Reviews by profender


New Head-Fier
Pros: Clear sound, nice Basspunch, Comfort, Value ( around 38 Euro on ebay) Quality is good for 38 Euro
Cons: Design
They are on sale for 38 Euro's on Ebay, this makes them a great buy for the sound quality and build that you get. Negative is the branding on the side. 
First time i tried them on i was really surprised they fit great, and you can really use them on the move, they are firm around your head. If you have a slightly bigger head it would take some time for it to get comfortable on your head. 
Secondly the sound... Wow it is really good! After i had the KRK-6400 I really must say these are better for general listening pleasure. They really did a great job to get everything right, the bass is in balance it packs a punch but does not get to much, the vocals shine really. 
I listen to very different styles. Classical, Rock, metal, grunge, rap, alternative. Even with the rap songs they are good even more so then Dr. Beats that is had and sold. Dr. Beats just messes up the songs. With the motorizer you just get a clear but in your face sound quality that is never over the top in any way. 
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Reactions: tjwhitt
Not much surprised that they offer good sound for the price, as they are OEM headphones from the Superlux factory. :)
Well im happy that your not surprised........