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  1. Frenchman

    Toshiba Gigabeat S

    On the subject of these formats... I just helped a friend figure out how to rip DVDs so they could go on her Gigabeat. I definatly ripped the DVD to xvid and it plays on her gigabeat. It seems that when you load them on there, it takes advantage of whatever codecs your computer can play to...
  2. Frenchman

    Wow, TI gives free samples for opamps

    Though this does get old after a while, it's just an issue that seems to come up every so often... Every company I can think of has one of these sample programs. The details vary but to my knowledge, none of them say anything about who the samples are intended for. It would seem that whoever...
  3. Frenchman

    What else do you enjoy building?

    My only real hobby is audio stuff... I don't really have a personal life... It sounds really lame but it's quite true. I spend most of my time thinking about either school now or the other professional related stuff I do. RF mostly, though I guess I do get called in to do...
  4. Frenchman

    Solid or Stranded Hookup Wire?

    I have a mixed position on this. While I am a firm firm believer in the measurement side of the equation, I give a nod to the non-measurement/sounds crowd in that the ear is an extremely sensitive detector. I'm just finishing up my formal course in microwave circuit design, and this has taught...
  5. Frenchman

    IPod nano silicone case review- pics

    Yea but you'll still need the protection since everyone seems to suffer from the rediculous inability of the Nano to resist scratches.
  6. Frenchman

    Li-Polymer batteries for headphone use?

    I hate to continue derailing this thread from the actually useful work going on, but... You equate things that use AA batteries to devices that use Nimhs. While this is technically true, you will find that basicly NO ONE actually intends you to use rechargeable batteries with their products...
  7. Frenchman

    Li-Polymer batteries for headphone use?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mono Note that "most" devices using rechargable cells do NOT use them. Li cells are not some ultra-new technology as yet unknown to product developers, rather they are unnecessary and the benefits are outweighed in many uses. Where they are used, it is...
  8. Frenchman

    Li-Polymer batteries for headphone use?

    The majority of what I use are premade chargers. They just work and there really isn't a reason to build a charger for the packs that we use. The charger that has been designed and built is somewhat interesting. It's for a Cube Satellite, a 10cm cube which we design and build and Stanford...
  9. Frenchman

    Li-Polymer batteries for headphone use?

    Selectivly screening the google results? I took the link you provided, popped it into the IE address bar and read DOWN THE LIST. You are not required to be a primary point of contact. If you assume that position, then that's fine. In this thread, you are providing information only. The...
  10. Frenchman

    Li-Polymer batteries for headphone use?

    I admire the protective spirit you guys have, but it does become a bit tiresome. You speak of recalls. These recalls have been because companies like Apple buy their batteries from distributers. These companies then buy cheap batteries from second rate manufacturers and claim they are good...
  11. Frenchman

    New Zen Micro Firmware 1.11.01

    SWEET! My number one complaint has been the inability to charge on a computer that doesn't have the software installed. Since I am by a computer a lot during the day, it really helps to be able to top it off when I need to. Plus, if I run it dead during the day, I can charge it up while I'm at work
  12. Frenchman

    I broke my Klipsches...

    And now I'm hoping someone here can help me I have a set of Klipsch Promedia 2.1s and I busted the control box S-Video plug that goes into the sub. The wires were all disconnected so I couldn't test continuity to resolder the connector. Basically, can someone take apart their control box and...
  13. Frenchman

    Help making DIY satellite antenna cable.

    I'm not going to directly answer your question, but pose one of my own. Do you really want to do this? From the looks of that antenna, it's a patch antenna. It receives radio energy only from above, when the antenna is placed like it would be on the top of the car. If you want to use this...
  14. Frenchman

    Keithley 2000 DMM

    I agree with a previous poster who said go to a local college. We have a in house service department which takes care of almost all our equipment. The only thing they don't handle is the really expensive stuff (75k and up$). Even the local community college in my home town had the stuff to...
  15. Frenchman

    What is going on with this PSU? (scope pics included)

    It's late so maybe I missed it, but what are the values of the bypass caps on the input and output terminals of the regulators? I find that the values suggested in the datasheets are often needed, especially on newer regulators. If you have low noise regulators meant to feed sensitive equipment...
  16. Frenchman

    Something cool/required reading

    That's a good point. I guess I was just saying it for people who might be looking to fit something like this into a portable. Also, what I said was extremely dumb. I just got done building discrete mosfet drivers and this guy I work with was like "Why not just get drivers!?" looking at me...
  17. Frenchman

    Something cool/required reading

    Assuming high currents arn't required, there are full IC charge pumps which can be used instead.
  18. Frenchman

    Scientific calculators

    Much thanks! That's quite amazing. The CAD photos are very cool, as well as the amazing capabilities the machine has already.
  19. Frenchman

    Analog BBQ Pit Controller ('Q for Bay Area meets)

    This could also be done with very simple pic, a 8 pin 10 series. You could simply sample the temp sensor with the AD module, and then find the difference between the PWM signal and the temp signal (sampled with 8 bit res), and then add that difference to the PWM signal accounting for overflow...
  20. Frenchman

    Scientific calculators

    This is sad. Despite having a TI and using it constantly without any regret, I have to say I like HP calculators a LOT more. I have a HP scientific which is hands down the most solid calculator below 20$. It's FREAKING METAL. METAL! That and my dads primary financial calculator is a HP, and he's...
  21. Frenchman

    Analog BBQ Pit Controller ('Q for Bay Area meets)

    Couldn't you PWM the fan in order to control its speed, as opposed to the on/off system? Perhaps taking the signal from the thermocouple and feeding it into a difference amp with the user set temp as the other input. This produces a voltage proportional to the difference of the preset and the...
  22. Frenchman

    Scientific calculators

    Just to clarify, having used 81's, 83's, 85's, 86's, 89's, 92's and the new Voyager ones... The 81 was terrible. My 83 was pretty nice, it could graph and such. The 85 and 86 added the solver, as well as an increased amount of graphing power. The 89 is the 92 minus the keyboard and some...
  23. Frenchman

    Diode knowledge anyone?

    If you could, pass us the whole schematic. At the least, we might be able to infer their purpose and suggest alternatives.
  24. Frenchman

    New mini next week?

    The credit goes to Synaptics. Apple did nothing beyond hire them. There's an article about it somewhere but long story short... Apple hired Synaptics to look at a target market and find out what they wanted. Synaptics assigned a team who went to college campuses etc and found that a flat...
  25. Frenchman

    Why do you guys spend so much on Open Headphones?

    I think I stand somewhere between both camps here. Speakers are superior because, as has been said before, they form a wall of sound. You just can't get that with headphones unless you have special recordings. On the other hand, I don't think speakers can possibly match a headphones ability to...