Reviews by endless402


500+ Head-Fier
lightweight surprise
Pros: Soundstage, bass and clarity, overall musicality
Cons: Slightly thin lower mids. Mids could be warmer.
Coming from a CA Solaris OG, I was looking for an upgrade. I enjoy the wide soundstage, deep bass, warmish mids of the Solaris but I can tell that some of technical capabilities were lacking in terms of speed and definition. I still feel that it is a very musical IEM that is flexible enough for many genres. IEMs are my office setup and I have a full speaker setup for home listening. Overall my benchmark sound is my home system which has very good pace, transparency, wide/deep soundstage and warmish mids. My sig has my full setup. This review is based off a Chord Hugo with a Vertere Red USB cable. Tips used are Final Audio Type E, Acostune AE07 and AE08, spiral dots, multiple types of spinfit. Stock cables were used. Percivali is a balanced 4.4mm version so I had to use a cayin adapter .

Build quality
Very light and tiny. Was worried at first given its size and weight that it would translate into sub-par sound quality and boy was I wrong! Very comfortable fit overall. Bore hole is slightly smaller than Solaris. Faceplate is a wood finish which is nice, but not spectacular compared to VE and QDC or even other Oriolus.

Much wider than Solaris and imaging placement and layering is excellent. There is a sense of space between the images…borderline holographic. Very surprising given the size of the IEM! Images are “bigger” on the Solaris (appears to have more height). Overall the Perci also gives a “speaker” like presentation

Sub-Bass / Bass
More sub-bass and bass definition than Solaris. Goes deep! But not overprounced to bass head levels/ I still have an aurisonics gold hanging around and that produces more quantity of bass. Bass notes are very well defined, much better than Solaris.


I was slightly worried when I looked at the FR graphs given the dip vs Solaris and Ely. Upper mids / vocals are not in your face but slightly further back in comparison to Solaris. Timbre is excellent and you can hear the detail in the vocals and instruments. Lower mids are slightly thin which doesn’t affect vocals (even male vocals are really nice) but certain types of instruments. Overall the emotion is conveyed very well.


the electrostats shine. Brings a new dimensionality to the sound. Very airy, speedy and detailed. Slightly rolled off in the top end resulting in no sibilance.

For me this is the better transition from Solaris and hits my goals. Lower mids are a drawback and I would like slightly warmer/lush vocals of the Ely but I can try changing to a copper cable in the future. Very musical presentation and I found myself gravitating to this IEM over the others. Going back to the Solaris was painful given how much detail I was missing. This was a blind buy given that there weren't many reviews out there but a combination of Justrest's review, the oriolus chart and the general oriolus tuning contributed to my purchase.