Reviews by DocBlasto


Pros: Nice looking, sturdy feeling cable.
Cons: Extremely bright, recessed mids, anemic bass.
To be fair, these headphones aren't "broken in". I work for a company who sells them, and we have a few new pairs in the photo studio, so I borrowed one from the stylist and wore it for a half hour while working then A/Bed it with my Koss Portapro.
I found it initially to clamp a bit hard, but the metal headband can be reshaped to reduce pressure on the ears. They seem well-assembled, everything held together with small stainless Phillips screws (including the earcups) presumably for easy disassembly and service.
Again, these haven't been played long enough to break in, but my initial impression is that the sound is very harsh and bright, with recessed mids and seriously rolled-off bass. This directly compared to my slightly modded Portapros which have big, deeper, lively bass, prominent mids and a somewhat rolled off (but smooth) treble.
Given that they're open and leak just as much sound as the Portapro, are heavier and cost $80 which is just as much as the Grado SR60i and almost 3 times the price of the genuinely retro Koss, I don't see any reason to actually buy them over other tested and well-respected sub-$100 open headphones.