Reviews by Gwarmi


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Majestic and very full sounding, sound stage depth unparalled, bass detail is one of the best
Cons: Weight, headband needs to be re-trimmed in the long term, distant sounding recordings will sound even more sucked out.
Thought it was high time that someone populated at least one profile review concerning these
much maligned flagship cans from Grado.
The PS1000 ranks alongside the other two flagships from Audio Technica and Ultrasone
- the W5000 and Edition 10 as the three outsiders of choice when any Head-Fier decides
to take a leap into the world of flagship ownership. Many of the common threads suggest
that this may be entirely logical and self evident - other players from Sennheiser, HiFiman
and Audeze are simply the superior product and their Head-Fi popularity backs this up.
However, that's not to say there is not some unexpected goodness to be found with these
unpopular top offerings - The Grado PS1000 is one such example.
Brief Notes:-
The PS1000 is a departure from the SR and RS series, Grado lovers familiar with those
ranges will find themselves either pleasantly surprised with 'la difference' or disappointed
that John Grado has not continued more of the same. Don't get me wrong, the PS1000 still
possesses that undeniable Grado sound, but the sheer presentation is so different.
Mids are placed just right on certain recordings, tracks which with the 325i felt a little too
forward are now seated back perfectly and the generous sound stage width and depth
allows for a much more immersive experience. 
The key word with these cans is 'Immersion' - they literally can involve you like no other
can, especially if you are already quite partial to the Grado house sound. Guitar still
bristles with excitement, piano is rendered authentically but this time around - bass
detail separates the PS1000 from it's SR/RS siblings - it's so nuanced and textured
that you sometimes wonder how such a well trodden track can somehow appear to
sound well - new all over again!
It may sound silly to draw such metaphor, but when I think of
the PS1000 in terms of faintly veiled military comparison, the
image of a 'Big Bertha' cannon from WW1 emerges.
 Big, majestic, powerful, slightly unwieldy (ok, quite unwieldy)
 The PS1000 like Bertha when placed in the correct position
 with the right source, amp and recording delivers a sonic blow
 to devastate your senses, however, it does not take much of
 an imagination to think of the flipside - this big behemoth
 being placed in an awkward position, on seeping sand with
 a mismatched system and simply the wrong recording for
 it's tastes.
 The big majestic creation becomes a very expensive non
 event. The PS1000 will not turn crap into candy, furthermore
 unlike many truths about Grados - it does take a very nice
 source, correctly matched amp and a compromised view
 towards your record collection to thoroughly enjoy these.
 It's best to think of it as just randomly picking 10 tracks from
 the collection and ending up with the following results :-
 4 tracks will present in ho hum fashion, a further 4 will have
 you thinking that these are quite good - and those last two
 will have you searching for your tongue on the floor.
 They really can be that magnificent ~ however, this is the dilemma
 - they're not a trusty all terrain, do-it-all-can for many. These
 last few months, I've enjoyed them across all my material,
 taking the mediocrity with the sublime. It's not a position that
 I can see many Head-Fiers taking in that sense if this was the
 sole can in their repertoire.
 There's no such thing as a perfect set of cans and the PS1000
 changes nothing there - however, they do deserve forgiveness
 in all cases when they do fire the right salvo.
 These will never be a solid recommendation on Head-Fi - that
 time has passed, but I encourage anyone seeking an evolution
 of the Grado signature who is prepared to stick by these cans
 with the diligence and long term commitment of let's say being
 a HD800 owner - to consider them, to accept their shortcomings
 for the fact that your efforts will be rewarded, perhaps just as much
 if not more so than with any other flagship out there at the moment.
 They're a diamond in the rough - at a diamond price 


yep, amp pairing sure helps! these are great, albeit unwieldy, cans! (from a non-grado fanboy)
I think in the last few months we're starting to see a little Renaissance of the Grado flagship :)
High time I say, but all those things that I mentioned still hold true. It's an all or nothing can.
To pick up on Furyagain's comments - the whole source, interconnect to amp chain is very crucial on these, it's difficult
to get this message out as the other Grado sibilings in the family do not follow this rule - the RS1i for example does
not have the same scalability as the PS1000 - nowhere near in fact.
Lastly I'll say this, if you're going to be brave and demo these at a large meet - take your time beforehand, pick a
track listing of 10 to 12 tracks that 'you know' actually work with the PS1000. At least then when you hand them
over to be tried with other rigs and you get the usual 'Ummm, these suck with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers mate'
You've got a reference track listing to remind the bloke, it's not the PS1000 - it's just there is no synergy with the
I want to say a belated thank you for your review. I bought a set of PS1000s around Christmas 2012 using the info in this review, and others.
I think my experience of the Grados has closely matched your review, especially the point that my tongue does indeed hang out on 2 (maybe even 3 or 4 ) tracks out of 10. They really can be that good!
That said, they can never, unfortunately given the price, be my sole headphone. This is due to the occasional and completely inexplicable 'icepick through the brain' factor. It really is illogical and frustrating ... I'm using a good source, one song from the album is extremely good, then icepick, and aargh - sometimes it even happens within a song like for a particular range of notes from a single instrument which just sound just horrible, but the rest of the song is amazing. I guess that provided we just figure out which songs are not so good and avoid them, then these can be ... amazing!
I'm glad I bought them ... very glad in fact. I just wish they were a little more versatile.