Reviews by Kel Ghu

Kel Ghu

100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Well-balanced warm fun. Deep and powerful bass for open cans. Detailed highs. Fairly wide soundstage. Comfortable. Easy to drive. Best value ever.
Cons: Bright at high volume. Mids might sound not forward enough at first. Female voices can sound artificial sometimes.
This is not the absolute best money can buy, but it is the best value amongst all existing headphones in my opinion. As always, it is a matter of taste. But this one is just exactly what I was looking for: Detailed open cans with fun and tight bass for my computer. It's not a neutral sounding headphone, so if that is what you're looking for, look elsewhere and I mean it. If you want warm, emotional and fun, this is it! 
It kind of combine the best from my K701, HD650 and my Edition 9. From my K701, it has a wide soundstage without being too airy along with its nice detailed highs. From the HD650, it has the warmer sound signature I love, but without being laid-back. And from my Edition 9, the punchy and fast bass, but without being as overpowered like them. Unfortunately, at high volume, it can sound bright like my Edition 9, something I really can't stand. But I never listen at high volume, so it's just perfectly at the limit of what sounds bright to me. A very weak point is female voices can get artificial on some occasions, something in the high mids does that, but they sound really good for everything else. Very engaging headphones, they are very good to get immerse in movies and video games. Not neutral for sure, but extremely well-balanced and fun.
Of course, one can find better headphones that cost over a thousands, but have to be paired with expensive amplifiers. This one stands out as being self-reliant. Easy to drive, it sounds wonderful even on an iPhone. I love them so much that I decided my quest for full-size headphones was over and sold all my other home headphones and amplifiers. Yes, these made me quit or, should I say, retire from the audiophile madness. :p
Still need to find my perfect custom IEM though... :D
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