Reviews by Herky151


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Bass
Cons: Uncomfortable. Excessive Bass. The amp on the cord. They broke. Muddy sound
I got these headphones as my first pair of real headphones after the really stupid ipod headphones, and they weren't a big improvement. I got them because I thought they'd be good.
Well... First of all when I got them I found out that they had a massive bass amp on the cord thats about the size of 2 AA batteries because it has on in it. Secondly, they had no noise cancellation. None. Third of all, I couldn't wear them for more than an hour because my ears wouldn't fit in the ear cups. Fourth, after 3 months they broke, because of the thing on the cord, which pulled on it and broke it. So they still had the normal driver working but had no bass. And they sounded really bad, so I moved up and bought a pair of Sennheisers. I would suggest that someone looking to buy these, should instead invest it in a better brand.