Reviews by hansnaert


New Head-Fier
open earphone
Pros: openess
decent sound
Sturdy build
Cons: not very detailed
highs can be piercing
I bought an TRN EMA eaphone myself for 10 euros.
The earphone came with a gift of 4 eartips for an IEM, not usable for the earphone.

The purpose is to have a lowfi/midfi earbud next to my JBL T205 and IEMs for using when I want to hear the surrounding and myself (during videomeeting).


The sound of the earbud is good. It is certainly useable for listening to music.
The bass is more present then expected.
Mids are good, male and female voices are good.
Treble can be a bit piercing, for example in "Here comes the sun (remastered 2019)" of the Beatles.

The treble is somewhat down with the foam on.

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The build is sturdy.
The connectors, cable and earbuds self seems to be well build.

The mesh of one earbud is wrongly fixed - it's rotated 30 degrees.

The JBL T205 is not as sturdy build as the TRN EMA.
On the reviews I read that it last for many people only 6 months.

JBL T205 has the slogan "pure bass".
It gives much less bass than an IEM as Kz AS16 Pro high impedance or KZ PR2.
But it gives more bass than the TRN EMA.

The detail retrieval seems to be better with the JBL T205 compared to the TRN EMA.

The openness is much better with the TRN EMA.


Good sound quality but not the best in its price range.
Build quality seems to be good and I exepect that the earphone will last several years.
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