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  1. jdtrbn

    which setting do you use for GenWave|EQ?

    Depends on what you're doing with it. I never use equalizers when listening with headphones, only sometimes I've tried to kill some room modes (which you can't use Genwave for because of the uninformative GUI). Genwave isn't a transparent EQ, in fact it will change the spectrum even when no...
  2. jdtrbn

    Stereo amps' headphone outs? (PM7001)

    Thanks sejarzo! There must surely be more people who have tried a stereo amp's headphone out though? Or don't head-fiers use passive speakers at all?
  3. jdtrbn

    Do you hear the difference? A test

    Really tough one. I thought I heard some lo-finess in the castanets (I thought it was a tambourine...). I used to use a lot of bad quality samples when I made music before the time of Internet. I may hear something in the beginning of the long singing note too. Got it right.
  4. jdtrbn

    Which headphones are the best for me: K701, K601, HD580, HD595, DR150, DT880, MS-1, A900

    Just a bunch of opinions: K701 - The largest soundstage I know and most likely needs an amp, my favourite headphones but probably not your's. K601 - Not as large soundstage as K701, but not small either. Somewhat extreme "punch"/dynamics for me, worth considering. I would not get...
  5. jdtrbn

    Stereo amps' headphone outs? (PM7001)

    Hi headphone folks, i need your help again What kind of experiences do you have of stereo integrated amps' headphone outs? If someone has experience of Marantz's PM7001 (list price of 599€ here), which has some kind of separate section for headphone amplifying, I'd be especially interested...
  6. jdtrbn

    Need Recommendation on new cans

    Hi. I don't know much about cans in that range because often you quickly want to climb to higher price ranges. I think you could take a look at AKG K240. What you will get is excellent build quality, nice comfort and a neutral, clean sound. However, they may sound too clean and flat or boring...
  7. jdtrbn

    BeyerDynamic owners unite...

    Hi beyerists, pretty nice spirit you have here In stefspijk's footsteps, I'm asking which beyer would be best for metal? I love AKG K701 for pretty much everything else. Price is not an issue. Thanks for your help!
  8. jdtrbn

    Headphone amp connection with a stereo amp?

    Wow, that was fast! I did some research/googling and indeed tape out is just what I need, though it's called "recorder out" here. Thanks uncle!
  9. jdtrbn

    Headphone amp connection with a stereo amp?

    Hi guys. I've been eyeing on a DAC, which has the minus of having only one output. I'd like to use it with both my speakers and my headphones. How should I handle this? Is connecting the DAC to my stereo amp and then connecting my stereo amp's pre-out to my headphone amp's in OK (giving up...
  10. jdtrbn

    Tube amps available in EU?

    Hi, fellow headfiers! I'm planning to get a DT880 and after some research it seems that a lot of people suggest using a tube amp. Next I searched for popular tube amps but to my disappointment, some of them had to be ordered from China or USA. This matters because ordering stuff from outside...
  11. jdtrbn

    Amp for both K701 and DT880

    Hi! I've tried K701 and I really loved them, but they aren't that great for heavier stuff and metal. I didn't like HD600 that much and my earlier Senns had bad build quality so I think I'm getting DT880. Grados are out because of the price and (dis)comfort. Heed Canamp is said to be great...