: Delivers clean power
Dark background on the right cans
: Fussy at first
Failed my first tube rolling attempts
This little amp was worth the initial aggravation. I’ll try to link to my suffer thread from my first week in The Ocean. It’s my most satisfying setup, and by far my cheapest. I really like the sound that enough power can deliver from planars.
Couchside at the Bravo Beach:
ALAC files
iPad, iPods and iPhones
Morrow Ultra Reference M 3.5 mini patch cable (48 SSI wires)
Or: Arcam rDock to Morrow RCA interconnects (8 SSI wires)
Bravo Ocean
Sylvania JAN 6189w 12AU7 tube
Sendy Audio stock braided cable
Youkamoo 1/4” to 4.4 TRRRS adapter
Sendy Audio Aiva planar magnetics