Asta GunaReview

New Head-Fier
CCA Trio : Not My Taste. It is good.. but lacks the wow factor
Pros: Plus:
Ergonomic and comfortable fitting: The Trio’s design ensures a pleasant listening experience.
Variety of tuning switches: You can customize the sound to your preference using the tuning switches.
Well-balanced Harman bass-boost sound signature: The bass is impactful without overpowering other frequencies.
Clean and smooth bass: The Trio delivers satisfying low-end performance.
Clean, open midrange: Vocals come through clearly.
Clean, open treble: The high frequencies are crisp and refreshing.
Good technicalities compared to its predecessor: The Trio shows improvements over previous CCA/KZ releases.
Cons: Minus:
Occasional sibilance: Be cautious of sharp treble peaks.
Midbass tuck on certain tracks: Some listeners may find the midbass slightly lean.
Not the most dynamic-sounding set: While technically improved, it lacks ultimate dynamism.

Bass: Trio bass line is like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it's got that thick, clean presence that can make bass-heavy tracks quite enjoyable tho. But on the other hand, it's not the deepest or most rumbling bass you'll find.. it's not as special as rhapsody imo.. It's like a home-cooked meal.. comforting and satisfying, but it doesn't quite hit the spot like a gourmet dish might, You Know What I'm Sayin'..
Vocals: midrange is where the Trio tries to sing its heart out. the vocals come through clean and open, like a window letting in a gentle breeze. Yet, sometimes it feels like the window doesn't open wide enough tho, leaving you wanting a bit more warmth and clearness of the sound, especially on tracks where the midbass tuck is noticeable..
Treble: treble, oh the treble it's a tricky one. It's crisp and open, which can be a breath of fresh air. But beware, it can also be like a gust of wind that's just a bit little too sharp, leading to that occasional sibilance that might have you reaching for the volume down button. but but i try using better cable it fixes the problem.. its again the KZ cable (the vermicelli aka rice noodle cable) that's make the problem.. u should get a new pair after market cable and keep it the KZ cable in the box.
Technicalities: In terms of technical improvements, Trio does show progress over any CCA / KZ release but not better than Rhapsody . It's like upgrading from a bicycle to an electric bike.. you get a smoother ride, but it's not quite a race like a motorbike.. that'll give you a thrill at every turn...

Conclusion : The CCA Trio iem are a bit like a blockbuster movie with great special effects but a predictable plot. They're comfortable tho, they've got a variety of tuning options like the switch feature, and they offer a sound signature that many will enjoy. But they're not without their flaws. The occasional sibilance and the midbass tuck might be deal-breakers for some, and they're not the most dynamic set around.

At $29, the CCA Trio iems are a solid choice for those who want a decent upgrade without spending a fortune. They're not perfect, but they're a good companion for your daily listening sessions, especially if you're not too picky about the bass and treble.
My Rating.
- Low: ★★★★☆
- Mid: ★★★★☆
- High: ★★★★☆
- Technical: ★★★★☆ (4.6 /5) {☆ 0 point, ✮ 0.5 point, ★ 1 point}
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500+ Head-Fier
CCA TRIO: Three Makes it Even Better
Pros: ● Sturdy-built composite shell chassis.
● Working tuning switches.
● Inclusion of memory foam ear tips.
● It offers 6 distinctive tonal profiles from a warm U-shaped sound to treble-boosted bright U-shaped sound.
● A fun and musical type of tuning that will be a good all-rounder set.
● Punchy, impactful and authoritative bass response on some settings.
● Clean, transparent and delineated midrange presentation in some settings.
● Energetic, crisp and brimming midrange quality in some settings.
● Smooth and inoffensive treble response in attenuated upper mids and high frequencies tuning settings.
● Bright and shimmering treble response in some setting with treble-boosted tuning.
● Competent enough technical performance for a multi-dynamic driver set-up.
● One of the few CCA set that will activate the high impedance mode of my LG devices.
Cons: ● Bare-bones quantity of inclusions.
● Again, the QDC-type 2-pin of connector ( I already sound like a broken phonograph as this one is constantly appearing on the con section in almost all my reviews of CCA and KZ sets)
● Instances of mid bass smearing across the midrange frequency section that its bass response will sound untidy.
● Occurrences of piercing, shrill and mild sibilance on a certain tuning setting.
● Stereo imaging and layering could be better.

The audio company, CCA (Clear Concept Audio) for me is somewhat of a refined version of its older sister, KZ (Knowledge Zenith) on how it tuned their products. The CCA Duo is still one of my favourite dual dynamic sets out there as I really enjoy using it occasionally in my casual listening session and it became part of my rotational set in a month.


And now what we have here is its successor model, The CCA TRIO. The CCA TRIO is definitely an upgrade over the DUO in terms of features as it has an additional driver and tuning switches. It uses a slightly larger dynamic driver compared to the DUO as it has an 8mm compared to previous 7mm and it was slightly modified to have a more cohesive presentation of all parts of the frequency range while maintaining a less distorted and interference-free sound quality.


Its three dynamic drivers were assigned in some certain part of a frequency range as the two dynamic drivers were assigned to sub bass region and mid bass sections while the remaining dynamic driver will handle the rest of the remaining parts the frequency range, the midrange and the treble region in which I find the set-up even more interesting. Then trio drivers were encapsulated in a composite shell chassis with a modified UIEM-type form factor consisting of metal alloy faceplate and acrylic resin cavity base. At the top part of both shell chassis, there are four toggle switches that you can adjust its tuning in which I believe has something to do with impedance swings to change its sound profile. Like all CCA sets, it still retains the QDC-type connector as its interlocking mechanism with its stock cable.



The fitting on this set seems to be pretty comfortable to wear as it sits well into my lug holes without any issues atlk. It gives me sufficient sound isolation as it really seals well to block some noises coming from the outside surroundings.


The stock cable of CCA TRIO is still the same similar build oxygen-free copper wiring in a parallel-type cable with an L-shaped 3.5mm termination plug.


Like all entry-level product offerings from CCA and to some extent, KZ, the CCA TRIO is pretty basic in product packaging with bare-bones included accessories.


Here are the following contents that are included inside the box:
  • Pair of CCA TRIO IEM transducers
  • Stock cable
  • 1 pair of memory foam ear tips
  • 3 pairs of KZ Starline ear tips in different standard sizes.
  • Tuning tool
  • User's guide


As for power scaling and requirement, this set can be driven with sources with decent power output but pairing it with devices with adjustable gain mode like DAPs and desktop DAC amplifiers will fully utilise its full potential with its fullest audio performance. To make this set even more interesting, this is the first CCA or even KZ set that ever activates the high impedance mode of my LG phones.


Regarding this set's tonality, due to the implementation of tuning toggle switches, the CCA TRIO offers a variety of tuning profiles from bass boosted U-shaped sound up to the bright U-shaped sound signature that makes them more versatile.


These are the toggle tuning set-up along with its brief description:
(*Legend: ■ = up, □ =down)

□□□□ = Aligns more to a standard U-shaped sound profile, it highlights more on lows and high frequencies.

■■■■ = The most “balanced” U-shaped sound profile, it gives more emphasis on low with a slight attenuation on the high frequency.

■□□□ - The sub bass-focused U-shaped tuning with some reduction on some parts of high frequency.

■■□□ - The bass-boosted tuning setting among its tonal profiles of this one.

□□■□ - Presents a tad brighter and energetic tonal profile.

□□■■ - it's the brightest tuning among its tonal profiles. While it is still considered as a U-shaped sounding , some parts of the midrange and high frequencies are definitely accentuated on this one.


The bass responses on this set varies depending on the tuning toggle set-up, from tight and incisive up to a tad boomy and vigorous one. There's a sufficient sub-bass presence in all tuning but the □■■■ and □□■■ will highlight it more as it will be reverberating and rumbly from sub bass-focused instruments like low tuned bass guitars, octobasses, drum machines and synthesisers.

□□□□ = it has a balanced texture on its mid bass as it gives an ample note weight on some instruments and male vocals.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics:

Bass guitars - mellow and resonant sounding

Bass kick drums - thudding and gloomy sound.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - sufficiently dense with enough deep resonant in their vocals.

■■■■ = Still a balanced bass but a tad fuller compared to the □□□□ setting.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics:

Bass guitars - more rasping and broader sounding compared to the □□□□ setting.

Bass kick drums - pounding and rumbling sound.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - more denser and darker tone with even more deep rumbling sound.

■□□□ = More sub-bass focused while retaining a sufficient mid bass texturing from a ■■■■ setting.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics:

Bass guitars - it has a rasping and menacing sound compared to □□□□ setting.

Bass kick drums - eerie and resonant sounding.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - it retains the sound characteristics of ■■■■ that the vibrato is apparently clearer to heard.

■■□□ = Definitely the bass-boosted one as it shows a more prominent bass section across its frequency range but it muddles up some frequency parts particularly on midrange and lessens the upper midrange and presence part of treble region.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics:

Bass guitars - more earthy and sombre sounding as it has more weight on it.

Bass kick drums - it has a fuller and pounding sound among the tuning settings.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - it has more weight , with a darker tone with rich texture.

□□■□ = A bit similar bass presentation as it share similar sound characteristics with □□□□ and ■■■■ settings.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics:

Bass guitars - it has a weighty and retains some of its raspiness on its sound character.

Bass kick drums - menacing and resonant sounding.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - it has some similarity with □□□□'s vocal characteristic.

□□■■ = It presents a tighter and less textured mid bass similar □□■□.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics

Bass guitars - resonant yet aspirating sounding.

Bass kick drums - resonant yet it has some hollowness on its sound.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - it has a lightest among the bass and bass-baritone vocals as it has a tad hollow texture and less darker tone with an inadequate deep resonance on it.


The midrange presentation on this one again depends on tuning settings but all of them are noticeably recessed in the overall midrange presentation. At least it retains some clean and well-bodied sound on vocals and instruments.

□□□□ - Maintains a well-balanced texture with ample warmth for vocals and instruments.

Vocal types:

Baritones - sweet and mild sounding.

Tenors - brassy, full and with a tinge of metallic sound on their vocals.

Countertenor - tender, mild and emotive sounding from their falsettos.

Contraltos - It has a sufficient lush and richness on their distinctive chesty vocals.

Mezzo-sopranos - Smooth, expressive and tender sounding.

Sopranos - Silvery vocal qualities as it has sufficient brightness on them, lyric and soubrette sopranos will sound better on this one.


Guitars - It has a sufficient bright and lively sound.

Violins - vibrant and metallic sounding.

Cellos - lively and vibrant sounding.

Trumpets - it has a metallic and brilliant sound.

Trombones - sounds quite solid yet penetrating.

Horns - it has a resounding and intense sound characteristics.

Concert flutes - clear and a tad shrill sound.

Piccolos - clear and a bit intense sounding.

Clarinets - reedy and expressive sounding.

Saxophones - sounds lively and reedy.

Snare drums - punchy and resonant sounding.

Toms-toms - sufficiently warm yet resonant sounding.

Field drums - it has a menacing sound.

Kettledrums - resonant and rumbling sound.

Pianos - balanced and evened tone.

■■■■ - it still presents a well-balanced and less energetic midrange compared to □□□□ setting.

Vocal types:

Baritones - It has a sufficient more power as strength compared to □□□□ as it has give more steely voice on Kavalier baritones and more plush and richer vocals in dramatic, Verdi and Noble baritones.

Tenors - Still have a brassy and fullness to their vocals but less metallic sounding.

Countertenor - a bit smoother version of the □□□□.

Contraltos - it sounds more rich and musky compared to the □□□□ setting.

Mezzo-sopranos - smoother, velvety and less intense vocal.

Sopranos - it has that creamy and silky sound that makes them sound comforting, that type of tuning will be more suitable to spinto and dramatic sopranos.


Guitars - balanced and a tad buttery on some acoustic guitar tracks.

Violins - full and sweet sounding

Cellos - sonorous and calm sounding

Trumpets - full and sonorous sounding.

Trombones - brassy and full sounding.

Horns - Full and sonorous sounding.

Concert flutes - sighing to mellow sound,it has some softer tones.

Piccolos - graceful and mellow sounding.

Clarinets - it sounds round and melodic.

Saxophones - plaintive and sonorous sounding.

Snare drums - hard, penetrating and metallic sounding.

Toms-toms - it has an ample warmth with resonance.

Field drums - sombre sounding.

Kettledrums - deep and substantial sounding.

Pianos - balanced and evened tone

■□□□ - it adds a bit more texture on the lower midrange section.

Vocal types:

Baritones - Similar to □□□□ as it is also velvety, sweet and mild sounding on their vocals albeit a bit more assertive.

Tenors - Shares the sound characteristics with □□□□ as it also sounds brassy and full too with less metallic sound.

Countertenor - Similar sound characteristics with □□□□ setting.

Contraltos - it has more smokey and even richer vocals with good depth compared to □□□□ setting.

Mezzo-sopranos - Smooth and tender sounding.

Sopranos - It also has a silvery characteristic on its vocals with some hint of metallic tone.


Guitars - sounds balanced with some good overtones.

Violins - vibrant and clear sounding.

Cellos - lyrical and lively sounding.

Trumpets - it sounds quite full and magnificent.

Trombones - Similar with □□□□'s setting as it is also solid and penetrating.

Horns - mellow and velvety sounding.

Concert flutes - light yet rich sound.

Piccolos - clear yet it has a noticeable shrill on its sound.

Clarinets - expressive and reedy sounding.

Saxophones - lively and reedy sounding.

Snare drums - Hard and sharp sounding.

Toms-toms - it has an adequate warm and resonant sound.

Field drums - menacing sound.

Kettledrums - resonant and it has more rumbling sound.

Pianos - balanced and evened tone.

■■□□ - Due bass bleed across the midrange it gives a warmer textured sound of all tuning settings that this set have,but there are instances of a tad boxy and hollow sound on some vocals and instruments.

Vocal types:

Baritones - It has a fuller and richer sound as it sounds too warm and smooth.

Tenors - Brassy with darker, stronger and deeper tone, excellent on dramatic and heldentenors.

Countertenor - a bit smoother with more warmer variant tuning of the □□□□ setting.

Contraltos - apparently, it has more profuse and huskier vocals compared on both ■■■■ and □□□□.

Mezzo-sopranos - More smoother and velvety compared to ■■■■,□□□□ and ■□□□ settings. It almost sounds a bit closer to contraltos.

Sopranos - Comparable to ■■■■'s but it is richer and quite a more sensitive voice due to its warmer tuning.


Guitars - meaty and warm sounding.

Violins - full solemn and lustrous

Cellos - round, solemn and warm sounding

Trumpets - warm, full and has a darker timbre.

Trombones - Smooth and fuller with a darker tone.

Horns - full and mellow, quite a muffled sounding.

Concert flutes - rich and mellow sounding.

Piccolos - it has a graceful and whistling sound.

Clarinets - warm and lustrous sounding.

Saxophones - earthy, round and warm sounding.

Snare drums - hard and rustling sound.

Toms-toms - rich and a tad boomy sounding.

Field drums - boomy and sombre sound.

Kettledrums - Booming and velvety sounding.

Pianos - warm and rich tone.

□□■□ - it gives a more energetic midrange presentation especially on female vocals, strings and woodwind instruments.

Vocal types:

Baritones - Velvety, sweet and mild sounding.

Tenors - Their voices have more dazzling and ringing sound on them, good for lyric and leggero tenor types as it has a light and agility on their vocals.

Countertenor - Tender, smooth and velvety vocals with a tad brighter tone.

Contraltos - A bit similar to □□□□'s sound quality.

Mezzo-sopranos - it has a more vivid and intense vocal quality.

Sopranos - It has a brilliant and gleaming vocal quality compared to ■■■■, □□□□, ■□□□ and □□■□ settings.


Guitars - dry sounding and more focus on presence.

Violins - brilliant and a bit shrill sounding.

Cellos - it has a brilliant and stately sound.

Trumpets - sounds vivid and shrilly.

Trombones - dramatic and eruptive sounding.

Horns - mellow yet metallic sounding.

Concert flutes - brilliant and a tad shrill sounding.

Piccolos - brilliant with some piercing sound on them.

Clarinets - expressive and has a mild shrill on their sound

Saxophones - forceful and substantial sounding.

Snare drums - sharp and clattering sound.

Toms-toms - it has a less warmth and resonant sounding.

Field drums - hard sounding.

Kettledrums - resonant , dry and a tad hollow sounding.

Pianos - brighter tone.

□□■■ = This tuning gives a brighter and even more energetic midrange presentation that will be more beneficial on woodwinds and female vocals.

Vocal types:

Baritones - velvety, sweet and mild sounding albeit less textured and less smooth.

Tenors - Bright, dazzling and clearer sounding, it might sound better with leggero-type tenors but a bit too expressive.

Countertenor - while it has tender and more expressive but it has even more brighter tone compared to □□■□ setting.

Contraltos - quite a bit unnatural as its sounds leaner and less richer on its vocals.

Mezzo-sopranos - Fiery and “coppery” sounding.

Sopranos - Shimmering and more energetic, almost perfect on lyric and coloratura types of sopranos.


Guitars - crisp and bright sounding.

Violins - bright and zestful but might sound a bit thin to some listeners.

Cellos - very open sounding and bright with some instances of having an incisive sound.

Trumpets - penetrating, vibrant and bright sounding.

Trombones - it is penetrating, intense and overpowering.

Horns - brilliant and powerful sounding.

Concert flutes - bright and penetrating sound.

Piccolos - bright with occasional screeching sound.

Clarinets - brighter and colder sounding.

Saxophones - lively and reedy sounding.

Snare drums - bright and dry sounding

Toms-toms - sustaining, tight and crackling sounding.

Field drums - menacing sound.

Kettledrums - dry and dead sounding.

Pianos - brighter tone.


Again, depending on the tuning settings, it varies on the elevation and attenuation on the treble response.

□□□□ - it has a sufficient brightness, it has a sufficient accentuate upper-mids up to the presence treble region just enough to give clarity and definition on vocals and attack of percussives and rhythm instruments. Although in some cases, there's some hint of slight sibilance especially on sibilant-laden tracks.

It has well-defined sparkle and a moderate airy extension on its brilliance treble section.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - glistening and metallic.

Hi-hats - short sizzling sound.

Glockenspiels - glistening and strident.

Celestas - bright and silvery.

■■■■ - While it still has a bright treble response, I noticed just a slight reduction on the upper-mids and the presence part of the treble region compared to ■■■■ setting. It somehow lessens the sibilance and intense boosting that might sound a bit piercing.

It somewhat lessens the intensity of sparkle while retaining a modest airy extension.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - soughing and a tad undulating.

Hi-hats - short hissing sound.

Glockenspiels - bell-like sounding.

Celestas - glassy sound.

■□□□ - almost similar to □□□□ setting on its treble response.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - glistening and metallic.

Hi-hats - short sizzling sound.

Glockenspiels - glistening and strident.

Celestas - silvery and glistening sound.

■■□□ - it has noticeable accentuation of the peaks and boosting upper mids and presence treble region on ■□□□, □□■□ and □■■ settings. It will be more tuning-friendly to some treble-sensitive folk.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - lustrous and soughing.

Hi-hats - shortened dark and dull sound.

Glockenspiels - lustrous and undulating sound.

Celestas - meliow and soft sounding.

It somehow impacts the sparkling intensity to sound a bit veiled.

□□■□ - it appears that it adds some emphasis on the upper mids and presence part treble region as it gives more definition and clarity on vocals and instruments.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - metallic and glistening.

Hi-hats - short dry and shrill sound.

Glockenspiels - shimmering and jingling sound.

Celestas - it has even more shimmering sound compared to □□□□ and ■□□□ settings.

□□■■ - due to the elevation of the upper-mids up to the brilliance treble region. It gives a brighter and lean treble response that treble heads will probably like it but an anathema to treble-sensitive folk.

It projects a stronger sparkle present with good amount of harmonics with moderate airy extension.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - bright and a tad harsh.

Hi-hats - short glistening sound.

Glockenspiels - thin and bright sounding.

Celestas - bright and silvery sounding.


While this set might not have the best in regards technical capabilities but it still performs fine. It has an average to above-average sound/speaker stage size as it has a median width span but it has a fairly high ceiling on its height reach and good depth as I consider it as moderately spacious within my head room.

On its stereo imaging, it somehow projects a typical two-dimensional stereo presentation with just a decent layered frequencies and dynamic tones from each placement of instruments and vocals in soundscape albeit in two-layered arrangements. Separation capability seems to be fine but not the best out there in under $100/£80.

In terms on both coherence and cohesive performance of its triple drivers, it able to perform a fast transient response without any issues like out of phase or a detached part of its frequency range. This set is quite pretty resolving too especially on micro-dynamics for a multi-dynamic driver set, while it has firm note density on its macro-dynamics, it has a sharp definition on its micro-detail retrieval to extract some nuances and details in an audio track.



  • This set is the predecessor model of the TRIO as it also shares the same language design and it also has more than one driver inside. But the big difference is that this set has a more compact size, possesses only two dynamic drivers inside and it doesn't have tuning switches. The packaging box and inclusion of accessories is still the same as all entry-level CCA/KZ sets that share the same contents and packaging box.
  • The CCA has a mild u-shaped sound profile (memory foam ear tips) as it has an ample punchy and precise bass response, a neutral, transparent and energetic midrange presentation, and then bright and shimmering treble response. It has a similar technical performance with the TRIO but its layering is somehow a bit better on this one for some reason especially on some more complex multi-instrumental tracks and movie scores.

  • While it has similar build with the TRIO as its shell chassis is also composite of composite materials and has a tuning toggle switch, but there is a difference between them as this set has hybrid driver setup consisting of dynamic driver and balanced armature driver yet the dynamic driver of this set is a bit larger. Regarding its accessories, the stock cable of the NAMI is superior to TRIO's as aside from being thick and sturdy, it also has a modular option.
  • The NAMI has three types of sound profiles that veering towards a V-shaped tuning, subwoofer mode which more focus on a fuller bass response, HFE mode which has more elevated presence and brilliance part of the treble region and EHF which has the brightest treble response due to more boost on the upper mids up to brilliance part of the treble region. As for technical capabilities, it is surprisingly very similar with the TRIO from soundstage size up to resolution capabilities.

  • Aside from TRIO, this is the only other triple dynamic driver set that I have reviewed so far and compared to the TRIO, they are quite different. The DZ4 uses some smaller dynamic drivers and it was implemented along with a passive radiator module then encased in a 3D-printed resin shell. While this set is quite more pricey as it has better quality accessories like more eartips, stock cable and storage case.
  • The DZ4 has a mild U-shaped, and also has a balanced-neutral sound profile that makes it more appealing to the more experienced audio enthusiasts. It has a very balanced bass response, a well-balanced with ample textured midrange presentation with gives a more natural sound on vocals and instruments, and then smooth and inoffensive treble response. Technical capability-wise, while DZ4 and TRIO have similar sound field sizes, the former has a better stereo imaging for giving a more atmospheric presentation, a better layering and separation. The TRIO has a sharper micro-detail definition while the DZ4 has a more balanced definition.

CCA again proves its reputation in the audio community that they are very capable of delivering a product that will be more appealing on both casual listeners and experienced audio enthusiasts who just want a fun and engaging set for their listening pleasure. With a tuning switch for tonal versatility, the cohesive performance of its triple dynamic drivers, a solid build quality of its shell and a very competitive price, while it doesn't have the best stock accessories, The CCA TRIO is enough that I will recommend this one to audio enthusiasts who are in a tight budget and who just want an all-rounder set.

CCA TRIO is now available at KZ Official Store, check out the provided unaffiliated link below.


For more CCA product reviews, here are my previous review articles.




◆ CCA CA10

◆ CCA HM20




PLUG TYPE: 3.5mm

Some Tracks Tested: ( * = 16-bit FLAC, ** = 24-bit FLAC, *'* = MQA, '*' = DSD, *'= .WAV)

Alison Krauss -When You Say Nothing At All *
Jade Wiedlin - Blue Kiss**
Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks **
Mountain - Mississippi Queen *
Queen - Killer Queen **
Guns N' Roses - Patience *'*
Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven '*'
Sergio Mendes- Never Gonna Let You Go '*'
Pearl Jam - Daughter **
Roselia - Hidamari Rhodonite *
Assassin - Fight (To Stop The Tyranny)*
Celtic Frost- Visual Aggression *
New Order - Blue Monday *
The Corrs- What Can I do (unplugged version) *
Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Child *
The Madness- Buggy Trousers *
Metallica - Motorbreath **
Mariah Carey- Always Be My Baby *
Destiny's Child - Say My Name *
Malice Mizer- Au Revoir *
Mozart - Lacrimosa *
New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Dvorak- Symphony 9 " From the New World." *
Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold (Sting cover)*
Michael Jackson - Give In To Me *
Exciter - Violence and Force *
Diana Krall - Stop This World **
Debbie Gibson - Foolish Beat *'*
The Sisters of Mercy – Lucretia My Reflection**
Suzanne Vega – Luka **
Lauren Christy – Steep *
Ottoman Mehter - Hucum Marsi *
Diana Damrau - Mozart: Die Zauberflöte*
Type O Negative - Black No.1 *
Felix Ayo - Vivaldi: Presto **
Three Tenors - Nessum Dorma *
Mercyful Fate - Witches' Dance *


I am not affiliated to CCA nor receive monetary incentives and financial gains as they provide me a review unit for an exchange of factual and sincere feedback from yours truly.

Once again, I would like to send my gratitude to TYVAN LAM of KZ/CCA for providing this review unit. I truly appreciate his generosity and trust towards me and other reviewers.

Last edited:


500+ Head-Fier
The Bassy Budget King
Pros: + Price to performance

+ Exciting and fun tuning

+ Switches add tuning variety

+ Shells have great build quality

+ Warm and bassy with UUDD setting
Cons: - Big shells and large nozzles may cause fit issues (but didn't for me)

- Probably too bass heavy for some

- Stock cable

- Barebones accessories

- Lacking in technicalities/timbre issues

thaslaya's star rating system:
☆☆☆☆☆ - Fantastic!
☆☆☆☆ - Recommended
☆☆☆ - There are buyers but not for me
☆☆ - Can't see the appeal
☆ - Product is a failure

This set was provided by KZ in exchange for my honest and impartial review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Here is the non-affiliate product link for those interested:

Gear used:
●LG v30+
●Samsung Galaxy s22 Ultra
●Samsung dongle
●Hiby FC4
●KiwiEars Allegro

●Listening was done through Amazon Music HD or Ultra HD.

If you have been in the world of iems for even a brief period, you have probably heard of Knowledge Zenith (KZ) and its sister company CCA. The brands have been around for over a decade and are well-known for their affordable iems, but they also have a bit of a reputation for quality control issues and for the frequency in which they release products. I had not personally tried any of their products prior to this review but YMMV. The recently released CCA Trio has garnered a lot of hype on Head-fi and other places so I wanted to hear them for myself. The Trio is a pretty unique iem featuring three 8mm dynamic drivers and four tuning switches all for the low price of $30.99 (at the time of this review). Let's break down the sound and see if they set themselves apart in the crowded budget tier.

Build, fit, ergonomics:
The unboxing for the CCA Trio is about as barebones as it gets. The package is small and contains the iems themselves, a 3.5mm cable, 4 sets of tips, and a metal piece to toggle the switches. There is no case or bag included which isn't a big surprise considering the price. The shells are fairly large and made of resin with a metal faceplate. They are slightly on the heavy side but still have a decent weight balance. They actually feel more premium than I expected, and I really like the build quality, although I prefer recessed or flush 2-pin to QDC connectors. The nozzle size is slightly large, and in combination with the big shells, could present fit issues for some. There are 3 pair of silicone tips and 1 foam in the box. These didn't work well for me to create a good, comfortable seal so I opted to use my favorite Penon Liqueurs. The stock cable feels cheap and stiff, so I switched it out for the stock cable from my recently reviewed Simgot EM6L, which also has QDC and matches the Trio's aesthetics pretty well.

Sound impressions:
After playing around with the switches for a good period of time, I found that the UUDD configuration fits my preferences best. All of the following impressions were based on these settings since taking the time to write up every configuration would be an exhaustive effort. That's one of the fun things about the Trio though is that it can be tapered to each individuals preferences to a certain extent. Also the option of being able to adjust the tuning on the fly to suit a particular genre can't be understated.

The UUDD setting accentuates the sub and mid bass and gives the Trio a more L-shaped frequency response. This setting works best for my library which consists mostly of pop, rock, soft pop/rock, and some R&B. The soundstage is decent and definitely admirable for the price. The imaging and dynamic range are decent. Detail retrieval is OK but the Trio is more fun and musical than analytical. The note weight of the bass is fairly thick but the mids and treble are on the thinner side, although not too bad overall.

●Lows - There is more sub bass presence over mid bass. The extension reaches deep and has a nice rumble. The mid bass does have a slight bleed and separation could be better, but it's not bad for the price. There is decent punch and texture. The attack is fast but the decay can linger a bit which leads to a somewhat pillowy and blooming bass impression. It's definitely not a super clean bass presentation but it is really fun and dynamic.

●Mid - Vocals are present but not as forward and separated as I prefer. Male vocals suffer a bit more than female, the latter being less recessed. This is probably due to the mid bass being boosted by the switches and causing some bleed into the lower mids. There are also some timbre issues with vocals and instruments sounding a bit unnatural. It's an issue that should be taken into consideration, even factoring in the low price.

●Highs - Treble is mostly smooth, non fatiguing, and stays out of the way. At least these are my impressions with the setting I used and more treble energy can be added with the switches if desired. Enabling the switch causes the treble to sound artifical and thin to my ears. Keeping the switch in the down position meets my preference and effectively manages any sibilance or troublesome notes. The downside is that the extension and air are pretty mediocre with this setting. Although, it is a worthy sacrifice to maintain a more controlled treble response for my listening preferences.

In conclusion:
Leave your critical listening ears at the door and step into to the fun and bassy world of the CCA Trio. They offer a lot of fun for a small entry fee, and in my opinion, they are just too good to pass up. They do go on sale often (I've seen them as low as ~$20), so it might be worth it to wait if cost is a factor. It's hard to find too much fault in the tuning, especially with 4 switches offering different flavors. However, expectations should be tempered when it comes to the technicalities and accessories. The shells do have a great weight balance and build quality but the cable is pretty mediocre and the tip selection is sparse. I think one of the strongest aspects of the Trio is that it can be adjusted on the fly to suit your needs. Feel like banging your head? Dial up the bass and enjoy! In the mood for a more relaxing session? Turn all switches off and mellow out. Although they may not be the "giant killers" that some have claimed, they are indeed enjoyable and definitely worth consideration. To my ear, they were best suited to rock and pop music. I highly recommend them to anyone that wants a fun budget set for travel, the gym, or just as a backup iem. For me, the CCA Trio are the triple dynamic, bassy budget king.
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Muhamad Aditya

New Head-Fier
Pros: + Good quality & quantity of bass
+ Very good vocal presentation
+ Safe treble
+ Good technical for the price
+ Good fitting
+ Unique sound combination from the switch
Cons: - Bad packaging
- Treble may be too smooth for some people
- Bass may be too much for some people



Hello, this time I will review one of the newest line ups from CCA, namely Trio. Which is sold in Indonesia for 400 thousand rupiah. Let's talk about it straight away.

| PROS :
+ Good quality & quantity of bass
+ Very good vocal presentation
+ Safe treble
+ Good technical for the price
+ Good fitting
+ Unique sound combination from the switch

| CONS :
- Bad packaging
- Treble may be too smooth for some people
- Bass may be too much for some people

1. INTRO :

Before reviewing, I want to thank Yuwan Tara for the review unit. A little disclaimer for this review is purely my own personal opinion without any interference from other people. So if in the future there are differences in perception, that's normal.

For this review, I also purely used personal sources such as the HP Redmi Note 10 Pro & DAC Dongle Sonata BHD. For the iem itself, I used the default stock cable & silicon eartips without any particular modifications.

There is also a little information regarding the completeness of this IEM, which is the same as KZ CCA in general, which the majority already know. Which consists of an iem that has a switch feature, a mainstream cable from kz, 3 pairs of kz starline eartips, 1 pair of foam eartips, a switch control device & an instruction manual.

As for the build itself, it's standard, most of the housing is made of plastic with a metal faceplate. As for the fitting, I didn't have any problems with my ears, even though this iem is quite fat, the diameter of the housing is quite small so it feels comfortable to listen to. In this review, I also used the stock switch, that is, all the switches are in the off position. The explanation of the switches will be discussed later. This last information is not too heavy, but it is recommended to at least use a dongle. For me, using a Sonata BHD dongle is good for driving this IEM on Jack 3.5 with 40% low gain.

Hey, that's all for the intro, let's just discuss the sound.


- This trio has bass that can be said to be quite large in quantity, slightly different from Rhapsody.
- The portion is slightly dominant in the midbass area, the impact of the banging feels really solid & the texture is also nice.
- As for the subbass itself, the extension still feels pretty good, the depth is good & the rumbling is also nice.
- The bass speed itself is still quite good, it's still good for double pedaling, in terms of control it's also good, the bass doesn't bleed into the mids.
- Overall, for this DDDD switch version, the bass is still a fun bass & is presented very well, even though the quantity is quite large, the quality is still maintained very well. For the price, this is one of my favorite basses.
- Score (8.5/10)

- The mid position of this trio is a bit back behind the bass, however this trio has good separation so it doesn't close or mix with the bass, it just feels separated so it's steady.
- In terms of weight, this trio has a mid weight, you could say it's medium, not thin or thick. Make the female vocal portion good & the male vocals still quite good too. You could say it's quite balanced.
- The vocal presentation itself is also good, clean, open, energetic, feels quite natural & minimal peaks or sibilance.
- As for the timbre of the instrument itself, the weight is also right, it feels natural without any boost or excess. So it feels very similar to the original.
- Overall the mids of this trio are also presented very well. From the vocals which are quite balanced & natural to the instrument presentation which is also quite good. For the price, this is quite okay.
- Score (8/10)

- This trio has treble characteristics which are actually a bit smooth, but still quite good in terms of presentation.
- From the extension, it still feels quite good, there is an airy impression too, from the clarity & detail it is also still good, the most important thing is that the treble trio has minimal peaks or none at all, giving a harsh impression. Yes, the treble may not be good for people who like treble, only on one side, the treble trio is very suitable for those who are treble sensitive.
- Yes, overall the treble trio can be said to be the weakest sector compared to the bass and mids, but the presentation is still well taken care of, so it still feels quite good even though it's not as good as the presentation of the bass and mids.
- The score is (7.5/10)

- The technicalities of this trio are quite good for the price, from the soundstage which is quite spacious, which is dominant on the right and left, the depth is also still good, while the height is still quite okay.
- The separation & layering is still quite good for the price, it feels separated & the pin points are quite accurate, especially for mainstream music, maybe it's a bit of a hassle for complex music.
- For Transient speed, it's still quite good.
- For resolution, clarity, detail & micro detail, it is still pretty good even though the price is not the best. Not as good as conch, dfi switch or cra pro. (8/10)


- Basic Switches :
~ Switch 1 On: Bass increases 1 dB
~ Switch 1&2 On: Bass increases by 2 dB
~ Switch 3 On: Mid & Treble add 1dB
~ Switch 3&4 On: Mid & Treble add 2 dB

- Custom Switch Recommendations from me :

~ Custom UUDD Switch : This is really suitable for semi bassheads, the bass quantity feels like it has increased quite a lot & the bass feels super dominant. The jedag jedug bass on this switch is great, making EDM or dangdutan delicious on this switch combination. The only weakness is that other sectors are a bit closed, especially the treble, so it seems like it's hidden. But again, if you're a basshead, you really must try this switch combination.

~ Custom Switch DDUU : This switch combination is really suitable for those who feel that the stock version has too much bass, because the combination of this switch is quite sharp in the bass area & also quite improved in the mid & treble area. The vocals are clearer, more advanced & more open. It feels really boosted in the mids, while the treble section feels really wider, more open. Yes, overall you could say this is an alternative for those who want to be different from the basic trio tuning which is dominant in the bass, you can choose this switch combination.

~ Custom Switch UUDU : This switch combination is one of my favorites. The bass does feel bigger & similar to the UUDD combination, but by raising switch 4, it feels like the mid area is more open & the treble isn't closed off to the bass. So the sound seems more fun & dynamic. From the big, majestic & powerful bass. But the mid & treble area remains open & clear.

~ Custom Switch UDUU : This combination is also one of my favorite combinations. For the mid & treble area, it is similar to the DDUU switch. But adding switch 1 which is on makes the bass feel more fun but not overpowering compared to the DDUU switch.

~ Custom Switch UUUU : This combination is classified as improving all frequencies, from the bass which increases in quantity & the mid-high area which feels more open & present. Yes, you could say that the trio feels more musical with this switch combination.



- Bass :
Tonally, it is clear that both are almost identical, both are dominant in the bass area. In terms of quantity, Rhapsody's bass is clearly a little bigger, Rhapsody and its sub-bass feel deeper, more magnificent & in terms of rumbling it's also a little better than the trio. But for the midbass, the trio feels better in terms of impact, texture & control.

- Mid :
For the mid area, I prefer the trio to be honest. The mid execution in the trio feels better, in terms of weight, vocal quality or timbre, it feels much better in the trio. The mid rhapsody still feels thin, the vocals or timbre are also a bit less natural.

- Treble :
For this sector, the trio treble feels smoother, while the Rhapsody has more sparkling treble. As for the extension, Rhapsody also feels better. But Rhapsody's treble still feels thin and piercing, while the treble trio is really safe. Yes, this is just my taste, if you like treble, you still prefer Rhapsody, but for those who are sensitive, you prefer trio.

- Technical :
For this sector, Rhapsody feels better, especially in terms of resolution, clarity, detail & micro detail. In this section, I feel that Rhapsody is superior to the trio. The rest are technically similar, both are classified as having good technical skills in their price class.


This CCA Trio iem actually has good & unique potential. He has quite a varied voice from his switch combinations which are quite influential. For the price itself, it's pretty good value in terms of sound, this trio has unique tonal & technical qualities that are quite good for the price. However, the completeness still hasn't changed.

As for the fitting, I don't have any complaints at all, it's quite comfortable to my ears, as for the build, there's no complaints about the price, overall for the price, this trio is quite an attractive item. Suitable for people who like iems that prioritize the bass without sacrificing other sectors. My overall score for this iem is (8/10).


Hey, that's all my review, sorry if there are any wrong words or sentences that you don't like. Thank You...


100+ Head-Fier
CCA Trio: Effectively The Best.
Pros: Ergonomic and comfortable fitting

Variety on the tuning switches

Well-balanced Harman bass-boost sound signature

Thick but clean and smooth bass

Clean, open midrange

Clean, open treble

Good technicalities compared to its predecessor
Cons: Occasional sibilance

Midbass tuck on UUUU might sound too lean for some people

Not the most dynamic-sounding set

CCA Trio Review: Effectively The Best.​

PRICE: $49​


  • Ergonomic and comfortable fitting
  • Variety on the tuning switches
  • Well-balanced Harman bass-boost sound signature
  • Thick but clean and smooth bass
  • Clean, open midrange
  • Clean, open treble
  • Good technicalities compared to its predecessor


  • Occasional sibilance
  • Midbass tuck on UUUU might sound too lean for some people
  • Not the most dynamic-sounding set


  • People who want one of the best tuned budget Harman set
  • People who want a clean but engaging sound
  • People who want an improvement from the Rhapsody


  • People who hate midbass tucks
  • People who are treble sensitive
  • People who want a more dynamic sounding set


  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Soul


Arguably one of their best consumer tuned release today, the Trio embodies the famous Harman sound signature that has ravaged the market but does so in a way that replicates more expensive sets. A distinct tuck in the midbass and upper midrange energy while using 3DDs made the Trio arguably one of the best sets to get if you liked pure Harman. It’s not the most technical or most dynamic in the market and still has a long way from competing with the giants, but this is by far their best iteration of Harman by far. RECOMMENDED


KZ and fam have been pushing the boundary of how good audio can be in the budget realm. Rhapsody is marked as their latest trend of following the Harman 2019 target and thanks to its success, you can almost hear the cash being made from them capitalizing on this. So how does their second entry fair into the KZ pandemonium? Let’s talk about the CCA Trio!

DISCLAIMER: The Trio’s were sent over by CCA in exchange for my honest impressions. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity. I was not paid. Rest assured, my thoughts and opinions on this product will be of my own honest opinions and will not be affected by the facts beforehand.



Their second release into the Harman-infused era, the Trio at first glance would seem like the upgrade to the Duo. But due to its radically different design and the Trio’s release being months after Duo, the former takes on their later sound trends that we’ll be discussing later. So now, one should ask whether the Trio being released so close to the Rhapsody is worth the money or is another sidegrade.


The unboxing experience of the Trio is very similar to other KZ/CCA sets with the box showcasing the illustration of the IEM and the inclusions being your usual KZ cable, Starline eartips and some paperwork. What makes the Trio special is that it comes in the special Chinese New Year outer packaging and a free voucher. Yay!



Talking about the internals, the Trio features 3 8mm Dynamic Drivers. Not much information outside of that, but it’s interesting that they created a special 3D-printed slot just for the drivers which is not usually a very KZ/CCA move.


This is probably one of the biggest changes on the Rhapsody that I genuinely appreciate they did. The fit of the Trio is considerably better than the Rhapsody both in how it fits and how it seals.


The Trio features your usual aluminum faceplate and resin inner shell that we’ve seen in their sets before, but the Trio has a somewhat smaller profile that doesn’t completely fill up your ear like the Rhapsody did. I genuinely found the Trio to be a very comfortable set to use over long listening sessions without much fatigue in the ear (minus the cable). It’s very stable with a good seal, although not as good as Rhapsody, and it just looks and feels nice.

I’m not a big fan of the Trio on the faceplate and I feel like putting it on the shell would’ve been more tasteful, but I could just erase that myself. I’ll choose not to, for now.


NOTE: As the Trio features tuning switches, I’ll be talking about the sound of the stock configuration of UUUU (all up) and comparing it to the other modes in their respective section.


Sound Signature:​

The CCA Trio features a U-shaped sound signature with big but well-controlled bass, slightly tucked and open mids, and a forward, energetic but generously presented treble. It has just a very slight metallic tinge in the upper frequencies, but nothing that stands out too much.

Source Pairing and Drivability:​

The Trio is about average to slightly harder to drive compared to the usual sets I’ve tried. It’s not necessarily a tank in terms of how much power it needs, but using a dongle DAC does improve its sound quality, particularly dynamics and smoothening the top end.

Ideal Listening Volume:


The bass of the Trio is big, bouncy and deep. A similar story to the Rhapsody, it makes the music feel alive. Just not at the level of the Rhapsody. Nonetheless, it’s a very fun bass presentation that gives a lot of low-end instruments body and weight while not breaching and bleeding into the midrange which bass tuck lovers would absolutely love. If you look at the FR graph of the Trio, you can actually see how cleanly it tucks down at 200hz which is something you never see in this price range besides the DSP IEMs and the venerable Zero (we won’t mention its younger brothers as the way they do it isn’t as good as Trio)

Notable tracks that do really well with the Trio is Heart Don’t Stand a Chance which excels with big bassy sets. Especially with how well-defined that bass is, the track sounded real meaty and thick on the Trio without really intruding into .Paak’s vocals, for better or worse, made the mids sound quite clean.

Probably my gripe about the bass here is, well, it’s not quite the tightest or most well-defined kind of bass. Now sure, you can argue that for this price range, it’s not really a con more than it is a nitpick. But as someone who wants budget gear to get better, I want to mention these things. The bass can sound a little sloppy at times with the attack on notes sounding a little soft and puffy sounding. The track Wake Up by SOS is a prime example of this as the bass in this track is big but a little bit loose. It does better than its older sibling, the Rhapsody. But it still lags compared to some of the more refined DD sets in the price range like the Simgot EW200.


Giving credit where credit is due, the mids of the Trio are genuinely clean and open-sounding. It’s not going to break any records for its price as there are sets that balance out the midrange just a little bit better than the Trio, but the Trio being able to tuck at 200hz is a feat on its own. This has the effect of making the lower mids sound clean and open while having a big bass.

A track like Show You The Way by Thundercat is the perfect track to showcase this as this track has a lot of low-end energy that could potentially bleed and color the midrange. On the Trio, the vocals are largely untouched and there’s this sense of clarity and openness in vocals.

What makes it even better is that the upper mids are just as equally as well balanced as it doesn’t overemphasize the vocals like other Harman-inspired sets. A track like Through The Fire by Chakra Khan, even in the last chorus where she goes really high up, it never gets harsh or sharp. However, there are certain parts where there’s a slightly grainy quality that I’ll be expounding upon in the treble section.

My only nitpick about the mids is that it occasionally lacks character. It’s very clean and open-sounding, but there’s just not a lot of character. The lower mids don’t have that texture or engagement that I usually look for (but that’s probably just me not liking a tuck at 200hz that much) and the upper mids are forward, clean but generally safe without really bringing anything out. This is a good thing for most people, but I do prefer a little bit of spice in my vocals.


Admittedly, the treble of the Trio is pretty good for its price. It’s generally inoffensive but can still provide a good amount of air and clarity. It brings out percussive and soprano vocals quite nicely with a really good amount of energy without really sounding overly bright or harsh.

Fleetwood Mac’s The Chain is a great example of how nicely done the treble of the Trio is. It’s borderline getting too hot, but the overall presentation of the percussive instruments as well as the banjo guitar-sounding instruments is just perfect and presents them with a surprisingly nice timbre.

However, there are definitely some instances of sibilance on certain tracks. Between The Sheets is a track that showcases this treble roughness, but is a generally great track to listen to in the Trio. It’s just that in certain passages, especially when there are S and T sounds some roughness is present.

The air is pretty good, but nothing spectacular. You won’t expect vocals and instruments to sound airy and floaty, but it’s a generous amount of air that those sensitive to treble won’t find harsh and trebleheads such as myself would find adequate.


The technicalities of the Trio are surprisingly decent for its price.

Starting with the dynamics, it was definitely something that I both loved and hated about the Trio. In the context of the Rhapsody/Castor Bass style tuning, this is definitely a step up. However, it’s still not quite at the level of pure Dynamic sets, even the likes of the EW200, in terms of dynamic contrast.

Headstage was definitely where I was most surprised as I didn’t expect it to sound that wide. It’s not out of your head, but respectable enough to separate itself from most sets in its price range. This also applies to the imaging that, while not holographic, allows me to pinpoint some instruments better than some IEMs in this price range.

Separation and layering are still unfortunately not the cleanest or most accurate, but it’s respectable for its price. It separates simple tracks really well, but clearly struggles on more complex tracks.



  • This configuration is the opposite to the all up (duh) as it instead puts the emphasis on the low end while still keeping a U-Shaped sound. The treble hotness is tamed here which is the ideal configuration for those who found the treble of the all up to be too hot

  • This configuration boosts the bass further from the DDDD configuration which starts bleeding into the midrange, but further tames the treble region. Mids are less open sounding and it starts sounding like a basshead set

  • Simply, turn the trio into a basshead set. Mids are now drowned in the bass but is a more focused bass-centric set with still decent amount of detail

  • Tames the bass slighly from the UUUU configuration. Brings out the upper mids and treble slightly up, but oddly isn’t as sibilant sounding as the UUUU.

  • The brigthest, thinnest and coldest sounding configuration. Better suited for trebleheads because the tendency to be too hot is most evident here


Casual Use:​

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t use the Trio more while doing menial tasks than I wanted to. The Trio’s entire package from how it fits to how it's tuned just makes it perfect for long wearing and listening periods. The tuning is honestly perfect for any kind of media thanks to the generous bass boost allowing for some content to sound more lively, vocals having a good body and clarity and the treble being generally fatigue-free. I genuinely loved using the Trio for casual use

Gaming Use:​

Just like its younger brothers, the gaming performance of the Trio is superb. Big bass to bring out immersion, clean mids to make sure there’s no smearing and the mids sound open, and a generous upper mids to treble to bring out the micro-nuances. Another solid gaming set from CCA, which since the release of the Castor-Bass has become my default gaming IEM and recommendation.


VS CCA Rhapsody​


  • The older brother that continued what KZ has started, this is basically another step up from the formula. Improved dynamics, improve midrange timbre, better details and better separation. Heck, even the fit was improved as the Trio is considerably smaller than the Rhapsody and no longer has air pressure build-up. Overall, it’s just another improvement from a similar cloth

VS KZ Castor Bass​


  • Like the Rhapsody was to the Castor, the Trio is almost twice the step up from the Castor Bass. It improves basically everything the Castor had better than the Rhapsody did, but the Trio does tame the bass energy a little bit more compared to the Castor. But as whole, the Trio is two steps up from the

VS Simgot EW200​


  • The fight is much closer here compared to the Rhapsody before, but the fundamental difference is still present. The EW200 is a more dynamic, brighter and more coherent set compared to the Trio’s more fun, engaging and forgiving sound. EW200 is still ahead in terms of overall clarity, detail and separation, but the Trio doesn’t lag behind, especially in headstage and overall fun factor.

VS Truthear Zero: RED​


  • This is by far the closest comparison I can make with the Red in this price range so far. It’s still drastic to call it a “direct competitor”. But where the Trio added 1 more dynamic driver to the Zero Red, it also added more fun. The Zero has a darker, warmer, and more relaxed sound compared to the Trio’s more fun sound, but both sets take the boosted bass, clean mids and inoffensive top-end. Where the two divert is how much each end is boosted. The Zero has a less generous boost and a more linear midrange while also smoothening up the top end to be less “fatiguing” and more relaxed. This has the effect of the Zero sounding potentially more boring but also more neutral.

VS Binary x Gizaudio Chopin​


  • Like the Chopin was to the Variations, the Trio is to the Chopin. Both sets follow an eerily similar Harman-infused sound with extra midbass, a slightly deeper tuck, and a sharp elevation directly in the ear gain. The difference is that, fundamentally, Chopin is still a more refined-sounding set compared to the Trio. Bass sounds deeper and more engaging on the Chopin while it sounds more single-noted on the Trio. The Trio lacks the technical chops and dynamic energy that Chopin has which, for almost 5x the price is almost to be expected.


One could argue that the Rhapsody should’ve been given a little more time in the oven to become Trio, but we all know how KZ works. They’d rather make small incremental upgrades on pre-existing concepts rather than put all their eggs in one basket. The meme about KZ just making a pro version of their recently released set is justified when you look at their release patterns.

However, I genuinely think that the Trio is a massive step up from those that came before it. It’s considerably more refined, more balanced, and more technical than ever. Heck, even if I’m not a fan of this tuning, I’d confidently say this is probably the best KZ out in the market if you’re looking for something fun and well-tuned. It’s not perfect, no IEM is. But this is probably the best you can get if you just want something that you’d enjoy in any listening session. And for that, I’ll give credit where credit is due and congratulate CCA for further improving the status quo.

Thank you for reading my review on the CCA Trio! If you would like to order one, consider using the non-affiliated link below:

If you have any questions, you may contact me on my Facebook page or at my email:

Enjoy music!
Last edited:


500+ Head-Fier
CCA Trio Review
Pros: -Build Quality is good for the price


-Tuning switches (may be a con to some as well)

-Organic timbre

-Nicely balanced and fun sounding set

-Rich and well controlled bass

-Midrange is very expressive and musical

-Natural sounding treble, good extension


Cons: -Not the most detailed (average)

-Tuning Switches (also a pro for some)

-Nothing feels like a huge “con” at this price

CCA Trio Review

Trio Featured Image


CCA Trio


Hello, today I have one of the latest iems from the very popular audio brand KZ/CCA named the CCA Trio. As most of you know, CCA is actually a sub-brand of KZ Audio and usually works in tandem with KZ. Some folks think that CCA is the slightly more upscale brand of the two. Of course, there is no solid proof of such a claim, but many folks feel that way. I will say this, CCA is probably KZ’s biggest competition and vice versa, so they have the budget market cornered folks. Anyways, I was very happy to be getting this latest 3DD multi-driver iem as I was very curious how well CCA would be able to pull off a triple DD set. KZ/CCA has had past experience in dealing with triple dynamic drivers as years ago (2 years) they crafted the KZ DQ6 which consisted of one 10mm DD and two 6mm DD’s. It had some issues and some questions that I’m not going into here but I’m sure it did very well in sales. Next, they had the offshoot of the DQ6 in a collaboration effort with HBB (Hawaiian Bad Boy) from YouTube’s “Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews” called the KZ X-HBB DQ6S. I never actually heard that set but from what I was told the treble was tamed and there was a general refresh of the tuning. Honestly, KZ/CCA has had so many multi-drivers sets, and hybrid sets that I’m pretty sure no company on earth has released as many. Basically, they’ve had the experiential working knowledge to… figure things out.


I’ve conducted many reviews of this brand in the last few years and for the most part I’ve come away impressed enough to say that each of their iems competes. In their price points that is. Below is a quick look at some of those reviews.
CCA TRIO Review Pic (23).jpg
AS16 Pro
PR1 Hifi
ZSN Pro 2

So yes, I’ve seen the progression of KZ/CCA iems over the course of the last couple years and I cannot help but think that they’ve certainly figured out this whole “iem making” business. They will always release more than anyone else and each will always be an incremental upgrade over the last in each series. This one I’m reviewing today is especially cool. I will always be a huge DD fan and I’m even more excited over a 3DD configuration. So, without further ado, the CCA Trio everyone…

Non-Affiliated Purchasing Links:


I received the CCA Trio from KZ Audio as a review sample and in exchange I will conduct a full review and feature at I have not received any payment or any other form of compensation for this review. This set is a review sample iem. KZ has not requested to pre-read any review and doesn’t have any control over “what” or “when” anything gets published to All thoughts within this review are my own, though please take note that I will always have my own biases. This is impossible to get around. I try to be as objective as my subjective self can be, but this is an opinion piece folks. Thank you to KZ and thanks for reading.


Simgot EA500LM Review Pic (6).jpg

Aful SnowyNight / EPZ TP50 / iBasso DX240 / Shanling M6 Ultra / Fiio Q15 / Ifi Go Blu

Gear used for testing

Ifi Go Blu

Aful SnowyNight


Fiio Q15

iBasso DX240 with Amp8 MK2

Shanling M6 Ultra

The Trio attached to the Q15 from Fiio is a very nice pairing.

Packaging / Accessories

This should be rather short as CCA doesn’t usually add in the most elaborate unboxing experience. However, we know this, and this should not be a surprise to anyone. The Trio came to my home in a small black box. Once you open the box you’ll see the Trio. Under the earphones is the cable, the tuning switch tool or “Sim-card tool” as well as the eartips. Nothing crazy going on and it’s the usual from CCA.

CCA TRIO Review Pic (12).jpg
CCA TRIO Review Pic (13).jpg

Trio Unboxing


Trio Eartips

As always, it’s a good thing to get some more KZ Starlines tips and that is exactly what is packaged in the box of the Trio. CCA provides three sets in total of the Starlines (S, M, L) as well as one set of medium sized foam tips. Now, I love Starlines and when you need them, they can be perfect. However, I instead went with KBear 07 large sized tips. I do feel the Trio benefits from the 07’s as the upper midrange calmed down a hair and the bass becomes the slightest bit punchier and more impactful. That said, you are more than fine simply using the provided KZ Starline tips.



The cable is the same KZ/CCA cable we’ve seen for years. The same QDC style 2-Pin SPC cable in a white/opaque sheath or outer liner. The cable is perfectly fine for any listening needs on 3.5 single ended. In fact, I used this 3.5 cable for any single ended listening. I did end up using the TRN Redchain modular cable as it pairs perfectly in aesthetic and color matching. Most of my listening is done using 4.4 balanced and so the Redchain is a good cheap cable that works like a charm, sounds good with the Trio and looks dope. Cables matter. That said, if you only have enough money for the Trio and the Trio alone, then you will be perfectly fine using the included cable.


Build / Design / Internals / Fit

Build / Design

The CCA Trio is built with some good materials as this is one area that most CCA sets do well against the rest of the market. Usually they are built well, surprisingly well actually. The Trio is no different. Built using a clear hard plastic for the shell and CCA chose to use a very nice alloy faceplate. The faceplates look very nice with the usual stylistic approach. You’ll notice a cursive “Trio” written on the faceplates and a raised surface with three long vents as well. On the back of each unit is the four tuning switch manifolds. Discreet enough and looks cool too. The Trio has this gun metal color on the faceplates, which is very cool. Overall, the Trio is built very well and designed just as nicely. Certainly, one of the better-looking sets in the $40 price point. To add to that, the build is very ergonomically sound, but also pretty darn big too. So, keep that in mind. The Trio has to house 3 dynamic drivers and so of course they are pretty big. The nozzle is medium length as well. All things considered, CCA did a great job crafting this set, it’s good looking and is built well.

Trio Build Quality
Trio Build Quality
Trio Build Quality
Trio Build Quality

Tuning Switches

To the Chagrin of many of my fellow hobbyists and us reviewers, CCA once again went with tuning switches to change up the sound to small degrees to suit your preferences. Folks, I’ve been through enough of these tuning switch reviews to know that there is never a good way to go about explaining them. At least not in an efficient manner. However, CCA makes it all pretty easy to understand. The Trio has four switches in total, 1,2,3,4. For review purposes “1” means a switch is “on”, and “0” means a switch is “off”. So, if I were to have the first two switched on and the last two off, it would look like this… “1100”.

What do they do

Switches 1 & 2 operate the bass region by pushing them up. Switch one adds a dB or two and switch two adds a dB or two to the low-end. Simple as that. Next, switches 2 & 3 do the same thing but instead of adding to the low-end, they add db’s to the mids and highs. Each switch only represents a dB or two and so it isn’t the greatest change, but it is a change. Out of all the configurations, I happen to like the first three switches up and the last one down. I actually like listening to the Trio in the “1110” configuration the most. To be honest, I also like all switches up (1111) as well. However, for critical listening purposes I mostly listened with “1110”. Like I said, KZ/CCA makes their switches pretty easy to understand and simple.

Trio Tuning Switch Graph

Customizable Audio Experience with 4-Level Adjustment
The CCA Trio introduces a built-in professional filter with a 4-level switch, allowing listeners to customize their audio experience. Whether seeking deep, resonant bass or bright, airy highs, a simple toggle of the switch can satisfy any preference, offering a diverse auditory landscape that caters to all genres and moods.
CCA Promotional


I don’t know much about the three dynamic drivers inside of the Trio’s housing. In fact, all I can really tell you is that each shell sports three 8mm dynamic drivers. Naturally the Trio are of good size to accommodate these drivers. CCA also added in a three-way electronic crossover to separate each 3rd of the mix. There really isn’t much more to say other than I feel the Trio has some 1uality drivers inside.

Trio Internals
Trio Internals
Trio Internals

Full-Range Output with High-Performance Triple Dynamic Drivers
The CCA Trio earphones feature an innovative set of three 8mm dynamic drivers, each meticulously tuned to deliver unparalleled audio performance across the full sound spectrum. From deep bass to crisp highs, the CCA Trio ensures every note is captured in stunning detail, offering listeners a truly immersive sound experience.
Precision 3-Way Crossover Technology
With precision electronic three-way crossover technology, the CCA Trio achieves a flawless segregation of bass, mid, and high frequencies. This advanced design allocates each frequency range to its dedicated driver, minimizing interference and delivering a pure, balanced sound that remains faithful to the original recording.
CCA Promotional

Fit / Isolation

The CCA Trio are pretty large folks. So, take that into consideration if you have trouble fitting larger earphones. I quite literally had zero issues getting an awesome seal and a good fit. I have no idea how this set will fit your ears but I’m willing to bet they will fit okay, with minimal fidgeting around in your ears. This body style and shape has been used many times in the past by KZ/CCA and it is one which works. Isolation is about average. This is not a set meant to attenuate all outside noises. However, they aren’t bad.



The CCA Trio is rated at around a 15–20-ohm impedance with a sensitivity ranging from 101-103 dbs of sensitivity. These values fluctuate depending on the switch orientation you may be using. Generally, the Trio is very easy to drive. Using my Fiio UTWS5 doing basic chores around my house had plenty of headroom and the UTWS5 only provides about 50mW at 16ohms. That was also a good pairing. I do find that a touch more output and use of better sources really helps a lot. This should go without saying. Using the Aful SnowyNight was a very nice pairing as the tonalities of both seemed to mesh very well. The IFi Go Blu also is great for the Trio. Honestly, out of all my sources I found that none of them really sounded “bad”. I feel the Trio is an easy set to pair with most source tonalities. All of my daps paired pretty well too. The Trio is one of those sets which is like a “tweener” in its tonality. Warmish/neutral seems to work well with most sources from my experience.

What do you need

I honestly don’t feel you need anything crazy powerful. Like most sets, the Trio did sound a bit tighter and slightly more refined with a touch more juice. That said, I’m sure the Trio will sound perfectly fine off of a simple 3.5 phone jack. Obviously, if you have a more refined source then the Trio will sound that much more refined itself.


Condensed Sound Impressions

From the get-go I was impressed by the Trio. Let’s just get that out of the way. The Trio has a warmish-neutral tonal color, probably leaning more to the warm side, but not straight up warm. There’s some levity and air to the sound as well which counters that warmth very well. I would call this a slight V-shaped sound to a U-shaped sound depending on your switches. The sound is smoother than crisp and more musical than anything else. In fact, musicality is probably the Trio’s greatest strength which is a good thing to be for a set of earphones. The Trio has some good energy too with more expressive macro-dynamics. Nothing dull about the sound on this set. I hear a good dynamic balance without any one area of the mix masking over any other area to a detrimental degree.

Quick Sound between the 20’s

The bass has plenty of thump and rumble but also has tighter control than I expected. It is certainly atmospheric but not laggy or muddy. There is a nice emphasis which has the quantity to keep things fun and interesting but is also clean enough to manage more complicated tracks. The midrange is nicely open with a very convincing and realistic timbre. The mids are smooth across the board with fairly well-defined note edges and good transient attack through sustain. The mids have a more substantial note body and don’t come across thin or dry in any way. Open, nice air between instruments and musically adept. The treble has some brilliance to it which adds needed levity and openness to the sound. Details emerge pretty well even though the treble is pretty smooth. Not crunchy or crisp. The stage has good width, better than average as well as good depth which makes for a more 3D type of listen with decent layering to my ears. Details aren’t the Trio’s superpower, but they also aren’t bad at all. Separation is about average to slightly above average from the smoother portrayal of my music, but imaging is actually very good.

Trio Graph
Graph courtesy of Paul Wasabii, Thank You!


Bass Region

The bass can bang folks, it can rumble, and it has some decent speed and impact. Not to basshead levels but still nicely emphasized in a way that the listener can have some fun. In general, I probably wouldn’t refer to the low-end as “speedy”, but for what it is I hear some nicely textured and more concise transients. Actually, I feel the transients come across more organic, unprocessed, yet also corporeal with a little vigor. Not perfect, not dry, fast, or precise in its note speed, but it also isn’t slow and lethargic. The bass has a slightly softer leading edge as it isn’t rock hard, you don’t have glass lined note outlines. Hammer wrapped in a sock type. However, inside of that slightly softer crested note is a nicely dense, compressed and rigid note body. There’s weight to it. There’s fullness within the bass region. The bass has a certain richness to it that is tangible with good extension into the lowest of lows. That all said, I’m not calling this basshead. It’s just a more elevated bass. Enough to be fun, enough to satisfy on hip-hop tracks with nice bass drops or grumbling bass guitars.


The sub-bass does have a more reverberant and haptic feel as the extension down low is pretty darn nice. Now, this is a $40 iem so let’s keep some perspective as I write, and you read. If you dig a pretty deep sub-bass, that doesn’t overtake anything else, and doesn’t encroach upon other areas while keeping pretty tight reigns on its cadence and note definition then… You may like the Trio. Again, not basshead. I may have to repeat that a few times. I’d call it just above moderately deep in pitch. Listening to “Heavy is the Ocean” by Bush, I love the feel to the bass right at the outset of this song. The grumbling and guttural bass is just enough to be felt in my ears, as the bassline heads towards the main verse. Like I said, just above moderately deep. The sub-bass is textured with a hearty fullness.


I feel the mid-bass is only slightly more emphasized than the sub-bass region, but they actually play in concert very well. I like the quantity tuned into the Trio’s mid-bass as it is just enough to bring upon a nice bass drop in the track “2040” by Lil Baby. The bass guitar has that fullness to it that I like in most any track I put on. Like in the track “West Texas is the Best Texas” by The Panhandlers. The Trio pumps out some nicely bulbous kick drums too. For instance, the kick drums (which hit in a bullish sequence) on the track “Billie Jean” by Weezer are wonderful. They are convex and condensed, with that good hollow boom and rebound. It’s hard to find faults here actually, for the price that is. I feel the mid-bass offers a relatively tight note structure with natural sounding decay. Not too fast and not slow or prolonged. The transients fit the overall theme of the lower half of the mix. Atmospheric, fun, but pretty clean for a $40 iem. This mid-bass will also not come across as basshead but it does have that fun element to it. Another nice thing is that the mid-bass only slightly warms up the midrange as it doesn’t really bleed into it in a negative way for my tastes.

Downsides to the Bass Region

The biggest issues with the bass will come from fans of…well… less bass. Those who enjoy that crystal clean and refined low-end that keeps an unblemished midrange with no bleed… will likely not be impressed. There are plenty of folks who really don’t enjoy an emphasized low-end. There are instances in bass heavy tracks where portions of my music are slightly masked but nothing too egregious and horrible. For the most part this is a fun low-end that keeps a nice dynamic balance with the rest of the mix. Also, straight up bassheads will probably keep moving.



Musical. That’s the midrange. It’s musical, it’s smooth and it isn’t oversaturated in pinna glare. At least in my “1110” dip-switch orientation. That can change a little bit with the last switch turned on and the low-end switches turned off (0011). At any rate, I like how CCA chose to tune this set. The note weight has nice authority to it. There is substance there. It isn’t some papery dry and thin sounding set. Yes, CCA sacrificed a little bit of separation, but it was worth it. For what the Trio is, I find resolution to actually be pretty nice. Not perfect though. Perfect resolution is reserved for a different kind of tuning. This is just like I said, it’s musical, melodic, and emotionally charged with what sounds to me to be an organic timbre. Warm-neutral throughout. Slightly warmer in the low-mids and gaining some levity, air and vibrance as you head into the upper-mids. Nothing that strikes me as unbalanced, strident or offensive either. The midrange is not recessed to any great degree as the sound field is closer to the listener. I wouldn’t call it forward per se, but simply not as recessed as some V-shaped iems in the Audioverse.


The low-mids offer up nice male vocals with some good heft to them helping men to sound like men. Deeper voices which resonate in the lower register like Avi Kaplan in “First Place I Go” sounds awesome. His voice is deep as it hangs around partially into the bass region too, but the nice thing is that his voice is clear and without any form of a veil. In “Azalea Blooms” by Muscadine Bloodline, the lead singer comes across smooth and highlighted against the backdrop of a beautiful harmonica and strumming acoustic guitar. The Trio does a nice job of keeping the emotion in a song. I find that thinner and dryer sounding iems don’t really push that feeling quite like a warmer and melodic sounding set. The Trio is the latter. Dermot Kennedy‘s track “Rome” is another that sounds better on the Trio than with some other notable sets. His voice can very easily sound too knife-edged and sharp at the crest of his notes. His voice is just that way. Anyways, on the Trio I hear a crispness, but it doesn’t derail into a grainy, sharp or metallic sounding mess. I won’t say that the Trio is a low-mid lover's dream, but for $40 it isn’t bad by any stretch.


In the upper-midrange I find that CCA kept a close eye on where and how much pinna rise they were going with. I feel the Trio takes me just up to the point of vibrance and puts a cap on it. I don’t hear anything that is overtly glaring or shouty. Again, maybe in the right switch settings you’ll get a bit less of a tonal balance but where I listen at the upper-mids are at a very nice level. Enough to add shimmer but not enough to turn the volume down. Note weight still has somebody to it and notes in this region hold onto that emotional sounding atmospheric type of replay. Listening to Gabrielle Aplin in “Half in Half Out” is a pleasurable experience with the Trio in my ears. Her voice is whispery soft, feathery even. She sounds realistic, natural to the ear and the melody which follows her voice sounds wide and engaging. Ashley Monroe sings “Hands On You” and her voice is forward with nice timbre. Warm, but not without some glow to it, some added luminescence. The bass which surrounds her is deep and authoritative which adds a great contrast to her silky vocals. Females sound nice on the Trio.

Further thoughts on the midrange

The midrange is not one that will change your life, but it is good for what it is. This is not a midrange dominant iem and so there are certainly sets that display even better midrange characteristics. Most midrange instruments come across nice, for the most part anyways. Strings, percussion, woodwinds…. All come across rather naturally depending on your switches. Let’s put it this way, I hear nothing that is a huge turn off. Tonality and timbre are great, and the midrange carries some nice musicality for $40. Like I said, most instruments come across decently separated, not like some sets created for a more technical approach. Better than one should expect a $40 V-shaped triple DD to sound. Actually, I think midrange separation is better than I expected. Imaging is also very good, and the stage has nice depth in this range which is a nice thing to hear.

Downsides to the Midrange

As far as issues go, not everything is for everyone. This is true no matter the cost. I realize that I’ve said some pretty nice things thus far about the Trio and I wouldn’t walk any of that back. It’s a nice sounding set. However, some folks want that analytical and flat sound. Some people want an even darker, more robust sound as well. Separation of instruments could be even better than the Trio presents them, and even detail retrieval in the midrange could be better as well. Of course, you have a slightly smoother, richer and decently weighted sound, which doesn’t always bode well for most technicalities. That said, the Trio has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of concerning its midrange tuning. Separation is better than it should be, Imaging is great, details are also better than they should be and the sound is natural, clean enough and resolute for the tuning.


Treble Region

The treble region is also a smooth affair with an adequate amount of brilliance while creating a nice and cohesive balance with the rest of the mix. I hear some nice resolution up top too with fairly nice detail retrieval, decent separation and again we have good imaging (as far as I can tell). Extension is nice, I don’t hear anything splashy. For instance, the secondary harmonics of a cymbal strike don’t sound like sheened out splashes of treble. Flute sounds melodic and even resounding at times with likeable and pretty realistic timbre. Violins sound silvery and melodic as well. Nothing scratchy, abrasive or out of tune to my ears. Again… as far as I can tell. Understand, these are my subjective impressions and opinions so do take that into consideration. It’s not a perfect science figuring out what “is” or “isn’t” good timbre. It’s all in the ears of the beholder. What I like is the subtle warmth yet moments of brilliance when a track calls for it. Like I’ve stated multiple times, the balance is such that no one area of the mix stands tall above the rest, but also… each area is represented very nicely. That includes the treble region.

Not for treble-heads, but nice…

This is not going to be a set that brings out all of the treble heads though. Of course, it’s not every day that you hear good treble under $50. The Trio does a lot well, I’ll say that without skipping a beat though. I would think that treble junkies would want an even more spiked treble experience, more shining brilliance, more treble bite and crispness and a quicker decay. However, with all that said, the Trio illuminates details very nicely with better than adequate separation of instrumentation in the treble region. There’s space for instruments to spread their legs… so to speak. There’s room to operate and cleaner lines along note edges. I don’t hear a ton of grain or tiny auditory particles floating around the sound field. Obviously, the recording will dictate a lot, source will dictate a lot too, but for the most part the Trio handles the treble region much better than I expected. At this point, the Trio is looking more and more like a good all-rounder.

Downsides to the Treble Region

Speaking of downsides, I would first say that treble heads will likely want more of an emphasis up top. More clean and structured bite for treble notes. The Trio comes across a bit smoother rather than crisp and so note definition is a bit smoothed over and not as precise as a set tuned with the treble quality in mind. I could also say that decay is a bit more natural rather than snappy and super tight. However, at the end of the day it all comes together nicely for the Trio and the treble experience is actually quite good.




This is an area that I was surprised to see defy my expectations. I was expecting a more congested stage, but the Trio proved me wrong. I actually hear very nice width. Extending past my ears and stretching the stage in a slightly more realistic manner than I’ve been used to for these prices. Depth is also something which surprised me. There is actual depth that comes across as a 3D rendition of my music. It leans holographic which is really awesome to hear. All in all, the stage is very nice. You have good extension both ways and a more expressive mid-section with decent macro-dynamics which all seems to give depth to the sound to my ears. This is not a flat plane of sound but instead there is some convexity, some roundness.

Separation / Imaging

Separation is right above average as a whole. Some areas are better than others though. Also, some tracks are better than others too. Separation isn’t perfect when listening to congested tracks all the time but that’s to be expected. Though, by-and-large the Trio does better than many sets at creating a distinction between instruments and vocals. This is especially great considering the type of tuning we have on this set. Smoother and richer doesn’t usually equate to above average separation. Imaging is even better. I hear good imaging in fact. I’ll tell ya’ folks, I am surprised at how well the Trio does in all categories of Technicalities.

Detail Retrieval

I know I’ve already gone over this, but detail retrieval is definitely above average for the $40 price point. The only caveats would be heavily bass driven tracks and seriously congested tracks. Everything else is quite good. The Trio does a nice job at bringing out the subtleties in my music. Breath in a mic, the rebound from strings, different harmonics, the crowd in live tracks etc. are all better than expected. All the while the sound is actually fun, expressive, macro-dynamics are boisterous enough and there is actual fun energy. This is a great set for the price folks. Trust me (okay you don’t have to trust me) I don’t review anything I don’t like.


Is it worth the asking price?

I couldn’t (with a right mind) declare the Trio “not” worth the measly $40 it cost to own this set. The Trio is simply another great addition to the under $50 price bracket. To think that KZ/CCA tuned a 3DD set to sound this good is a huge testament to them. My hats go off to all the sound engineers and tuners. Is it perfect? C’mon, I’m not saying that. I’m also not saying it’s best in its price point or “tops in class”. Not saying that. I am trying to get across to the reader that the Trio is a benefit to any collection if what I’ve described aligns with your preferences.

The Why…

The bass is fun, tight enough and impactful enough. Midrange is smooth, tuneful and musical without leaving out the technical stuff. The treble has such a nice transition from mids to treble, nicely toned-down brilliance, good extension. The stage is above average, Imaging is nice too. Separation of elements within the stage are decent too. Believe it or not, the tuning switches do subtly change the sound. Build is good enough. The look and appearance are dope. Yes, it’s worth every last penny.


However, the under $50 price point has to be one of the most difficult price points for any iem. There are a whole host of great sets that do a wonderful job of replaying music. Sets like the Simgot EW200 (EW200 Review), CCA Rhapsody (Rhapsody Review), Truthear Zero Red (Mahir’s Zero Red Review) EPZ Q1 Pro (Review coming soon), EPZ Q5 (Q5 Review), Rose Technics QuietSea (QuietSea Review), Celest Pandamon (Pandamon Review), BGVP P05 (P05 Review) among many others (yes, I know I left many out). Also, if you spend about $20 more you get into the Artti R1 territory which is another 3DD iem and it is marginally better in almost all regards, not to mention the other sets hovering just one price point higher. The point is, it’s a tough price bracket to try to stand out. The benefit of the Trio’s tuning is in its dynamic balance. It can be an all-rounder type set and can replay many genres well. I think for the price and even against the competition, the CCA Trio is an easy set to rec. Worth every penny.


Ratings (0-10)

Note: all ratings are based upon my subjective judgment. These ratings are garnered against either similarly priced sets or with similar driver implementations or styles with the unique parameters of my choosing. In the case of the CCA Trio ratings below, that would be $35-$50 iems of any driver configuration. Please remember that “ratings” don’t tell the whole story. This leaves out nuance and a number of other qualities which make an iem what it is. A “5-6” is roughly average and please take into consideration the “lot” of iems these ratings are gathered against. $35-$50 US is a pretty large scope of iems and so seeing a “9” (for example) should be a special thing. My ratings are never the same and each set of ratings tells a different story. Each time you read one of my ratings will be unique to that review. Basically, I create a Rating that makes sense to me.


Build Quality: 8.9 Build is nice

Look: 9.0 Understated and cool looking

Accessories: 5.5 CCA not known for good unboxing.

Overall: 7.8

Sound Rating

Timbre: 9.3 Timbre isn’t bad at all for a $40 iem.

Bass: 9.1 Fun, deep, authoritative bass.

Midrange: 9.1 Musical, easy in the ears.

Treble: 8.9 Non-Offensive, smooth, clean.

Technicalities: 8.7 Better than expected.

Musicality: 9.5 Musicality 1st iem.

Overall: 9.1🔥🔥🔥

Ratings Summary:

Folks, I spend too much time deliberating amongst myself about each rating. I don’t think that the Trio ratings above will cause much of a stir, unless you simply don’t like the sound. I rated the Trio against any and all iems between $35 and $50 US. That’s a boatload of iems, folks. I don’t really feel I have many ratings that would garner much anger from the crowd. The Trio is a good set, plain and simple. If you are in the market for a fun set, with a nice balance, within the price range, then it’d probably be good to at least include the Trio into that searching. I don’t think I would change a thing about the ratings. However, if I was pushed to change anything I’d possibly say the “Treble” could be a hair higher. Also, depending on what you enjoy, the “Bass” rating may be a bit higher than some would like. That’s about it.



To conclude my full written review of the CCA Trio, I first have to thank KZ/CCA and Tyvan Lam for providing the Trio in exchange for a feature at I cannot thank you enough.

Final thoughts on the Trio

Looking at the landscape of iems under $50, I cannot fathom a world that the Trio isn’t at least in consideration for one of the better sets in this price point. It does a lot correct, and I love to see where KZ/CCA goes from here. If for whatever reason you are really wanting to try out a triple dynamic driver iem, but don’t have a ton of money to spend then I certainly feel that the Trio is worthy of your time. Another fine job from KZ/CCA. This set is a certain recommendation.

Other perspectives

Please seek out other reviewers’ perspectives on the CCA Trio. It’ll only benefit you. Don’t just stop at my opinion, because my opinion is only one opinion. Yes, I think this set is fantastic, but others may dislike it. That’s the nature of the hobby. We are all very much different. Each one of us. We all have different likes and dislikes, musical libraries may be different, hearing ability may be different too, and a number of other areas which speak to the differences in every opinion. I think you’ll be doing yourself a “solid” by scrolling through Google looking for reviews. With that said, I’m done. I hope this review has helped. By the way, I ran out of time to conduct comparisons so hopefully I can get those edited in later. With that, I hope you are all well and good. Stay as safe as possible and always… God Bless!


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    CCA TRIO Review Pic (63).JPG
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500+ Head-Fier
CCA Trio - Just another solid CCA set
Pros: - Fun tuning and well balanced tuning, smoother and more natural than the Rhapsody
- Switches provide for more versatility since you can make small adjustments to the sound here and there
- Easy to drive
- Generally comfortable
Cons: - The CCA Rhapsody are slightly more resolving and capable albeit with a less natural sound profile
- CCA should include better stock cables
- Only one set of tips provided (they are good, but some brands include a wider selection of stock tips) other than the foam tips
- High product turnover in KZ and CCA product portfolio, which leads to product becoming obsolete very fast


CCA has always been “the handsome sister brand” of KZ, famous for offering more balanced and mature tunings than those of the KZ line-up..
The CCA Trio (also called “The Legendary 3DD IEM”, come after the much praised Rhapsody and their name also suggests they are somewhat related to the less recent CCA Duo.
In this review, I’ll try to give my opinion on these and will do some comparison with other similarly priced products.

Disclaimer: the CCA Trio were sent to me by CCA free of charge so that I could write an honest review. This review represents my personal opinion on the set and it is by no means a promotional or paid content.
At the time of the review, the CCA Trio were on sale for around 40$ at KZ’s official webstore.


Technical Specifications​

  • Driver Configuration → 3 x DD
  • Impedance → 15 - 20 Ω
  • Sensitivity → 101-103dB
  • Frequency Response Range → 20Hz-40kHz
  • Cable → 1,20m 5N copper silver plated cable with 0.75mm 2-PIN QDC connectors
  • Plug Type → L-type gold plated 3.5mm jack connector


Nothing new under the sunlight as the Trio come with the same packaging as older KZ and CCA products:
  • The CCA Trio
  • One pack of starline eartips (S, M, L) and one set of medium-sized foam tips
  • The detachable 3.5mm cable with 0.75mm 2-PIN QDC connectors
  • A SIM Card removal needle (needed to move the switches)
  • User manuals and instructions


Design and Build Quality​

The CCA Trio are slightly smaller with similar thickness and identical nozzle size. I would have really liked a smaller font for the “Trio” label on the shell, but this is very subjective. The dark-silver faceplate is glossy and elegant, and there are three diagonal-striped holes that should be open, even though I’m not sure if they are vents or if it’s just a decorative part of the shell.
The switches are located on one side of the IEM, but the reason why the switch panel is not symmetrical between the two IEMs is still unknown to me.
The nozzle is not as wide as on other sets but it’s not a small nozzle either.
Overall, the Trio are well built and feel sturdy and very solid in the hands.



The stock cable is again nothing special: it’s the same cable that KZ and CCA have been including for ages now, and even though it’s not bad (per se), I still think a small effort to include an even better cable could be done, since other brands have already done that.


Comfort and Isolation​

Comfort is generally good even though those with very small ears could find the shell thickness annoying over prolonged listening sessions. In any other case, they fit very well and have a solid grip.
Isolation is more than enough for outdoor listening sessions.


  • DAC: Topping E30
  • AMP: Topping L30, Fiio A3
  • Mobile phones: Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, Xiaomi Mi A3, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
  • Moondrop May’s DSP cable with PEQ=0
  • Dongle: Apple Type-C dongle, Truthear SHIO
  • Portable DAPs: Benjie S8/AGPTEK M30B
  • Other sources: Presonus AudioBox iONE, Elgato Wave XLR, KZ AZ10
Do they need an amplifier?
The CCA Trio don’t need an amplifier and there aren't any tangible differences when they are connected to a dedicated amplifier.

Sound signature
The sound signature depends on the switches’ positions. The first two switches have impact on the bass, the other two twitches have impact on mid&high frequencies. Basically, setting the first bass switch in the UP position increases the low end, but if the second bass switch is also switched in the UP position, then the low end increases even more. Same applies for the mid&highs switches.
There are many possibilities and one can really try playing with them, but this review will be based on the UUUU combination, which leads to a U-shaped signature.
Moving the switches in different ways by starting from this position helped me understand the various effects of the switches, but your mileage may vary of course.

This is the UUUU config (UP, UP, UP, UP), since all of the switches are UP (the image looks inverted but it's clear since both letters and numbers are upside down):


The low-end is punchy with an elevated bass and a rumbly sub-bass that has decent extension. Bass textures are average, but there’s a good punch and enough tightness. With the right switches’ setting, basshead will also be satisfied (the DDDD setting, for example, has lots of bass and similarly forward treble so you’re basically getting a nicely done basshead set.

The midrange is recessed but overall it’s presented nicely. Instruments are reproduced in a natural way and female vocals come across in a balanced way with basically no sibilance (it only occurs in very rare cases when tracks are prone to get sibilant), but male vocals could use a bit more warmth for sure.
Overall, it’s well tuned midrange and it’s refreshing to see KZ finally giving the midrange a chance to stand out even when the bass and the treble are the stars of the show.

The treble is for sure brighter than average, so it might not be up your alley if you’re treble sensitive, but it’s not annoyingly bright. Detail retrieval is average and the upper end extension is not among the best out there, but it’s a set with which most people will be ok for long listening sessions (except for those who are very sensitive to treble).
The overall smoothness of the Trio in this switch setup is pleasant, I gotta say, since it has a well tuned treble, nothing more and nothing less.

Soundstage is average and so is the imaging.

My favorite combination of the various switches: UUUU.​

The UUUU combination focuses on sub-bass instead of bass and strikes a good balance between the low-end and the treble. Thanks to this, the midrange also pops out as very natural and pleasant.

Some comparisons:

CCA Trio UUUU vs CCA Rhapsody UUUU​

The difference is pretty clear: the Trio are U-shaped while the Rhapsody are V-shaped. It may seem a very small difference but it’s easy to notice that going from one set to the other.
The Rhapsody have more bass and sub-bass and also the low-end extension is a bit better, they have a more recessed midrange, warmer male vocals, more forward upper-mids and a slightly brighter treble that packs a better upper-end extension.
The Trio, on the other hand, have a less recessed midrange, a slightly inferior resolution and a smoother treble response which makes them a bit less resolving in the treble area. Let’s say that the Trio go for a bit more smoothness by sounding more natural whereas the Rhapsody sound a tad more artificial but pack slightly better technical performance.
The soundstage and the imaging are a notch better on the Rhapsody, but the difference is very small.
Build quality is the same, even though the Trio kinda look more premium. Comfort-wise, the Trio are smaller, but the Rhapsody somehow manage to be a tiny bit more comfortable (at least in my ears); isolation is very similar instead. The stock cable is the same.

CCA Trio UUUU vs CCA Duo​

The Duo has no switches and have a bass light signature whereas the Trio tend to have more bass and less treble in the DDUU config (which should be the configuration with the least amount of low-end). The sub-bass extension is better on the Trio, whereas the Duo have a speedier (yet even less textured and punchy) bass. The midrange is leaner, more forward and less engaging on the Duo, warmer and more recessed on the Trio. Vocals sound much more natural on the Trio. The highs are more emphasized and have better extension on the Duo, that sound more detailed yet also more fatiguing and less natural than the Trio.
Soundstage and imaging are is a bit better on the Trio.
Build quality is good on both sets but the Trio feel a bit sturdier and look more premium, while the Duo are a tad more comfortable. Isolation is comparable. Stock cable is the same.

CCA Trio UUUU vs KZ PR2 (no-mesh version)​

From a tonal perspective, it’s a free win for the Trio since the PR2 were a bit messy due to the mesh-drama.
The sub-bass and bass have better textures, speed and control on the PR2 thanks to the planar driver, but the Trio have a more natural decay and no planar bass so those who like DDs may like the Trio more. The midrange is more natural on the Trio, even though male vocals and acoustic instruments sound better on the PR2, that also have slightly better instrument separation. Female vocals sound more natural on the Trio whereas sibilance is a lot more frequent on the PR2. The PR2 are more detailed and resolving in the treble but they are also a lot more fatiguing and unnatural: the Trio win hands down in this regard.
Soundstage and imaging are better on the PR2.
Build quality is similar, comfort is similar and isolation is better on the Trio. The stock cable is identical.

An opinion on KZ/CCA products turnover​

Even though my review is generally positive regarding this product, I’d really like to point something out regarding KZ and CCA’s recent behavior on the market: while I appreciate the fact that they have shown lots of improvements in the last couple of years, I cannot deny that their very high product turnover is not healthy (both for the market and for the customers).

The more the market becomes competitive, the more difficult it is to recommend some products over others, because competition forces brands to adhere to some standards and fight for the best price in order to become value kings.
Specifically, since I am speaking about a CCA product in this review (which is under KZ’s hate) It’s very hard to recommend KZ and CCA sets sometimes because in less than a week or two a new version is likely to pop-up and start a new hype.
Somehow, their marketing strategies still work because they offer fun sounding IEMs at affordable prices and their name is quite popular online, but the truth is that I really wish they could focus more on less products of higher quality and with better technical performance.

All in all, I don’t like the fact that there’s a really short timeframe between two releases, as this leads to very similar products with few-to-none advantages in buying every model, but this isn’t something we can control I don’t think KZ is going to slow down in the near future.

Final Thoughts​

CCA has been releasing solid IEMs characterized by respectable tunings, and The CCA Trio is no exception, coming both with a well balanced sound and tuning switches that make them a pretty versatile set.

The CCA Trio are an improvement over the Duo and a much more mature set when compared to the PR2, but the Rhapsody have set a slightly higher bar that the Trio cannot reach from a technical perspective.
Despite what I’ve just said, though, the Trio do better in the overall tonality and reproduces music in a more natural way, also thanks to the less recessed midrange and the use of a full-DD configuration instead of a hybrid one.

Do I recommend it? Well, it really depends on what you currently have.
If you already have a CCA Rhapsody or Castor Bass, I’d stick with them since this is not a big upgrade. If you instead come from a cheaper or older set and think that the Rhapsody may be too V-shaped for you, then the Trio can be considered as a nice add to CCA’s product portfolio (and to your inventory).
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claud W
claud W
Great all rounder for EDC. VERY nice bass and midrange right out of the box after 24 hours of break in. Break in for a week.
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@claud W I found myself using them so much in the latest weeks. It's a very nice set indeed and now I pick them even more than the Rhapsody for my gym/workout sessions: a great IEM from CCA.


Headphoneus Supremus
Three is a magic number!
Pros: Well balanced profile
Solid bass
Expressive midrange
Clean smooth treble
Expansive staging
Good build quality
Cons: Minimal accessories
Cable could be better
No chin slider
CCA Trio
Kate, the social media representative from KZ, contacted inviting me to test the new Trio IEM from CCA.

CCA (Clear Concept Audio) is a sister company of KZ (Knowledge Zenith). The company produces parallel models to KZ as well as original designs. Among its most successful models are the CRA, C16, CKX and the new Rhapsody. The Trio is its latest design featuring three 8mm dynamic drivers and four tuning switches and retails for around $40.

Purchase link:

The Trio comes in the familiar CCA/KZ small white box with a monochrome image of the IEMs on the front, the CCA logo at the top and the model name "CCA Trio" below, along with a description of the product in English and Chinese. The specifications and company information are printed on the rear of the box.

Sliding the box open reveals the IEMs in a plastic tray below which the accessories are stored below a cardboard flap.

The contents comprise:

● CCA Trio IEMs
● Silver plated 2-pin cable
● Three pairs of "Starline" tips (S, M, L)
● One pair foam tips (M) pre-fitted
● Tuning switch lever
● Documentation

The IEMs are very well made and have a similar build to the recent KZ Castor and Krila models with a metal faceplate and clear resin body allowing a view of the components within. The earpieces are fairly bulky with a good weight to them. The Trio's glossy black faceplate is attractively contoured and bears the model name in a gold script font. There are three diagonal vents for the dynamic drivers and channel identification is provided on the top of the unit next to the clear plastic 2-pin sockets. The four tuning switches are mounted on the rear of the unit.

Internally, there are three 8mm dynamic drivers fitted in a 3D printed housing, separated by a three-way crossover network covering the sub-bass, bass and midrange/treble.

The supplied cable is a silver-plated copper type with a clear sheath, clear plastic QDC connectors and a 90° angled white plastic plug and is 1.2m long. Channel identification is provided but is a little difficult to read. The ear guides are rather stiff but do result in a secure and comfortable fit and the cable is less prone to tangling than previous CCA/KZ designs, although there is still no chin slider provided.

Tuning Switches
The tuning switches on the earpieces provide a variety of tuning options. Switch 1 increases bass by one level, switches 1 & 2 together increase bass by two levels. Switch 3 increases midrange and treble by one level and switches 3 & 4 together increase midrange and treble by two levels.

The principal source was an Xduoo X20 DAP. A Hidizs AP80 Pro X, a digital radio and a smartphone were also employed. The stock cable and medium Starline tips were used and a burn-in period of 100 hours was allowed to settle down the components. For the purpose of testing, all switches were set to "off". Thus configured, a good fit, seal and isolation were obtained. Sensitivity was slightly lower than average with a somewhat higher volume level than normal needed for the best results.

Sound Quality
From the very beginning, the Trio displayed a natural timbre and a well-balanced tonality which adapted well to a variety of genres. No particular frequency range was overemphasised and the overall profile was on the warm side of neutral. There was a good sense of weight in the bass with fine resolution and texture whilst the midrange was open, spacious and natural. The treble was clean and nicely extended with no undue harshness and there was plenty of detail. Staging was expansive in all three dimensions with the height particularly noticeable. The overall impression was warm, inviting and musical.

The bass produced by the Trio was rich, full-bodied and weighty. There was good timbre and texture and excellent extension with a natural decay. Sub bass dug deep with a healthy rumble and mid bass provided a satisfying kick whilst speed and transient attack were on point.

"Dusk" by Franz Waxman is a piece from the score of the psychological thriller
"Night unto Night". In the recording by the
Hollywood Bowl Orchestra under John Mauceri, a mysterious and spooky introduction leads into an impassioned part for strings with an emotive violin solo. After a brief quotation of the theme, a dynamic and powerful interlude follows featuring a large percussion section in which the bass drum features prominently. The Trio reproduced this impressively with an incisive initial strike and rebound of the skin while the natural decay merged seamlessly into the hall ambience. The piece ends with a romantic epilogue representing the victory of love over conflict in which the basses and cellos displayed a warm and rich tonality.

Jonn Serrie is an American synthesist best known for his space and planetarium music. "The flow of Time's Arrow" appears on his album "Thousand Star". Delicate high frequency effects and melodic synth patches introduce the track. A gently descending theme is supported by sub-bass tones and lush chordal accompaniment and the weight and depth produced by the Trio really set the scene for an imaginary space journey populated by twinkling electronic percussion and crystalline elements. The deep bass foundation possessed a rich, full texture which was perfect for this kind of material.

Following on from the bass, the Trio's midrange emerged from the low frequency region with just a touch of extra warmth which added an attractive bloom to cellos, bassoons and male vocals. The timbre throughout the range was natural and the upper mids were a touch brighter, giving instruments and female vocals some character and projection. There was plenty of detail on offer and little evidence of recession. Separation and layering were of a high standard and there was a good balance between the musical and technical.

"Reverie" is a track from Bruce Mitchell's New Age album, "Earth Heal". It is a romantic solo piano piece in the classical style and is beautifully recorded and performed. On the Trio, the timbre of the piano was very realistic with sustain and overtones authentically reproduced and crisp transients adding a little spice to the proceedings and helping to bring the performance to life. The contrast between the flowing melodic sections and the more dynamic and percussive passages was notable and the whole piece gelled together in a musically satisfying fashion.

Holst's "Moorside Suite" for brass band was composed in 1928. In the recording by the Grimethorpe Colliery Band under Elgar Howarth, the Trio showed its capabilities with a natural timbre to all the instruments ranging from the smooth tones of the trombones and tuba to the more incisive sounds of the trumpets and cornets where there was a real bite and shimmer. The lively folk-inspired melodies were delivered with verve and excitement and the rhythmic qualities of the faster passages came over wonderfully well with the separation in the choral sections handled adeptly and the percussion in the final movement displaying good transient attack.

The treble flowed seamlessly from the upper midrange without too much "pinna gain", resulting in a gentle transition. The tonality was clean and smooth with good extension and a natural timbre commensurate with a competent dynamic driver. Detail retrieval was above average and there was a good deal of subtlety in the presentation. Separation was also of a high standard with a similar level of resolution. The overall impression was musical but still possessing good technical ability.

Pachelbel's "Canon in D major" is a much-recorded work but has rarely received such an elegant rendition as in the version by the Jean-Francois Paillard Orchestra on Erato. Taken at a slow tempo, it brings out the stateliness of the melody and allows the detail of the counterpoint to be appreciated. The tonality of the strings, the separation of the ensemble and the detail of the harpsichord continuo were all attractively portrayed by the Trio with a clean delivery and plenty of space between the instruments. The balance in the performance was nicely judged and the excellent resolution and extension in the treble brought out the harmonic qualities of the violins convincingly.

German multi-instrumentalist Georg Deuter has produced many albums in the New Age genre. His compilation album "Sands of Time" was released in 1991. From it, "Alchemy" features fast-paced intricate rhythms inspired by Eastern music. Bells, acoustic and electronic percussion combine to produce a hypnotic effect filled out with a subtly changing synthesiser accompaniment overlaid with woodwind and chanting. The Trio managed to present all this as a coherent whole while enabling the individual strands to be followed clearly. The delicacy and detail of the high frequency sounds were adeptly portrayed with sparkle and precision, remaining smooth and totally lacking in harshness while at the same time maintaining a musical quality.

The staging was one of the more impressive aspects of the Trio's performance with a notable height and above average width and depth. Movement within the stage was clearly presented and both layering and separation were of a high standard. Crucially, the Trio reproduced the staging faithfully according to what was in each recording rather than exaggerating it.

"Leeward Sail" is a piece from the album "Dolphin Smiles" by Steve Kindler and Teja Bell. It begins with acoustic guitar high in the centre of the image accompanied by keyboards on the left and strings on the right. An impactful kick drum is added and then the melody is introduced by Teja Bell's guitar and Steve Kindler's violin playing simultaneously, producing a distinctive sound. The Trio reproduced this accurately, retaining the characteristics and the positioning of the two instruments while retaining the effect. Later the two soloists play separately in a kind of dialogue, which was very effective. The stage was filled in a notably three-dimensional fashion and the ambience of the recording studio was conveyed very realistically with excellent separation and layering.

Charles Dutoit's series of recordings with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra on Decca is legendary and his version of Holst's "Planets Suite" is a fine example. Throughout the piece, the atmosphere at St Eustache, Montreal was conveyed authentically and the locations of the various orchestral sections were accurately delineated. The front to back perspective was particularly well realised and the interplay of the woodwind and strings was in perfect balance. The varying timbres of the different instruments as they successively shared the melody were clearly differentiated and the impression of each soloist occupying their own space was another outstanding feature.

KZ Krila
The Krila is a recent design from the company and is a dual hybrid IEM employing a 10mm dynamic driver, the second generation Xun unit, and the latest iteration of the well-known 30095 balanced armature. Like the Trio it has four tuning switches. It is well made with a metal faceplate and resin body and has a similar cable to the Trio. The Krila was set with all switches off.

The Krila has a V-shaped profile. Its detail retrieval is crisp and immediate and different in timbre from the Trio, which is to be expected with a BA, rather than a dynamic driver, handling the high frequencies. It is technically competent and the treble is similarly extended but brighter, with a less natural timbre and sometimes a little overemphasised. The midrange is nicely contoured but has a more noticeable rise in the upper region compared to the Trio. In the bass, the Krila's Xun driver is subtly different with good weight, rumble and impact, and is a touch tighter in its delivery. The Trio is warmer here and perhaps loses just a little bit in definition. Soundstage on both models is of a similar extent with the Krila's brighter top end giving the impression of more detail and the Trio excelling in space and atmosphere and feeling more natural.

KZ Castor
The Castor employs two dynamic drivers in a stacked configuration. Bass duties are handled by a 10mm unit dealing with the frequency range up to 200 Hz while the midrange and upper frequencies are covered by an 8mm driver. It is very well made with an alloy faceplate and resin body. As with the Krila and Trio, all tuning switches were set to the off position.

The profile follows the Harman curve, a generally V-shaped frequency response, but the midrange is only slightly recessed. The treble is brighter than neutral and, like the Krila above, sometimes becomes rather emphasised. The Trio is more neutral with a smoother treble but with no loss of detail and is more extended than the Castor. The Castor's bass is a little more coloured, with a small amount of bass bleed, which is absent in the Trio, possibly due to the separation of the two units dedicated to the bass. In the midrange, the two are fairly similar with nothing much to separate them, except for the upper region which has a touch more pinna gain making it somewhat brighter. Soundstaging in both models is broadly similar with the slight increase in brightness on the Castor flattening the perspective by a small degree.

The new PR3 features an upgraded 13.2 mm Planar unit with a "Nano-level" silver plated membrane and electronic filter tuning. The cable is a silver plated OFC type with a 2-pin 0.75mm connector and a gold plated 90° angled 3.5mm plug.
The PR3 is a semi-open design with a clear resin body. The gunmetal coloured alloy faceplate has a grille of diagonal parallel strips, three gold hex bolts.

The PR3 has a well-balanced, neutral profile with a clean and precise bass, an expressive midrange possessing good timbre and an energetic, bright treble showing excellent detail and extension. The soundstage is spacious with good layering and separation making it easy to follow individual strands in the music. The volume needs to be set somewhat higher than normal, which is often the case with planar drivers.

Compared to the Trio, the PR3 has a cleaner and brighter quality with a quicker response and decay which gives it a slightly different timbre. It is superior in technicalities, especially in the treble which is very extended and detailed. The Trio is warmer in nature with a more natural timbre but lacks the immediacy of the PR3. Both have a generally neutral midrange but the Trio derives some warmth from its mid-bass whereas the PR3 with more of a sub-bass focus is cleaner in this region. The Trio has a stronger bass presence which is more satisfying but the PR3 has better speed in the low frequencies. The clean and open nature of the PR3 results in an impressive staging which is more precise than that of the Trio. The Trio is easier to drive with the PR3 needing substantially more power to give of its best. In many ways the Trio and PR3 are complementary, each having its considerable merits.

The more recent releases from CCA and KZ have shown a marked improvement in timbre compared to the older models. Gone is the deep V shaping with dominant bass, recessed mids and sometimes aggressive treble with the tuning now more inspired by the Harman curve. The Trio is a good example of that.

Building on a solid bass foundation with a natural timbre and decay, there is a largely neutral midrange which is smooth in character. The treble is clean, smooth and extended with a high level of detail and the soundstage is expansive. There is a satisfying musicality to the presentation. These impressions are based on the switches all in the "off" position and using them will result in different profiles. In general, they will make the final sound increasingly V shaped as they are engaged, thus providing a choice of tonalities.

Well made and comfortable to wear, the Trio ticks all the boxes and performs at a significantly higher level than would be expected at the price and I consider it to be the finest model from CCA I have heard. It is highly recommended.


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Great review! Do you think Trio is an update of Castor? I only listen to symphonies. My first IEM is S12 pro which is okay for violin and piano, but is bad for symphonies especially pieces from romantic period. My second is KZ ZAR, much better than S12 pro thanks to its dynamic and textured bass. However, its mid and treble are a little bid lack of focus (imaging? I don't know how to describe it). Now I settle on Castor bass version. Really love it.
dchen1109, I think the Trio improves on the Castor Harman (the version I have), but if you listen to symphonies you may prefer the PR3 which does have superior imaging and a better treble. This beautiful symphony sounds great on the PR3:
Thank you very much.

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare


Impedance: 15-20 ohms
sensitivity: 101-103dB
0.75mm QDC two pin
Silver plated cable 120cm

Equipment used to test:
ifi Diablo-2 , ifi Gryphon, TempoTec V6, Questyle M15, Hidizs S9 pro +, Fosi DS1, Simgot DEW4X, ETC.


The CCA Trio came in pretty Lunar New Years wrapping paper.
Inside was the simple box that we are used to from KZ products. Documentation was excellent.
Inside is the unit, their standard silver-plated cable, foam tips and Starline tips in three sizes.
The Trio is made well the body is on the chunkier side like the rhapsody, made from resin and with a nice-looking metal faceplate. I found them comfortable, but I can't say they will fit smaller ears well. I switched from the default foam tips to the medium Starline as I like them better myself. Isolation was very good and above average for its price. The Trio uses three 8mm legendary dynamic drivers with two being housed inside a black holder and one near to the nozzle. It has 4 switches that mildly change the bass and mids but it's not as noticeable as other models.

Sound Impressions:
The Bass: The Bass on the Trio is not as deep as others from the company but has a good, controlled impact, there is a nice rumble when called upon but is by no way a Bass-head IEM, I found the Sub-Bass less prominent than the Mid-Bass that had a nice slam with good speed and more than adequate texture. Bass in general is well balanced and natural sounding.
The Midrange: The Mids present nicely, there is a mild warmth and texture to them. The vocals both male and female are forward and smooth with no shouty or peaky spikes. I found them pleasant, and they had good clarity and decent separation. While not as technical as the Rhapsody the Mids here sound very pleasant to the ear.
The Treble: The Highs on the Trio are excellent on various levels of enjoyability. They are extended to a safe level, have a mile sparkle and air to their presentation and are not peaky at all. while not the most details they do sound organic and open.
Soundstage: The Trio has a nice open sound to it while not huge its big and organic sounding, placement is very good and defiantly could work for casual gaming.

In Conclusion:
I like the Trio, its made well looks very good and has a natural and pleasant, and without harshness, U-shaped signature, it is not as technical as the Rhapsody and yet sounds amazing. I think KZ/CCA are heading in a good direction with their latest creations and the Trio is a enjoyable well-balanced IEM.
