to the detail, and characteristics I've mentioned, this is really good at identifying things, I can call out the shimmer in a backup guitar, and the fluidity of the bass lines being plucked!
I simply fell in love with this, and would relisten to some tracks just to admire certain pieces, bass lines, cymbal crashes, and pick them all out and glee over them.
Sound Impressions[Across 24 Hours/Live Active Burn In]:
[First 2-3 Hours]
The M6 Pro at first was odd putting into the ear, even after using the ATH-IM50, it felt like a learning curve.
To be honest, this IEM in general felt like a learning curve, but it pays off.
Getting used to the sound signature was easy, and I actually fell for the crushing treble like a girl to a hot male.
I've always preferred a bit of Treble, Accented Highs, & Airy Sub Bass that carries a little puff to it.
[6 Hours In]
The Treble is still spiking up in Rock tracks with heavy Electric Guitars, and causing the Bass to fall into place and come off Neutral Sounding.
After a good while of going through 100+ Tracks, it becomes pretty evident that this In Ear can be a bit genre picky to some people, and definitely shows its but to tell you that it's a Studio/Live IEM.
I've noticed a more analytical increase point in Bass Response, as the first listen the Bass Timing, & Accuracy was loose, and V-Shaped.
Bass really began to fill itself out around the 5-6 Hour periods. You definitely got a good sense of it loosening up, and could easily tell.
An odd noise may occur, and I think it's the driver warming itself and loosening up during burn in.
[7 Hours In]
The Treble gains control over itself, and isn't as widespread, & veiled which seems to had made room for clean instrumentation.
But over time you begin to  hear a small decay in the Bass Impact that it first had, it begins to mellow out to Background Bass, & Sub Bass.
[12 Hours In]
From what I remember, and what I noticed, the driver was getting a bit rugged, and handling more genres better than my IM50s', and I noticed more Brass instruments popping.
I would go as far as saying that around this mark, anything in a Jazz related fashion can sound a bit flat, & glassy but come off with great resolution while being precise, and sharing a nice "Aw" Sound that I found rather pleasing.
Unfortunately do to computer issues causing me not to hear things from plugged in devices, I couldn't complete my 24 Hour analysis.
And on this not I would like to mention to anyone looking for a fat, fast, & impacting bass response, you might wanna look at the IM50, or the SE215 in the $100 & Under Range.
Genre Notes(I don't feel this is properly discussed):
I want to have my own spike, or thing about my reviews that makes them come off as  "different", so I'll be adding this for now on.
Rap/Hip Hop - Unfortunately I found this genre to be a bit lacking in the impact that most Hip Hop/Rap fans tend to be after, quite often called Fun Sounding.
The monitor does it well, but doesn't push itself to what the genre, or song is this definition asks for and leaves a pleasant sound, but layer missing in the Upper Bass to make a song in this genre feeling personal, or something to bounce around to.
Jazz - As discussed, doesn't carry much Bass with the genre, and tends to follow more accent towards the Acoustic, & Brass elements while giving you a clear sound, and a nice detailed experience.
I can faithfully say if you're like me with your Jazz, and you like to enjoy it without a certain thick layer and can overpass a Bass element, you'll love these.
Post-punk - I generally listen to a lot of Post-punk, either be it in the Death Rock field, or from the Classic Goth Sound of something like Joy Division, I seem to love it all.
My remarks with this genre don't leave me excited, but leave me pleased as some artists in this field either add touches of Coldwave to give it a lonely, clear, misty feeling, or add static to make you feel as if it were old, & lost.
Coldwave elemental Post-punk sounded gorgeous, and didn't leave me asking what was missing. The Treble of the bud itself works amazingly with some electric fields, and fits kind to give you a sense that anything in this field hasn't provided to me before without sound Muddy, or Muffled.
Static elemented Post-punk came off a bit harsh at times due to recording, or sometimes came off as an over detailed work and easily wore my ears out.
It's OK, but if you have a lot of distorted music, I can't comment on how you'll feel with the end result, but definitely not a deal breaker.
These are the genres I felt it were necessary to discuss, as it's what I listen to.
Audio Format
MP3 comes off nicely, no matter the bitrate, this IEM can cover it up and make it sound classy, though High Level Audiophiles/Enthusiasts who search for error like myself will notice a bitrate fall, or bad recording.
FLAC came of as it should, like an HD Experience, but better sounding, and a lot more resolution, somewhat like the detail you'd hear from the atmosphere in a movie.
Test Tracks
DISCLAIMER - The songs I've chosen are what shined out to me, and from my personal music collection.
I list what pops about them, what made me select the song, and where it shines.
/First Listening Period/
Grouplove - Chloe[Heavey focus in guitar melodies]
Hatcham Social - Shut Your Mouth[The Highs really make themselves known]
Die Zorros - Paint It Black[Driver balancing demonstrations, shows what the actuator can handle under stress of multi genre changes]
Half Moon Run - She Wants To Know[Used this track as a reference point for checking change in vocal peak]
Purity Ring - Grandloves[First Electronic Indie track I decided to test for genre extension]
Cirrus - Stop & Panic[A good artist that easily shows the Electronic Impulsed Songs]
Factory Floor - Taxidermist[Displays Drum Imaging the way this IEM intends to, gives you a full ear sense of feeling]
Turbo Fruits - Mama's Mad Cos I Fried My Brain[I just really enjoyed the pitch in the highs, and that treble doesn't desolate]
/Second Listening Period/
The Deslondes - The Deslondes LP[A good Blue/Country LP that shows the display, and replacement of the Bass to include more instruments into the mix. Also, if you're a Blues fan, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED]


New Head-Fier
Pros: Sub-bass,Midbass (after tweaking), Isolation,Durability,Exercise,Running,Value.VALUE.
Cons: Highs,how tight the cable plugs into the driver.
Hi Fellow Head-fiers. i highlighted some important parts, and honestly because of this level of value this product had couple with sound quality i had to give it 5 stars. i hope you like the review.
(sorry for the color bombing :wink:
Hi, I am a Music lover, producer,composer,etc. Sound Quality conquers over everything for me. so much that i would sacrifice comfort for it. I have tried Many headphones from $100-$300. Let me say this first of all, the best headphones i ever heard are the Beyerdynamic 770, and Jvc ha-s400. These M6pros are the first pair of headphones that i have encountered, that are well priced, and also actually sound "good." lets face it. Never judge a product by asking normal people, you have to contact the audiophiles,the music lovers,musicians, and let me say this, i sincerely don't think anything in ear can beat these for under $50. But let me clarify one thing first immediately. these are not ideal for music production and monitoring, reason being is because these are "colored" headphones, meaning they enhance the music by boosting some frequency's more than others. These are what we call in the audio world, "V-shaped" Sound signature. these have emphasis on the low and high frequency's but bring down the midrange. for an exciting effect. So i wouldn't recommend these for production,mastering,etc. but for stage monitoring and music listening, these are Absolutely an incredible product. That being said, i did make a remix to a song and it worked out just fine. I love Balanced headphones with a slight bass lift, but these headphones pulled me in, due to how much they perfect what they do. they get a little overloaded with complex songs, but the detail in laid back music such as classical is unreal. i heard things before that I've couldn't hear before in the Orchestra like shoes and page turning. I cannot stress this enough, These have to be BURNED IN. meaning, playing at mid to high volumes on a good quality Mp3 or Flac file for at least 20 hours. Overall: Tested with Trap,Dubstep,Progressive House,Trance,Metal,Rock,Classical,Rnb. Tight bass, Clear highs, Good Mids. Highs: 9/10 the highs were sharp out of the box,Very Clear though, simple burn in for 20-30 hours tamed the Highs a little. the highs do get very harsh and muddy sometimes on complex songs, this is due to the single driver. a dual driver fixes this problem. The highs especially on higher volumes, get shrill and sibilant especially on metal and rock music. on non complex songs, the highs are pretty fantastic. if they weren't shrill and harsh These would be Near Perfect. if your sensitive to sibilance or harshness, just try to burn them in and see how it suits you. Mids:-- Mids are laidback, not muffled, just pushed away from the focus. Bass: 9.0/10 its sad that some people left a bad review on this product saying "no bass", where as obviously thats not the case. these have amazingly deep sub-bass, probably one of the best sub-bass reproduction i've ever heard. but balanced with the highs! They lack midbass, or basically don't produce low frequencys that are not the super deep sub-bass. BUT WAIT. here's where the magic comes in...THE DRIVERS ARE RIDICULOUSLY POWERFUL. on android phones, there's an app called music volume EQ. It has a bass boost function that works unlike any other app or software out there, not even my PC can replicate that type of boost it has. i turned that on, loaded up Coco Borgore remix. AND IT FELT LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE. THE BASS BLEW UP AND EASILY RIVALED ALL BEATS,SKULLCANDY,ETC. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A DRIVER THAT WAS THIS FLEXIBLE... SIMPLY SHOCKING. while this does reduce the quality somewhat, Bass heads are covered granted they have android phones with a good Dac.(audio circuit). If they make this headphone into a dual driver, i will just pass out of joy. IDEAL FOR TRAP, DUBSTEP AND MODERN MUSIC. Very Deep and tight bass. would be 10 if they had at least a little mid bass as well. Isolation and comfort: 10/10 ---- 8.5/10 the comfort is a difficult question to answer, as everyone has different ear sizes and etc. for me after i figured out how to wear these, these are Great, no complains here. some people i showed these to, did have some comfort issues and it was very hard to help them plug these in, because wearing wrap around the ear in ear headphones are not a measly task. As for the isolation... I am quite positive i can sit on my porch on the 4th of July and not hear anything.. the Isolation is Unreal.. Especially with the flanged tips. This doubles as a silencing earmuff, i sincerely have not ever heard this type of isolation before. Please take one ear off when crossing streets as you can't hear anything haha.Superb. Value: 11/10 I am a Producer on a budget. Music Enthusiast on a Budget. There is nothing That can beat this Value, you are missing out if you don't buy this product immediately. Look at the reviews, Everyone loves these. the people who gave it bad reviews, are not aware that these headphones aren't wore like regular headphones. these are meant to twist and fit over your ear,(hence why some people couldn't hear any bass) granted there could be some better instructions, it took me an hour to figure out how to wear these. but once i did. it was absolutely incredible. An Edm Lovers Dream. Very nice out of head feeling. Plus, Look at the amount of accesories that Meelectronics sends you...And not to mention DETACHABLE CABLES.EXTRA CABLE WITH MICROPHONE,INCREDBILE REPLACEMENT WARRANTY.1/4 JACK. the build is great, the cables plug in very tightly to the driver though, very hard to pull off so be careful. i can't stress how much of a live saver and incredible value these headphones are, i would love to see some flagships from Meelectronics, with dual drivers as to equally sound great, not just in one frequency. Can't Wait to see more from this company. BUY THESE.
Sincerely and Honestly. Courageousbo of Headfi.
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100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Well built, Amazing extras, nice cables
Cons: Weak mid range, occasional sibilence, can sound hollow

The M6 Pro is a new universal fit IEM produced by MEElectronics.  MEElectronics is known for offering excellent price to performance for their products.  This model in particular retails most places for 49.99.  It comes with an abundance of accessories.  These accessories include two 1.3m cables (with and without mic), several types of silicon tips (6 pairs) and a medium comply tip, shirt clips (2), ¼" adapter, and a rather robust carrying case.  The ¼" adapter seems a bit unnecessary, however I happened to need one for a different set of headphones so it work out nicely in my case.
The M6 pro uses a standard 10mm dynamic coil.  The frequency response is pretty standard at 20Hz to 20kHz.  Impendence is low and fairly standard as well for an IEM at 16ohms. And a sensitivity of 100±3 dB.  This makes it easily driven by pretty much any source.  Furthermore they have a water resistant rating of IPX5.  This means that Water projected by a nozzle (6.3 mm) against enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects.  So if you have any urges to wear these during a water gun fight then you are all set.  More realistically if you plan on using it for working out you can rest assured the sweet should not cause any problems.
Scroll to the bottom to see a numerical break down of this review if you are an impatient reader!
The M6 is well built employing quality plastics.  Both cables supplied are very nice.  I actually prefer them to my SE215 cables.  While I appreciate the robustness of the SE215 cable they suffer from pretty bad cable noise and are stiff.  In contrast the M6 cables are much lighter, not as microphonic, and are more pliable.  As you may have already figured out the cables are removable on the M6.  This is to my knowledge the cheapest option for a removable cable minus the Vsonic VSD3 which has a removable cable variant I think.  I have not heard these so I cannot comment/ compare them.
There is not much to say for comfort on these.  They are comfortable as far as IEM’s go.  The Comply tips offer the best comfort, but I chose the double flange silicon tips as they are easier to put on and off.  The monitor section of the headphone is smaller than the SE215 so those concerned about it fitting small ears will have less concern with these.  The memory wire is a little bit of a hassle at times and not as nice as the SE215 in my opinion, primarily because how the cables attach.  They cannot swivel to it offers less flexibility to the system overall.
The sound on these I would say is good to slightly above average when considering the price point.  The fact that I am comparing them to the SE215 primarily should be an indicator.  I would say they have a similar signature as the SE215, but the SE215 is more refined and has a slightly better presentation.  It also has better Isolation.  The sound on the M6 is definitely V-shaped with a bass hump and a good amount of treble sparkle.  The treble is sometimes a little to sparkly, but this is reduced once they have been burned in.  I think even MEElectronics recommends letting them burn in before passing judgement.  Also the sound is sensitive to fit so be sure to try all the tips.
As I stated the sound of these headphones is v-shaped, this unfortunately means the midrange comes across a little thin and is often muddled up by the bass.  The bass is adequate but not that well controlled as it does encroach on the mids.  At times it felt like the mid frequencies were simply missing, like there was a gap between the low end and the treble.  This was only present on certain songs however.  In general the sound is okay.  It is not bad, but it is not extraordinary. 
The M6 is an excellent headphone at its price point.  It cannot quiet compete with higher end models, but it certainly contends.  For half the price of some it begs for attention.  For someone looking for a decent pair of headphones that are well built and are durable these will work just fine. In think they are best suited for activities such as working out due to the higher water resistant rating and memory ear hooks.  Furthermore, the thoughtful extras further increase the value of these IEM’s.  This IEM shines with the excellent durability and extras, but falls behind the competition in sound.  Not to say it is poor, but is simply not great.  
Durability: 9/10
Comfort: 8/10
Sound: 6.5/10
Value: 9/10
Score: 8.13/10
Recommend: Yes (unless you can increase budget)
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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Lively sound, build quality, warranty, customer service
Cons: Fit is not too easy at first
Full review here
The new M6Pro features a firm V-shaped signature, very, very lively. It's full of energy everywhere, with enhanced bass and treble without going overboard so to still manage to keep a fair balance overall for its sound type.
Starting from the bass, is surprisingly different from what one would be expecting for a Meelec entry-fi, and even more considering the older models, or other consumer oriented product. It's a strong bass response, no doubt, but it's focused more in providing a more punchy and (relatively) well controlled low end that doesn't feel boomy at all; if anything, sub-bass is slightly more emphasized than mid-bass, which gives a cleaner midrange presence. Quantity wise is comparable to the Fidue A31s but with more electric energy, and yet less mid-bassy than the RHA MA350, but also less warm than both. It's also much faster and tighter than the popular Philips SHE3580/90. Not as deep as the Brainwavz S1 but more enjoyable, and doesn't has the lifted mid-bass peak of the S5, although the later is more resolving ($100 Vs $50 here).
The midrange is pushed back a bit as expected for this V-type sound, but nothing really worrisome; some EQ may help here. Mids on their own are fairly clear and clean from any serious bass bleed; MA350 and A31s do show more in comparison due the extra warmth. Detail is quite good actually; nothing outstanding but makes itself obvious after some hours of run (40-50, at least in my case).
Next to the Hifiman RE300h's midrange there're mixed results. The M6Pro is more exciting and show more instrument presence and energy, but sounds more dry and lacks the depth of the RE300h. It also sounds more artificial and lacks a sense of sweetness, while the RE300h sounds more natural, smoother and better layered in vocals dept, but both lose when compared to the Fidue A63. As a whole, the M6Pro mids are much better than the S1, and similar to the S5 in presentation, just less deep and airy.
The treble would probably be the more pronounced freq. of the M6Pro. While the bass doesn't show any specific strong emphasis, the treble is more focused in its low/mid treble section rather than the upper end, which is more than acceptable for a $50 IEM. It could be described as a slightly 'hot' treble and the quantity might be a bit much for some people (included Comply Foam tips could help here). The MA350 which also has an enhanced treble response is a tad less energetic but also shows more grain and sibilance, while the M6Pro remains smoother in this regard.
Stage is not really large but not closed for sure. Not as wide or airy as the Xiaomi Piston 2 but larger than the A31s and similar to the MA350 in dimensions. A longer burn-in process proved to improve the stage and resolution, too.

Pros: Fantastic accessories package, Great ergonomics, Nice bass response
Cons: Upper midrange and treble can be harsh
At the time this review was written, the Meelectronics M6 Pro was on sale for $49.99 USD on the Meelectronics website. Here is a link to the listing of their product at the time of the review.
I’ve recently done two reviews for Mike over at Meelectronics. The first was the M9, then the A151P 2nd Generation. Both were excellent, and performed beyond their price point. To be honest, from the get go I had my eyes on the M6 Pro. Owning the original M6 (which is a great workout IEM with a fun V-signature), I was curious to see what improvements they made with this release.
Not only did the original M6 work great as an In-ear workout monitor, it also caught the attention of musicians who would use them as budget stage monitors. Now, along comes the M6 Pro, and upgraded M6 geared for both on and off the stage. The M6 Pro tweaks an already popular design, and once again offers the consumer a package that punches well above its price range, offering the consumer a deal almost too good to be true.
I was given an opportunity to sample this product in exchange for my honest opinion and review. I am not affiliated with Meelectronics in any way.
By Background
Please allow me to share a little bit about myself so you can better understand my observations. I AM NOT a numbers and graphs audiophile or sound engineer. Personal audio enthusiast? Absolutely! Headphone junkie? Possibly…
There’s something about quality DAPs, DACs, amplifiers and earphones that intrigues me, ESPECIALLY if they can be had for low prices. I’m a budget-fi guy. I will buy the $5 to $500 earphone that looks promising, in hopes that I will can discover that one new gem that can compete with the big names in this industry. If you look at my Head-Fi profile you will see that I have purchased many, and I mean MANY different headphones and earphones ranging from from dirt cheap to hundreds of dollars higher end products. For me, its more about getting great price to performance ratio, and hearing a variety of different gears with varying builds and sound. With this hobby we tend to often times pay a lot of money for minor upgrades. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that price DOES NOT necessarily indicate good build and sound quality.
I’m always looking for great audio at a great price. I’m after headphones and IEMs that give me the “WOW” factor. I can appreciate different builds and sound signatures as long as they are ergonomic, and the sound is pleasing to the ear. It is my pleasure to share my experiences with audio products and make recommendations based gear I have tested and reviewed.
The Package
The Meelectronics M6 Pro came in a white and black box. The front of the box had a very nice snapshot of the monitors, and had a brief description of the product.
The back of the box had another snapshot of the housing detached from the cable, along with more information about the product’s features.
The side of the box had a clear portion displaying the actual housings. This was very sharp looking and caught my eye immediately upon receiving the package.

Driver:             10mm dynamic driver
Frequency Range:      20Hz-20kHz
Impedance:         16 Ohms @ 1K
Sensitivity:         100+3 dB (1mW @ 1KHZ)
Plug:             2X 3.5mm gold plated angled plug
Cable:             2X 130cm cables (material unspecified)

The M6 Pro comes with 7 sets of tips:
1X M Comply foam tips
1X M/L triple flange silicone tips
1X S/M triple flange silicone tips
1X Medium double flange tips
1X Small single flange tips
1X Medium single flange tips
1X Large single flange tips
There are plenty of tips for just about everyone to get a secure fit and seal.
The housings are clear plastic, and display all of the internal workings. They are very sharp looking. Everything seems solid and the housings are very light weight.
Cable, Y-Split & Strain Reliefs
The M6 has two detachable cables. Both of them sport a very user friendly memory wire. The cables connect with a unique plug style jack and clip into place. The plug looks similar to the T-Peos models but are not the same size and are not interchangeable.
The white cable is designed for when the IEM is used as a stage monitor. It has no added features beyond a chin slider and shirt clip.
The silver cable has a very high quality single button microphone, and a well done analog volume slider. The microphone worked incredibly well, along with the single button phone control. With my LG G3 Android phone I could play/pause, and switch tracks with music apps. I could answer and hang up calls with the single button control, and holding the button activated the google voice command. All of this combined with the analog volume control left me very impressed with the functionality.
Y splits seem durable on both cables. Chin sliders work well. Strain reliefs seem sturdy enough to withstand the test of time.
Cable Jack
The cable jacks are both gold plated and are 90 degree angled.
Extra Accessories
The M6 Pro comes with a HUGE clamshell case that is capable of holding your IEMs and a DAP, or a phone. Its made of a neoprene-like semi rigid material. I really like this case. Also provided with the package is a very nice gold plated ¼ inch adapter, which is a really nice touch for the musician considering these for purchase, and the audiophile who needs this to listen through a stereo or amplifier with the larger plug.
Ergonomics, Fit, Isolation and Microphonics
I’m usually not a fan of memory wire, but with the provided chin sliders on both cables, and rubbery coating on the memory wire I was able to easily get a secure and comfortable fit. The have better than average isolation when used with a proper fitting tip. There are virtually no microphonics because of the over the ear design.
Review Materials
I primarily did my demo with my usual gear. I used an LG-G3 with the latest firmware, and Sony Walkman F806/Cayin C5 amplifier for portable use. For desktop use I used my Toshiba Satellite Laptop in combination with a HIFIMEDIY Sabre ES9023 USB DAC/Bravo Audio Ocean Tube amplifier with a Mullard 12AU7 tube for higher impedance, and a Fiio E18 USB DAC & Amplifier. Both were run at 24 bit, 96000 Hz. I also tested them with other DAPs and amplifiers as well. I used Google Music downloaded in its highest download quality (320 KBPS) and I also streamed FLAC via Tidal streaming service. I make sure that any gear I test has a minimum of 30 hours of play time before writing any type of review.
I used my usual same songs for testing gear:
“Limit to your love” by James Blake
“Madness” by Muse
“Get lucky” by Daft Punk
“Some nights” by Fun
“The soundmaker” by Rodrigo y Gabriela
“Bassically” by Tei Shi
“Skinny Love” performed by Birdie
“One” by Ed Sheeran
“Outlands” from the Tron Legacy Soundtrack
“Sultans of swing” by Dire Straits
“Ten thousand fists” by Disturbed
Note: Other tracks were used, but the listed songs were primarily used to asses and break down the gear’s response.
Sound Signature
When I first got the M6 Pro I thought the signature was balanced with a midrange boost, but after burn in I now hear an aggressive tuning with a slight V-signature, somewhat along the lines of the M9. Bass performance is really good on a whole. Midrange is relatively flat and could use a touch more texture. Upper midrange and treble can get a touch shouty and sibilant at loud volumes. But on a whole its an a nice sounding monitor that many will enjoy.
NOTE: This IEM is intended to also be used as a musician stage monitor. Although I may dissect the tuning of these please don’t forget that the M6 Pro was intended for stage use as well, meaning that it will be tuned for this use. I did borrow this IEM to a friend who plays in a band (guitarist). After using them for a week and using them on stage, he asked me how much they cost. When I told him the price he wanted me to order him a pair on the spot! So if you are wondering, they passed the “musician approval test” with flying colors.
Bass was the star of the show. During James Blake’s “Limit to your Love” the M6 Pro handled the complex bass passages with ease, and kept up at every throbbing frequencies. Bass did at times seem “one tone” and a touch wooly at the sub level. During test sweeps I got a pretty even signal from 20Hz all the way up to 200Hz without anything jumping out or dropping off. There is very little if any mid bass bleed from what I can hear. On a whole the bass response is well done, flows nicely from bass to midrange frequencies, and makes it sound effortless.
Midrange is a mixed bag. Right out of the box the midrange seemed a touch forward and lush. After burn in, the lower midrange is just a touch “underdone” at lower frequencies to my ears. I wish there was just a touch more mid bass presence to accentuate male vocals and guitar notes. However, the midrange retains better than average clarity. Moving to the upper midrange, things got just a bit “shouty” to my ears. When tuning a IEM to have the sharpness of the M6 Pro, to pull it off the resolution has to be great. The M6 Pro is good, but doesn’t have the resolution and clarity at this frequency range to keep from being a bit over the top at this range, especially during complex rock passages. All in all, I would say that the midrange is good enough to compete at this price range.
Treble response picks up from where the upper midrange leaves off. It can be a bit peaky with the right music playing and can be fatiguing at higher volumes. It is very crisp and works really well with blues, acoustic, and vocal music.
Soundstage and Imaging
The soundstage is very good with Pop, R&B, and Acoustic Music. During complex music passages like Metallica’s “One” things got a little stuffy. I think in order for the soundstage to be its best, you have to give it tracks that it can handle.
Meelectonic M6 (original)  ($12 to $20 USD on many sites)
The original Meelectonics M6 is a stripped down package in comparison and boasts a slightly beefier bass response with a more textured lower midrange. The upper mids and treble are softer which is easier on the ears, but on a whole makes the M6 (original) seem to be more wooly and less resolving. If you are treble sensitive, this might be the better pick. However, the package on the M6 Pro more than makes up for the price difference with the ¼ inch adapter, pair of cables and the genius mic/single button control/analog volume control, not to mention the awesome oversized clamshell case. If I had to pick between the two, I would definitely pick the M6 Pro because of the features, and if the treble were bothersome it’s a simple EQ adjustment.
TTPOD T2 ($89 to $130 USD on many sites)
There’s no denying the T2 has really good clarity and better midrange, but it doesn’t have anywhere near the same amount of extension on either end compared to the M6 Pro. The M6 Pro sounds livelier and has a better accessories package.
Hisoundaudio HSA E212 ($49 USD on Penon Audio)
The HSA E212 is a very nicely tuned V-signature IEM that sports a better midrange texture and clarity at higher frequencies IMHO. However, there is a noticeable slight mid bass bleed that takes away from the overall listening experience on them that the M6 Pro doesn’t have. Bass on the M6 pro is tighter and more responsive. This is a close one, but the accessories package on the M6 pro is far superior and versatile. I would probably go with the M6 Pro.
The M6 Pro took the original M6 design and took it a step further, making it a universal monitor that can be used both on and off the stage and all for around $50 USD. Meelectronics doesn’t disappoint, and very few manufacturers can match their price to performance ratio. All in all this is another product that is geared to give a musician their best return for their dollar.

Thanks for reading and happy listening!
Great review brother I think for the price you cant beat them.
Excellent review!!!  Enjoyed it a lot!
Thanks guys!


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Best sound at the price, great value, comfortable , abundant accessories, great customer service
Cons: original headset cable was defective, needs a bit of time to break in

I’m a basshead. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t own or use other headphones and earphones that wouldn’t qualify. If something catches my eye, I’m likely to try it out.

The MEElectronics M6 Pro caught my eye.

Let’s cover what you get for $50:

  1. Universal-fit in-ear monitors (with plugs for detachable cables)
  2. Stereo cable with shirt clip and cable cinch and memory wire
  3. Headset cable with shirt clip, mic, remote, and truly universal volume control (integrated) and cable cinch and memory wire
  4. Gold-plated 1/4″ stereo adapter
  5. Carrying case large enough for included accessories and many portable amps
  6. 6 sets of silicone eartips and 1 set of Comply tips
  7. 1 year warranty + lifetime half-price replacement
That’s more features and accessories than anything I’ve seen at this price point. The bigger question is, how does the M6 Pro sound?



I already mentioned this is not a basshead earphone. I’m not going to be talking as much about bass depth and impact as I normally would.

That said, the MEElectronics M6 Pro is warm sounding earphone with very good bass depth and decent impact, as well solid clarity throughout the frequency range. The treble is not sibilant, but on some particularly sparkly songs, the M6 Pro can get a little fatiguing (though I’ve found this to be reducing with time–it seems these are benefiting from a bit of burn-in, or my brain stopped getting headaches from the frequency response with familiarity).

I haven’t found the sound to scale up much at all with amplification. These sound just as good out of my phone as they do from my four amps I had on hand. This isn’t a bad thing at all, because most people are going to use these straight from their phones, and the quality is solid that way. They respond decently to equalization, and you can pull out a fair amount of bass depth from them with EQ. I wasn’t able to get a lot of impact with them before they started to distort (more than most IEMs, just not to basshead level).

Isolation is par for the course with universal in-ear monitors. It’s good and doesn’t have a bunch of extra ports to let noise in and out, and with the Comply isolations tips included, you don’t hear a lot of the outside world.

Comfort is superb. I can wear these for hours on end, and I have slept with them in without issue (and I’m a side sleeper).

Build quality is very good overall. Everything seems sturdy. Minor qualms: My volume control was a bit sticky and hard to adjust in micro-increments, and it introduced some channel imbalanced. MEElectronics sent me a new cable with return shipping included. I’ve also started rubbing off the R and L indicators already, which means I’ll eventually have to guess which side is which if I keep swapping cables.

The MEElectronics M6 Pro is an incredible value and is the best-sounding IEM I’ve heard at its price point. Despite owning in-ears at many times the price, I plan to use these when I’m looking for more balanced tonal character, when I’m sleeping, or when I’m talking on the phone for a long period of time.

MEElectronics M6 Pro Specifications

Speaker Specifications
driver typemoving coil (dynamic)
driver size10 mm
frequency response20 Hz to 20 kHz
impedance16 Ohms at 1K
sensitivity100±3 dB (1mW at 1KHZ)
maximum power input30mW

Microphone Specifications
frequency response100 Hz to 10 kHz
sensitivity-42dB± 3dB

Product Details
ear couplingintraaural (in-ear)
cable length51 inches (1.3m), detachable
cable connector3.5mm, right angle plug
weight5.8oz (164g)
water resistance ratingIPX5
included accessoriesprotective carrying case, eartips, shirt clips, spare cable, ¼” adapter

[Originally posted at Basshead.Club]

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1000+ Head-Fier
Pros: Same amazing quality as the original, a refined sound, removable/replaceable cable, very impressive amount of quality accessories
Cons: The treble might be fatiguing for some, memory wire can be troublesome
M6 Pro review
UPDATE: Unboxing pics below review!
The original m6 holds a special place in my heart. It was my first iem purchased after joining Head-fi. It was also my first pair of quality in ear headphones and a stepping stone that led to many more. At the time the m6 was all the rage on Head-fi and is still considered a classic by some. I personally think for the current going price of around $15 it’s still a great deal considering the excellent build quality and fun sound signature. Not to mention down right epic bass!
Fast forward a few years and we have the M6 Pro. Based off the same housing and overall sound signature, MEElectronics attempts to refine the classic m6. At the going rate of around $50, MEE has entered some very crowded and demanding territory. Does the pro have the chops to compete with the current giant killers in the <$100 category? I was very interested to find out.
While marketed as an onstage monitor, the m6 pro maintains the overall v-shaped sound signature of the original m6 rather than a flat signature. Compared to the original I noticed the bass was heavily dialed back, but still sounds punchy and deep. The treble is much more pronounced in the pro. I’m not sure if it’s a result of the new driver, or because the bass is not as overwhelming. I also noticed much improved instrument separation and livelier details compared to the original.
This particular tuning is very engaging. It especially works well with fast detailed music and punchy bass. At first I found the treble to be slightly fatiguing. However, after switching the tips to sony hybrids this dissipated. I’m not sure if this is due to a better seal therefore boosting bass or the narrower opening on the hybrids. I’ve always considered the original m6 to be bass-head friendly. While still very satisfying on the pro, I do not believe the bass is emphasized enough to turn sensitive listeners away. MEE describes the pro perfectly when it labels it as a “refined” m6. As with the original, amping the pro doesn’t seem to be very benefical.
Since the housings are mostly the same as the original, most people should not notice a difference between the 2 as far as “fit” is concerned. The m6 pro still are fairly shallow in ear and the proper tips are vital to ensure a good seal. As with the original m6 the pro is worn over ear and has flexible memory wire that must be adjusted before achieving a usable position. This can be somewhat bothersome at first, as you cannot simply pull the pro from your pocket per se and pop them in your ears. However the memory wire serves a purpose and once set will hold the iems in place snuggly for an extremely secure fit.
While the sound and design is not a radical departure from the original m6, the pro distinguishes itself in several other factors. Probably the most radical being the removable/replaceable cable. This is a first from MEE as far as I know. The pro comes with 2 cable variations, the first being an audio only with a slightly more durable factor. The other cable includes a mic for using the pro as a headset. Both cables are of high quality and a suitable length. The original m6 cable was almost perfect in my opinion, and the newer audio only cable included with the pro completely nails it. I have to say it’s the perfect iem cable. It’s awesome. The pro also includes all the usual tips that come with most MEE products (already a robust package) and adds some Comply foam tips for ultimate isolation. With so many accessories included, a normal MEE iem case just would not suffice. Thankfully MEE ALSO includes an extra large semi-hard shell zipper case that not only is big enough for the iem and accessories, but also a small DAP and maybe even a micro sized amp!
I do not have very many other iems to compare the pro to. I’ve already included comparisons with the original m6. I would have to say I prefer these to the ttpod t1-e. The pro seem livelier and the bass is more engaging, at least for me. The havi b3 pro 1 have a more laid back signature that could be considered suitable for a wider variety of music. The soundstage is larger than on the pro. I would have to say the pro beats both of these iems as far as build quality goes and overall package (accessories, lifetime warranty, etc).
So that’s pretty much it… Wow! MEE knocked it out of the park with this one. I would have to say it’s the best overall release they’ve ever had. Keep up the good work guys! And thanks again for the opportunity to review these! Hopefully my write up will be informative and beneficial to others.
Update: Unboxing pics!
OMG so pretty!!!

Lovely view of the housings!

View from the other side.

What's inside the case???

Silver box container. The nice presentation continues throughout the package!

The 2 detachable cables. Top one is audio only, bottom is a headset.

Close up view of the housings. Single dynamic driver is visible.

Close up view of the headset cable. It has a mic and 3 buttons.

Close up view of the audio only cable. It's twisted internally for extra strength and rubberized on the outside.

Close up view off the housing cable port and connector.

Close up picture of the m6 pro in ear.
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I have not heard the im70 or im04 so I cannot comment on how the pros compare.
I believe both of those IEMs are approximately twice the cost of the m6 pro, so they very well could be more sonically capable.
However for about $50 USD the m6 pros are a fantastic package, especially since you get 2 high quality cables, tons of ear tips and a great zipper case.
I'm really disappointed in these. At this price range I would go with a pair of Etymotic IEMs, personally. These things are super cheesy, uncomfortable, and don't live up to the hype sonically. The peripherals are a nice touch, but I would rather they had skimped on those and built a more robust product. 
As good as the review is, my interest was quickly shot down when I read that the sound signature is V-shaped instead of flat. Got to look elsewhere now. Great pictures btw.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Sound, Price, Accessories
Cons: See Review

Meelectronics A151P MKII & M6 Pro Review

Let me start off by saying a huge thanks to Mike from Meelectronics for sending me the M6 Pro and A151P 2nd Gen to review. From now on, I will simply them as the M6 and A151P respectively, but please don’t confuse them for the original M6 and A151. The A151P is an earphone that I have reviewed a while ago and I remember that I really enjoyed it after a brief transition period where I got used to the sound. The M6 on the other hand, is something that I have never heard before so I cannot give any comparisons to the normal M6 unfortunately.
With the original A151P being one of the most impressive $50 IEMs I had heard at the time, I was very interested to see how Meelectronics changed it up and made improvements. There were a few areas that I felt could be a bit better on the original and I am pleased to say that the main issues have been resolved, the two not only sound very different, but are a little different aesthetically as well. More on that later though.
I usually don’t do dual reviews like these, but considering that I had both the M6 Pro and the A151P on hand at the same time and with them being priced so similarly, I felt like people would be interested in how the two compared. Both have a street price of around $50, their MSRPs are $60 and $80 respectively, but currently on the Meelectronics website they are $50. However, the target audience of these two IEMs are very different despite their similar prices. Whereas the A151P is made for the general Head-Fi and your average consumer, I get the impression from Mike that the M6 Pro, as the name might suggest, is something of a professional stage monitor.
Anyway, let’s get on with the review now.

**Disclaimer** These were provided to me by Meelectronics in return for an honest, unbiased review.
Packaging & Accessories
he A151P’s box is about as basic as it gets, serving as ample protection for the earphones, but don’t expect it to be pretty. Standard cardboard box with a plastic drawer that slide out. It actually came to me a little beat up and somewhat crushed, but the earphones themselves were not damaged. The M6 Pro’s box is fancier, with a lot more information on the box, including a see through window which allows you see the IEMs. When you open the box, there is a cardboard insert which comes out and there is the box with all the accessories except for the tips, which are in a separate compartment. Quite a different design, never really seen it before, but it looks pretty cool, so it is definitely welcome.

Both the IEMs are not showered with accessories, especially the A151P, so let’s start there. It comes with a manual, some tips and a nice small clamshell case. Quite basic, but it serves its purpose very well. The M6 Pro comes with a few more bits and pieces, such as 2 interchangeable cables, one with a mic and one without. There is also a cable clip on each of them as well as an adapter, a few tips including a set of Complys and finally, a clamshell case. The case is a little bit annoying for me, I’m not sure why it is so big. Personally, I prefer if I can fit a case into a jeans pocket relatively easily and the M6 Pro’s clunky case definitely isn’t the best for portability. Maybe it is larger to accommodate for the different things that professionals have to use with their gear, but I’m not a fan. Other than that, everything is very good.
There have been a few very minor changes made to the A151P’s exterior that are quite obvious, the most major being the right angle jack. Though this may not seem like a large change, I can see less people having problems with the plug with long term use. Running music off your phone or music player when it is in your pocket can really damage a straight plug in the long run. The strain reliefs on the A151P are very good and effective, very flexible and not rigid whatsoever. The earpieces are made out of plastic, and feel like they are well made. These should be able to last a good while, I don’t see any issues with its durability. The cable is awesome, it is very similar to the Westone cables, but is softer and not microphonic whatsoever. The isolation is not great, but it isn’t too bad either. On Joker’s scale the isolation would probably be 3-3.5, acceptable, but these wouldn’t be my first choice on a plane ride.

The M6 Pro is a very unique IEM in a number of ways. As far as I know, the M6 is one of two IEMs from reputable companies that have a detachable cable under $50, the other being the VSD3. Unfortunately I have not heard the VSD3 so I can’t compare them, but the M6 is very well thought out and even includes 2 cables! Replacement cables for Shure cost $30 or so each and the M6 which costs $50 includes 2. The build is very good, plastic, but again, it feels very well made and more durable than the A151P. The detachable cables are not MMCX or 2 pin unfortunately, so you will not be able to use these cables with other IEMs. The cables themselves are rubber coated and a little bit microphonic without a cable clip, but silent with one and they have memory wire. In terms of isolation, they are not quite Shure level just yet, but they are definitely more isolating than the A151P, perhaps between a 3.5 and 4. Should be fine for everyday use as well as use in louder areas. Oh, and also do not that these have an interesting “Lifetime Replacement Program” where if you lose these or break these you can buy another one for half price.
Testing Gear
The A151P is not something that scales a lot, or at all with more upstream gear. I found this to be the case with the original and also with the revised version. They do not need a lot of juice to sound good and here was minimal difference between my Z2 and DX90. Off an IP6 they sounded very good as well. The M6 Pro on the other hand, did scale quite a little. I found that with the DX90, the soundstage and overall sound was much more refined, which was interesting for such a budget priced IEM. Separation got better especially and everything sounded clearer and much cleaner. The treble was also less sharp, but still quite bright. I wouldn’t recommend going and buying a DX90 for your M6, but if you have an amp or dedicated source, try it out before you judge it, it really does change!

Sound Quality
I’ll go on the record and state that personally I prefer the A151P’s sound over the M6, but it isn’t better by a lot and some people may actually prefer the M6 depending on what type of sound they are after. Whereas both are technically V shaped, the A51P sounds very neutral despite the slight midrange recession, which in reality is hardly noticeable. The M6, however, is significantly more V shaped and warmer sounding compared to the A151P, but it has a rather emphasized treble as well for that exciting and fun sound. So before I go more in depth to the review, I would suggest that people who want a more neutral sound signature look towards the A151P whereas those who are seeking a more energetic earphone to pay more attention to the M6. There will be some comparisons later on with the RE-400 and A151P 1st Gen as well as the TF-10.

Though I wouldn’t classify myself as a basshead, I do enjoy my bass and prefer a slightly emphasized bass section. Luckily, both are not lacking bass in any way, the M6 is much more bass heavy compared to the A151P. To be honest, I was actually expecting more bass from the M6 than what I got. From what other people said, I thought the M6 was a very bass heavy IEM which sounded warm and veiled, but that was not what I got at all. Initially the M6 was too bass heavy for my taste, being a little flabby and bloated, but with a few days of burn in the bass seems to have settled down, not sure whether this is brain burn in or actual burn in, but I didn’t listen to them during that period. Detail is decent, but I feel like the cleaner A151P’s bass just 
edges it out. In the sub-bass department, the M6 was ridiculous linear for the price, I did not detect any low frequency roll off at all. They actually reminded me a little of the Audeze range of headphones in the way they presented bass, of course they aren’t as good, but for $50 you wouldn’t expect they to be. It is quite fast, but not the quickest. The A151P’s sub-bass is quicker and also very linear, but I did enjoy the extra kick that the dynamic driver of the M6 gave me. Both earphones are very competent in the bass department and they produced much more than one would expect for the budget price.
Looking at Meelectronic’s frequency graph for the M6, I feel like it very accurately reflects what the IEM actually sounds like. The midrange is undoubtedly recessed and I found myself having to turn the M6s up a little more than I usually do to enjoy them. But keep in mind I listen to music at a quite a soft volume. At times I found myself wishing that the midrange was just pulled forward a little, but for most songs I did not have any issues with the midrange. Whereas some earphones may sound veiled because of their recessed midrange, the colder tonality of the M6 means that I never felt like they sounded veiled. Vocals sounded very crisp, but instruments sounded a little bit thin due to the brighter midrange. As I have found with many headphones, midrange clarity usually means a slightly off tone. However, I don’t find this to be a major issue with the sound and whether you will like it depends on your preferences. The A151P is a totally different story. While the frequency graph shows a little bit of a dip in the midrange, I did not hear any midrange recession and it was very smooth overall. Detail was as good as the M6 and on a whole I found the midrange to be mostly flat with maybe a hint of brightness. Both earphones don’t have an issue in vocal sibilance. Overall they are both solid here as well.

The only thing that annoyed me with the M6 was the lower treble peak, which could make the earphones a little fatiguing during long listening periods. This unfortunately also introduced a bit of sibilance. It wasn’t bad compared to some other IEMs I have heard, but some people who are more sensitive to treble may want to stay away from these. Cymbals have a nice tone to them, if not a bit sharp, but to me they were relatively accurate and I had no major problems with the treble. Despite the M6 being a budget dynamic driver IEM, the treble extends quite far and didn’t roll off early on. The treble energy is great, they inject that excitement into the M6s that make them a very enjoyable IEM to listen to. Detail is excellent for the price, I think the M6 might be better in terms of treble detail than the A151P. The A151P has a much flatter treble response though, without the peak that the M6 has. This is the area that it has improved the most from the 1st Gen and the treble is much more extended and detailed. It has no sibilance at all and was very detailed as well, just falling short of the M6. There is still a little bit of roll off though, but this is likely to make these more polite and inoffensive to cater for everyone.

Soundstage & Imaging
I wasn’t really sure what to expect with the M6, with it being a budget dynamic driver. I have had some experiences with cheap IEMs that have a very large soundstage, but the M6 isn’t one of them. That is not to say that the soundstage is small, because it isn’t at all, but I simply would not classify the soundstage as large. It is quite wide, but lacks a little bit in depth and height. At this price point, this is to be expected though, and very few budget IEMs have an impressive soundstage. The M6 is good, but not great. The same story goes for the A151P, the soundstage is OK, but not that good. Smaller than the M6, but that is understandable given it is a BA IEM. Not bad, but it doesn’t stand out here.

The imaging is a bit better on both, the A151P edging out the M6 this time. Whereas both do not have large soundstages, they actually have surprisingly good imaging. The A151P is more accurate and I found it easier to judge where instruments were during complicated pieces of music. The M6 does come very close though, and puts up a very god fight indeed. Both are excellent in this area, the new A151P is even better than the old version which was already very competent here.
Separation & Detail
Both earphones do superbly in this field, being both detailed and clear. The separation was very good on the A151P, but only with the Sony Hybrid tips for some reason. They seemed to add that little something that made the A151Ps sound a lot better than any of the stock tips. They were very strong with vocal separation especially, they sounded as good here as the RE-400s, which I will do a full comparison with later on in the review. The M6 was excellent as well, but this time they were stronger with instrument separation due to that recessed midrange which let the vocals down a bit. Both pass with flying colours here, no complaints at all.

Once again, the tuning of both these earphones means that the detail really shine though. The A151P is particularly improved from the original because of the updated drivers with the better upper frequency response. Detail on these are comparable to many $100 IEMs and it falls just short of the RE-400, quite a feat for something that costs just half of what the RE-400 does. The M6 is about equally detailed, but the stronger bass response does mask some of the detail. The prominent treble allows a lot of the upper end details some through though. Both are very god in terms of detail and it is very impressive what these achieve considering their $50 price point.
In this section I will be comparing the two IEMs to other choices that are somewhat similar in one way or another. Starting off with the original A151P vs the A151P 2nd Gen, I found the 2nd version to be significantly better. The bass seemed to be a little bit stronger, the midrange was better balanced and lost that slightly nasal tone and the treble is much more extended. It is also more detailed and had a slightly bigger soundstage. In short, it improved on every area of the original, and while it do not sound like a totally different earphone, it does sound significantly better. Now let’s move on to the other comparisons.

Meelectronics A151P vs HiFiMAN RE-400
I was looking forward to this comparison and very interested to see how the underdog in the A151P would do matched up against an earphone many recognise as the best $100 IEM. In short, it does very well, even beating it in a few areas – in terms of bang for your buck, these are likely to be the better choice, you may even like these more. I feel like the A151P is better-rounded than the RE-400, mainly down to the better bass and treble extension. The RE-400 is a little A (?) shaped where the midrange is emphasized. Though this may appeal to some people, I personally fund them to be lacking in the bass department, which was quite light. The midrange is awesome on the RE-400 and it hands down beats the A151P, but the Meelectronics IEM takes the bass just as easily for me. The treble is a bit more of a toss-up, I’m not entirely sure which one is better, they all sound very good, but the A151P is a little brighter, I’ll let you decide what you prefer yourself. The RE-400 is a bit better with separation and detail, but this is marginal and the RE-400 isn’t a very detailed IEM on a whole. Soundstage is about the same, both are on the intimate side of things. The imaging is a bit better on the RE-400. Again, this is marginal. So you might be thinking that the RE-400 wind comfortably right? Not quite, not for me at least. I prefer the sound signature of the A151P more than the RE-400 and despite the RE-400 being more technically proficient, I get more enjoyment listening to the A151P so I’m going to have to say that the A151P is “better” than the RE-400. Obviously YMMV, but the fact that the A151P comes so close to the RE-400 is no mean feat.

Meelectronics M6 Pro vs Logitech TF-10
Ah, the good old TF-10, nothing can ever replace it in my heart, It is the earphone that started it all, the reason why I began to love music. After a while, I finally chased down a pair and when I first heard the M6, I straight away felt like it was like a mini TF-10. You might think it is pointless comparing the M6 to something that is long discontinued now, but many people have had some sort of experience with the TF-10, and also I want to J. The bass is not quite as good as the TF-10, but it does have more sub-bass rumble. The midrange is a tad more recessed than the Logitech and has a similar metallic tone to the TF-10, which I actually happen to like, but again, the TF-10 is a bit cleaner and takes this as well. Treble is once again, quite similar, except the treble spike on the M6 is sharper, which introduces a bit of sibilance the TF-10 does not have. Soundstage is something the M6 seems to be a bit better in, it is wider, but imaging is better on the triple driver TF-10. Separation and detail is the same story, the TF-10 is a bit better. Overall, the TF-10 is a better IEM without a doubt, but the point that I am highlighting I that the M6 has a similar tonality and you can experience the now extinct TF-10 for just $50. It is probably the closest IEM I have heard to the TF-10.

This review is finally drawing to an end and to sum it up, both the A151P and M6 Pro are very impressive IEMs from Meelectronics. Both punch above their price range and the A151P really hits my sweet spot. The cheapest IEM I have heard that bests it is the Dunu Titan 1, which costs over twice its cost. It is truly the jack of all trades. The M6 on the other hand, is a very unique IEM that was possibly never meant for the Head-Fi market, but found its way in anyway. Designed as a professional monitor, it does a remarkable job at simply allowing you to enjoy he music. If I had to choose one, it would be the A151P, but luckily I don’t. The cost of both is the only a mere $100 and I feel like they would bring you much more enjoyment than any $100 IEM would. The A151P gains a perfect 5 stars from me whereas the M6 Pro is awarded an excellent 4.5 stars. 

How do these go against the RHA MA750 and the Shure SE215? I was planning on buying the ma750, but I saw these and now I'm stuck again lol


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Solid build. Great sound. Great accessories package.
Cons: Fit issues. Most of the included eartips are useless.
Before I begin, I would like to sincerely thank Mike at MEElectronics for giving me the opportunity to review their recently-released M6 Pro. I would like to stress that I am neither affiliated with MEElectronics, nor am I being paid to write this review. All opinions expressed in the review are strictly my own unless otherwise specified, and as such must be taken with a grain of salt. All photos in the review are taken and owned by me.
So, not too long ago, MEElectronics revealed a handful of brand-new products, amongst them the Air-Fi Touch and Rumble, the Pinnacle P1 (which is still yet to be released later this spring), the 2nd generation of the A151, and the M6 Pro (stylized as M6 PRO). Now, I was given the opportunity to review the latter two products, and this week we’ll be taking a look at the M6 PRO first. As the name suggests, it’s a version of the original Sport-Fi M6, re-tuned and marketed for the professional musician. So, are they worth their weight, or will they be another one to bite the dust? Read on and find out.

~~ Aesthetics ~~​

Packaging, Accessories

The M6 PRO arrives in a solid cardboard box adorned in white, black, and gold. A picture of the M6 PRO is printed out on the front, specifications on the left side, features on the back, and an accessories list on the right, situated under a small window showing the M6 PRO set in a foam cut-out. Opening the box (which is actually done from the bottom – I learned this the hard way), you see a tab which, after pulling it out, reveals the inner box housing the foam cut-out and the accessories.
The accessories are laid out very smartly throughout the package, I have to say; the 7 pairs of eartips (one of which is a pair of Comply T-200) are housed in a small section of the box beside the foam cut-out, while the two detachable cables (using a proprietary 2mm input) are contained in yet another box inside the M6 PRO’s gargantuan case. (If you don’t really get what I mean, you can check out the gallery with detailed unboxing images here.) This may not be an accessory, but the M6 PRO also comes with a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty and a lifetime replacement policy. What’s this policy, you ask? I’ll just let the manual explain:
Things don’t always go according to plan in the real world. Whether your headphones get crushed, shredded, fried, or carried off by army ants, we’ve got you covered. Just tell us what happened and we’ll give you a new pair at half price, no questions asked (Note: we reserve the right to ask for more of a great story).
To summarize, the M6 PRO’s replacement policy is pretty amazing and something I have yet to see in another company. Couple that with the M6 PRO’s impressive accessories package and MEElectronics’ generally excellent customer service, and you have an initial package that will blow lots of competitors straight out of the water.

Design, Build, Microphonics

As I examined the M6 in detail, I noticed many of its key build aspects were designed to minimize cable noise and secure the fit as much as possible. From the around-the-ear wear style, to the memory wire ear loops, right down to the shirt clip on each of the cables, you can tell they were aiming for exactly that. And, well, I could say they succeeded there because I get practically zero cable noise on the M6 PRO, even in scenarios where the cable gets shaken up a lot (say, running). Looks-wise I can’t really say much about the M6 PRO, although to be honest they look really cool with their clear plastic housings which allow you to see their inner workings. (Why aren’t there any clear headphones, though?)
Being marketed as an IEM designed for musicians and stage performers, MEElectronics made sure the M6 PRO is an IEM that was built to withstand the knocks of the performer on the road and more. And, well, I’m happy to report that they succeeded there as well with the M6’s rigid housings, strong (albeit rather stiff) cable and overall excellent build quality. I find nothing at fault here and am very impressed with the results.

Fit, Comfort, Isolation

From the multiple impressions I’ve already seen from the M6 PRO discussion thread, I found many people have pretty serious fit issues due to the M6 PRO’s pretty large housings and shallow insertion depth. Most accounts say they’ve tried every eartip included with the M6 PRO and still not get a decent fit; that I can agree on, since the M6 PRO’s form factor is very fiddly and can take a lot of getting used to for the uninitiated (no, it’s not as easy as you make it look like it is, MEElectronics). Eventually I settled on the large single-flange eartips, which were the only ones that fit me okay. Even then, the eartips were flimsier than I’d like and had me worried about breaking the seal; luckily, with the memory wire earloops, that wasn’t the case, so I guess the M6 PRO has that going for them.
Once I got the right fit, though, I found the M6 PRO was also pretty comfortable. Their very light weight allowed them to practically hang from the earloops, exerting no pressure on the concha at all. Their shallow insertion depth also helped a lot with comfort; however, this doesn’t do any good favours for the isolation, which is decent at best on the M6 PRO.
(NOTE: Yes, the M6 PRO does include a remote cable with a microphone, but as I lack experience in that field, I guess I’ll just leave it to the more veteran reviewers on Head-Fi.)

~~ Sound ~~​


Headphone Type
Closed-back in-ear monitor (around-the-ear only)
Driver Type
1x 10mm dynamic
Frequency Response
20 – 20,000 Hz
Max. Input Power
100 ± 3 dB (1mW @ 1,000 Hz)
16 Ω @ 1,000 Hz
2x 1.3m (4.25’) round removable cable w/ stainless steel memory wire
(1x with remote, 1x without)
3.5mm (1/8”) gold-plated right-angle connector
(both cables)
Carrying case
3x sets clear single-flange silicone eartips (S/M/L)
1x set clear double-flange silicone eartips (M)
1x set clear stubby triple-flange silicone eartips (M)
1x set clear triple-flange silicone eartips (M)
1x set black Comply T-200 premium foam eartips (M)
1x 3.5mm (1’8”) to 6.3mm (1/4”) gold-plated adapter
2x shirt clips
Manufacturer’s warranty (12 months)

Equipment, Burn-in

The MEElectronics M6 PRO was burned in for at least 50 hours prior to the writing of this review, using music, games, movies, and whatever audio data that runs out of them. Over this burn-in period, the M6 PRO really settled down to a much smoother, more enjoyable sound signature. MEElectronics does advise burning-in the M6 PRO for best results, so if you’re going to buy one, it’s best you do that as well.
All my music listening is done on my PC and 5th-generation iPod Touch; media and games usage are spread out across a host of other devices. For the EQ test, I used Electri-Q on the PC via foobar2000 and the EQu app on the iPod. As always, my list of test tracks can be viewed here for reference, although I will mention a few songs in the review for a more specific point of reference. If a link is available, I’ll also link it below. The eartips used on the M6 PRO during the review are the large stock single-flange eartips.
Now, let’s get to it!

Sound Quality

To be honest, I never expected to be blown away with the M6 PROs – my first impressions of them certainly didn’t do that. However, listening in further, I found them much more enjoyable to listen to than I’d first assumed. Let’s take a look.
The M6 PRO’s bass is elevated and emphasized – those two bits go without saying. Great extension in the deep end and ample punch make for an IEM the more bass-inclined listeners might like. However, they do sound exceptionally thin in the upper bass region where the bass meets the midrange. This, in most cases, isn’t a problem per se, but when you factor in the midrange…well, I’ll explain in the next section.
The midrange, for me, is a bit of a mixed bag. The midrange is exceptionally clear and has good detail retrieval, but is recessed relative to the rest of the signature, which really draws me away from the M6’s overall sound. A lot of instruments and vocals sound notably distant and pushed back compared to the bass (Link), which sounds pretty up-front in comparison. Intimate instrumental recordings on the M6 PRO push you all the way back to row J instead of row A (Link). And with the thinness in the upper bass that I stated earlier, they combine to become a rather offensive-sounding mix to me. Now, don’t take my word for it; that’s just my opinion, and other listeners will probably call it perfectly fine, but to me, it’s a definite no.
The treble, to be honest, isn’t bad at all. Yes, it’s bright, edgy, a little grainy, and harsh at times, but it’s nothing to complain about. It does complement the rest of the signature with its quantity, which completes the V-shaped sound signature. It’s also particularly detailed and much more revealing than other great IEMs at this price. If anything, they are rather harsh as I’ve already mentioned, but to my ears they’re not as bad as they sound out of the box (extended burn-in helps a lot here).
I didn’t find the M6 PRO’s soundstage to be lacking in any way – it has good width and layering, and is overall pretty average in every aspect. However, the overall presentation for me is a bit of an issue since the midrange sounds a little too distant for my liking. Otherwise there’s nothing to complain about here.

Disregarding its recessed midrange and harsh-out-of-the-box treble, the M6 PRO actually fits its marketing moniker pretty well. It offers stunning clarity and detail for a $50 IEM – much better than many of the other great IEMs I’ve tried at this price. Overall, I’m impressed with the M6 PRO’s performance so far.

Other Media

I’ll be honest, the M6 PRO works surprisingly well for gaming. Disregard the recessed midrange and harsh treble; the M6 PRO is a beast on the virtual battleground with its terrific clarity, great positional accuracy, and solid overall performance that just works. Top that with its rugged build and you have an IEM that’s built for the pro gamer on the road – or just a regular guy that tosses his IEMs into bags.
Movie performance on the M6 PRO is another bit of a low point. Its bass punch is great, sure, but the recessed midrange makes voices get lost in translation (kinda like the Interstellar audio mix in the cinema, but not as bad). I wouldn’t recommend using these for your private cinema, unless you’re into the crappy Interstellar audio mix.

EQ Response

I found the M6 PRO to be pretty unresponsive to EQ, requiring more precise tweaks beyond the control of a regular 10-band EQ. I reduced the bass and treble a bit to bring out the midrange that I love so much (like so). It worked, as planned, but for some reason, they don’t really sound that much better than their original tuning. The midrange came forward a bit, but it neither sounded better nor worse. It just…did.


The M6 PRO retails at a cool $50 dollars, which throws them into the pretty crowded budget category. It’s nothing to worry about for them, though, as they will definitely stand out from the crowd with their heavy-duty build, solid accessories pack, and great all-around performance. For $50 you can’t go wrong with the M6 PRO.


Versus MEElectronics M9 Classic ($10):
Yep, I know what you’re thinking. “$10 against $50? That’s crazy!” And, to be honest, it kind of is. But if you’ve read any of my ultra-budget IEM reviews, you’ll know some of them sound very, very good. Like this M9 Classic, which sounds about 80% identical to the M6 PRO. Yep, you read that right – they sound pretty darn similar when I compared them. The only differences between the two are than the M6 sounds much more mature and refined, with better clarity, tighter bass, and a slightly smoother treble. Everything else is pretty much the same, so to put it simply, the M6 PRO is a direct upgrade to the M9 Classic in every conceivable way.

~~ Conclusion ~~​

“Is the MEElectronics M6 PRO a true musician’s IEM?” I kept asking myself that during the early stages of the review while they were burning-in. Out of the box, I would definitely say “no” to that question, but after spending a lot of time with this IEM, my answer to my question is a resounding “yes.” The M6 PRO is a very well-rounded package perfect for the on-tour stage performer or musician, with a crystal-clear sound signature that’s designed exactly for that purpose. Not the musician type? Not to worry – the M6 PRO’s stunning clarity also works well for the professional gamer. It’s something for pretty much everyone.
Packaging, Accessories
The box is nothing too fancy, although it certainly has the look of a sophisticated product. The accessories are some of the best packages I’ve seen at $50.
Design, Build, Microphonics
Don’t let the all-plastic build fool you; the M6 PRO is built to last. Top that with their solid, non-microphonic cables and you’ve got one hell of an IEM package.
Fit, Comfort, Isolation
Fit for me is pretty straightforward, pretty comfortable, and easily more secure than any other IEM I’ve tried so far. Be warned, however, as many other people have had issues with the fit.
Tight, punchy, and with a satisfying amount of kick, the M6 PRO’s bass aims to please.
The midrange on the M6 PRO is exceptionally clear, but is thin-sounding and recessed.
The treble is harsh straight out of the box, but burn-in tames it down to enjoyable levels.
The M6 PRO’s soundstage is pretty average across the board, although the distant midrange is bothering me more than I’d like.
Gaming, Movies
For gaming, the M6 PRO blows all of my other IEMs out of the water in terms of raw competitive edge. Movies, though, not so much.
EQ Response
The M6 PRO is pretty resilient to EQ and requires more than just a 10-band EQ to tweak it properly, but even then, they don’t sound much better than how they already are.
For $50 you can’t go wrong with the M6 PRO.
A solid build, generous accessory set, and great sound all come together to form one of the best IEM packages in the $50 range.

Shout-Outs, Gallery

First of all, a HUGE thank-you to Mike and the folks over at MEElectronics for giving me the opportunity to write this review, and also for the patience as I took far too long to write this review. I’m gonna work hard to get the next MEElectronics to (hopefully) make the deadline this time! As always, the rest of the images taken can be viewed here, with captions and descriptions and stuff. A discussion thread on Head-Fi for the M6 PRO can be viewed here, so if you’re a fellow Head-Fi’er, jump in and join the discussions!
This has been thatBeatsguy of DB Headphones; thanks for reading, and see you in the next one!

