Reviews by Trev


New Head-Fier
Pros: Fluid and articulate sound. Amazing price to performance ratio. Amazing synergy with Sennheiser HD 650's
Cons: None
Recently got the Maverick D1 Plus with the upgraded OPA627 OpAmps & GE5670 Tube. 
The Maverick amp effortlessly drives the Sennheiser 650's. (My own subjective opinion to those happy HDP owners out there! No offence. Personally I didn't feel the NuForce performed well at low level listening, and felt muddy and lifeless unless it was cranked unbearably loud which was past 2-3pm on the dial and pushing it's limits. Might have just been my unit.
Right out of the box I was impressed with the power, low volume level output and musicality of the Maverick with the upgraded OP amps. Knowing it would take a few days for the solid state components to break in (and much more time for the tube to hit it's sweet spot for my bookshelves), it didn't disappoint in the least except for a slight muddying of the low frequencies that resolved after 24 hours.  
I've had it now well over a week, arrived in less than a week from China, and had multiple listening sessions and waited to write this review until after the 100 hour mark.
It's smooth articulate and full bodied. Took away some veil and seems to have decent detail/soundstage/imaging. Have tried a few amp/dacs with the HD650's such as the Fiio e17, NuForce Icon HDP, and my buddy's Xonar Essence (more of a DAC) none of which really got the HD650's going to it's potential.
Aside from the NuForce I haven't had a chance to hear the similarly priced or higher priced offerings from Audiogd/Schiit/Bottelhead Crack/Alo Pan Am, Woo WA7 etc... Would love to test drive some different SS and Tube amps for a good comparison. 
Overall very happy with my purchase and would consider buying another one in a heartbeat, am now on the look out for a good accompanying tube amp for headphone listening.
I have a question about purchasing this. If you buy the version for $209.00 from the maverick audio website, will it still come with a tube?