GE 23851 Ultra Lightweight Earbuds for Portable Audio Devices


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: I find the appearance of these to be very appealing, price, extra foam pads
Cons: Don't stay in, horrid driver matching, sound is absolutely horrific, uncomfortable
I got these because they were cheap. No other reason. I wasn't expecting much at all, but I was expecting them to be better than $1 buds by Vibe Sound. They weren't.
Sound - No earbud/IEM/whatever has ever sounded this bad to me. 
Highs - What highs?
Mids - I've never heard an earphone that has overpowering mids before these. Overpowering and sound like a piece of mud inside of a cotton ball wrapped in masking tape, placed 20 feet to one's sides.
Bass - Sounds distant, if it even shows up at all.
Design - I like the appearance of these, I won't lie. Other than that, in terms of design; they don't fit well at all, very uncomfortable, extremely cheap build. Transducers move very easily.
Overall - If there is some reason you need to buy headphones for $1-$3, I would NOT recommend these. As I stated above, the Vibe Sound Color Tunes are a much better option, and only $1 at Dollar General.
great title! just when you think things can't get any worse....