Reviews by UnderScore96


New Head-Fier
Pros: Sound quality, very analytical, slight bass kick, very open.
Cons: Almost too neutral, not "fun", build quality not the greatest.
The K7XX is a set of cans that has earned some extremely high praise since its burst onto the audiophile scene roughly a year ago through group buy vendor Massdrop. Some of which is deserved, some... not so much. The headphones are essentially a rebranding of the extremely popular K702, with a slightly enhanced bass response to appeal to the beginner audiophile (people like myself).
The built quality of the K7XX is adequate, its construction mainly consists of plastic, with a genuine leather headband which is adjustable via elastic tethers. Personally I'm not a fan of the elastic as all elastics that I've encountered, especially ones that are constantly stressed when in use, tend to wear down fairly quickly. The general build quality is not quite up to par with direct competitors like the DT880, with its metal adjustment arms and foam/leather headbands. That being said, I've had these for a year now with very common use and the plastic and elastic has shown no sign of degradation. In fact, while almost the entire construction is plastic, they honestly don't feel like they're going to fall apart any time soon.
The comfort that comes from the attractive design and enormous ear cups is second to none. If you're the type of person that is easily distracted by contact with the drivers or ear pads of your headphones, you'll have no problems at all with these guys. Speaking of which, the memory foam ear pads that AKG have chosen to use is delightful. Personally, I would've preferred a soft plushy foam, such as that used in mid-to-high-end Beyers, but these do very well in their own respect.
What really matters is: how do they sound? Well, if you're on the market for an almost-neutral set of headphones, but don't want to lose too much of that bass you've grown to love, look no further than the K7XX. Now, keep in mind, these are definitely not a bass-lover's headphones. If your music collection consists of a lot of EDM, rock, or other bass-heavy genres, you may want to look elsewhere. Personally, I listen to mostly rock and psychedelia and have these on rotation with Beyerdynamic DT990s, and I vastly prefer the listening experience obtained with the latter. This is just my personal taste and I still have great respect for the analytical signature of the AKGs.