Reviews by Silver01


New Head-Fier
Pros: Clarity, Deep bass, very comfortable, nice carrying case and extraordinary build quality
Cons: I`m still trying to find one
I`ve noticed that there aren`t many reviews of these headphones out there and I think they are too underrated, maybe because of it`s price.  So, let`s get to it.
Style:  I think they look beautiful, I would wear the them in the street without any problem, even wearing a suit.  
Build Quality: Simply the best out there, I`ve never seen a pair of headphones that looked so expensive as this one. All metal, real leather earpads and headband, I don`t need to say anything else.
Comfort: I couldn`t think anything better, the earpads are big enough to cover my ears nicely. I`ve watched lots of 3 hour movies and I didn`t feel any discomfort.  I`ve heard people saying that they`re too heavy and I agree with them, but if you place the headphones correctly on your head you won`t feel any discomfort at all. I`ve head a Bose AE2 which are very comfortable, but the s700 beat them in my opinion.
Sound: They have a very very good clarity in general, I can notice things that I had never noticed in my songs, the bass is very deep and accurate, not too punchy that makes you not hear the rest of the song, but its definitely present and makes the whole difference when watching movies. The mids are present, making the vocals sound very realistic and the highs are crystal clear and don`t sound harsh any time.  The Live stage makes rock songs sound better as it reduces bass and give guitars some extra energy, but honestly, I noticed very little difference in terms of soundstage, which is not a problem, because these headphones are worth the money even if they didn`t have such technology. Some times I think it makes the songs better, sometimes I prefer turning it off.
Extra: They come with android and windows phone control cable and apple cables, the carrying case looks fancy, even though it is not hard, and the battery for using the Live Stage lasts a really long time.
I wouldn`t pay 300 bucks for them, I got them used like new for 180 and I`m extremely satisfied and I think if they really last long I won`t buy any other pair of headphones, I think they`re very close to perfection,  So Underrated 


New Head-Fier
Pros: Sound is clear enough, nice carrying case and bass is nice for a basshead
Cons: Too bassy, confort is poor
First I`d like to say that I`m not an audiophile, but I appreciate good sound especially for watching movies on my ipad.  
When I got these headphones I was really impressed with the the bass response, at first I thought that would be nice to have such bassy headphones for watching movies. However, as I would use them, I noticed that I the bass was so overemphasized that A guy shooting a 22 would sounded like a Desert eagle! totally unreal. Songs were good though, however, the bass guitar sometimes seemed to keep vocals out of focus.
Comfort wise was really bad since these are on-ear, the pressure is too strong. I Also have a Bose AE2 which is excellent in comfot (only comfort) and you can note a HUGE difference!  klipsch image one sounds way better than Bose AE2, but when you spend long periods of time wearing the headphones, comfort make the whole difference.
Do not get Image One Bluetooth set. The bluetooth is really a big let down. Got one recently but it only lasted my for 2 months before the bluetooth died on me.