Reviews by alighill


New Head-Fier
I listened to 3 songs on AK120, Burson Play IC and Burson Play V6C, and recorded my impressions below.

Linkin Park - Hands Held High

ak120 - this dev ice had a lot of clarity, especially in the richer tones of bells and violins, and the snare felt very distinct.

Burson Play IC- the music seemed a bit duller, but the vocals were more prominent. overall, the music seemed to blend a bit more, with the vocals out in front.

Burson Play V6C - This was a wonderful listening experience. the tones merged together without overpowering each other, the organ and bass were as clear and distinctive as the violins and the drums while complementing them in perfect harmony. made me think of the first time i listened to this album.

Won't Back Down - Eminem ft. P!nk

ak120 - Once again, this device was able to show a lot of clarity in the treble ranges. it was a little less effective in the bass, but the overall effect was good.

Burson Play IC - the listening experience for this track was better then the first one, however, it would appear to mostly have to do with the increase in bass used, as this device seems to have a greater ability to convey good bass than anything else.

Burson Play V6C - once again, this was the best listening experience of the 3. you could believe you were in the room with the instruments, not listening to a recording. instruments are distinct and well defined.

If my heart was a house - Owl City

AK120 - great listening experience. clear sound.

Burson Play IC - overall, this was the best of the 3 listening experiences with this device, but still did not compare to the others overall. the sound quality was good, and this particular song felt great, but just lacked that extra little something.

Burson Play V6C - this felt like magic. the clarity was goosebump inducing, and highly enjoyable.