Reviews by YanaMJ


100+ Head-Fier
Speechless : My encounter with the flagship R8II
Pros: - Stunning look in red or black (yes I've used both. I let you know why at the end of my review) / nice use of real Alcantara fabric
- Very responsive android dap
- Huge lifetime battery
- Hybrid case (silicone and Alcantara) of excellent quality
- Better wifi than R6PROII
- Impressive sound qualities
- Excellent amplification
Cons: - Can become a little hot on A amp and turbo mode combined
- Would have prefered a leather case to keep the luxurious feeling of the whole DAP (I'll be ok to buy one if sold one day)
Before starting the review itself, I'd like to precise the dap was a free loan of 10 days from Hiby in exchange of a fair review. This is my first review for a DAP. I'm only a passionate and not a professional so I'll do my best to express my feelings in the following words.

My current daps are the Hiby R6PROII and the R6 2020. Previously I mainly used Ibasso daps but I fell in love with Hiby in 2021. I also have a lots of dongles such as Cayin RU6 and RU7, Fiio KA17 for the most up-to-date...

I had never heard a better dap than my R6PROII and was very curious of how a flagship dap should sound. So when Hiby announced the R8II Tour opened to everyone, I took my chance.

Usually,my main listenings are with my Kennerton headphones Thekk and Vali on an external hyrbrid amplifier and on my Marshall Hanwell ( if you don't know this speaker don't juge it too harshly it is far far better than the new Marshall speakers). I almost never plug these headphones directly to my DAP's, only my IEM's.



So when I received the Hiby R8II I was first really impressed with its look and color. The red is really nice more like the red used in car's interiors, not really easy to show on pictures (looks more light). I also like the secure feeling we have without the case thanks to the Alcantara fabric. It doesn't slip at all. Whole impression is one of luxury.


Even if it is not in my habit to plug my headphones straight to my DAP's I was determined to make several experiences with it and see what it has in its belly.

High gain, turbo mode, AB amp, Darwin default and here we go...Of course,I tried several options, filters, plugins but this is my default configuration. This is really what I prefered during my 10 days. To be honest, I'm not someone who likes to play with EQ and I didn't feel the need to do so with this R8II anyway.

Yes, it was love at the first sight (first listening to be precise :sweat_smile:) . What a sound !!!

Everything is more refined, vocals have more presence, bass is meaty. I understand why Hiby calls it the portable concert hall. I am in the middle of the recording. I feel the instruments. And it drives my headphones really well. I don't feel the need to plug them on my amplifier everytime. The amplifier is like an option to offer another colour of sound more than an upgrade now.

I've tested all my headphones, several iems and the conclusion is always the same: the R8II makes all my devices sing. And it also applies to my Marshall Hanwell.


It was such a revelation, I was obsessed with the fact this beauty has to leave. I wanted it to be mine. So I've ordered my « little »portable concert hall.

It was hard but I've finally chosen the black version.

Point Blur_Apr222024_172544.jpg

I have no better conclusion.

Hope you'll enjoy this R8II has much as I enjoy it
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This is up to you but not a matter for me
Joe Bloggs
Joe Bloggs
Hi @AboveNBeyond we offer many models with a volume wheel, if you believe that is more important, you may get e.g. the R6III or the RS6 or the RS8.

To me, I would rather revisit the idea of a volume wheel when we have made further improvements on the implementation of such.
Great review @YanaMJ - it seems to have it all, looks, performance, sound, tuning (for those who want that) and uncomplicated charging with absolutely phenomenal battery life...

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