Reviews by phillkillv2


Pros: Interesting amounts of bass for a price of $20 - Excellent Portability - 3.5mm jack for removable Cable - Soft Earpads - 50mm Driver
Cons: Cramped Soundstage - Horribly uncomfortable Headband - Somewhat cheap Plastics
The Monoprice 8232 are a great headphone for a person that isn't a real audiophile and audiophiles them-self. The headphones give exceptional quality for the price of around $20-$33.
Bass: Tends to get muddy and compromises other audio aspects. 
Treble/Flatness: Depending what you do with these, you can tune them to have a flatter frequency than what they have. These headphones have high potential. 
I found that the headphones could do well in songs without much bass, but they really started to really fall apart when challenged with high bass songs. If you like bass, you'll probably like these.
The Seal is alright. It keeps some noise in but can really start leaking at higher audio levels. 
The headphones are impressively portable. The ear cups can turn up to 90 degrees so that they can lay flat and they also swivel to make them a-lot more compact for storage. There is no real possible way for these headphones to break hardware wise because of the 3.5mm jack. I'm sure these will take care of themselves.
(Update) After a few months of usage, these headphones started to show signs of cracking. 
There aren't many problems with this headphone (apart from my own personal problems) besides the comfort. The headband is probably the worst part. It feels as if I'm getting a pebble pressed against the top of my head very hard and it hurts after long usage. The pads are hard and don't fit completely around my ears. If you have big ears get different pads (like Shure) The pads are lackluster and start cracking due to the materials used. 
A few images showcases features. Portability ect. 1 2 3
These headphones are okay. If you're looking for something to toss around for a bit, they'll be everything you'd probably want and more. The removable cable is an addition that you wont find on headphones in this range and if you're looking for bass, albeit not really great bass, then get these. 