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  1. Alatriste

    Cheap headphone tube amp

    But that device is not only a preamp for mics, instruments, etc? I'm talking about power headphone amplifier. Is not different?? The DAC is the device which does the preamp section??
  2. Alatriste

    Cheap headphone tube amp

    I'm looking information about your recomendations, i would like to try them before purchase, but well... Anyway too expensive for me right now, I have the HD595 for about 6 month already, using with a 20€ PC soundcard...but ill have to wait for somrething better. Are you telling me the reason...
  3. Alatriste

    Cheap headphone tube amp

    Well it must sound great for 200$... Im loocking for something cheaper. There isnt any better alternative? Im in Europe, so if you know any alternative in some webpages like Thomann, etc. There is a 5w Electric guitar tube amp for 80€, so im not paying 200€ for a dedicated headphone amp...
  4. Alatriste

    Cheap headphone tube amp

    I'm looking for a headphone amp for my Sennheiser HD595. I want it with tubes because make the sound more dynamic, punchy and natural.
  5. Alatriste

    T7900 vs HD555 vs Z-2300

    Quote: Originally Posted by Tracker Well, since all I can afford are the T7900 and the HD555, I think I'll choose the HD555 because they give you both surround And quality. Well, since people say the difference between HD555 and HD595 is a lot, and im owning HD595. Ill dont buy...
  6. Alatriste

    T7900 vs HD555 vs Z-2300

    You can try something like Trevi AV 450 ****ing cheap (50$) this are active speakers like logitech Z-2.1, people say they are good, i didnt hear. And get both, speakers and headphones. Here i think people are little crazy with headphones, personally i dont like use it 24h. And i really...
  7. Alatriste

    Looking for any area system: Speakers and headphones

    Any help? . Those A/V receivers are good sound quality?, And also have any DAC to use digital in?
  8. Alatriste

    Looking for any area system: Speakers and headphones

    Headphones are great, but not to use 24/7 of time, also they cant compete vs the "power" of speakers, soundstage.. etc. I saw theese cute speakers, Wharfdale 9.1 (80 € x1) and i was thinking if they are worth for the monkey, and they are good reviewed at internet. The system will be...
  9. Alatriste

    mp3 quality

    Quote: Originally Posted by nadavnaz We're not quite there yet, and only the small percantage of us actually know what's the difference between mp3 and wav, and a smaller percentage can tell the difference in sound. (Over-sensetive hearing\Better equipment) So the "Anti=MP3" revolution...
  10. Alatriste

    mp3 quality

    When comparing mp3 to wav. i think mp3 have more "jaggies", while .wav o .flac are smooth and sweet to hear. Maybe is not a big difference but is audible and it feels better. The problem, you have something 7 times bigger, and thats a lot for something you hardly hear any difference. When you...
  11. Alatriste

    mp3 quality

    Quote: Originally Posted by DavidMahler It's like the equator...a center line which isnt really there, theoretically with every vibration there is a center, but its not visible, but its there. Stop talking about something you dont understand. you are confusing people
  12. Alatriste

    Finding the limits of my hearing

    The 16.7 khz piiiiiiiiiii, is very audible. That web says that people > 24 years old cant hear it. Im 20 years old, and dont think 4 years will kill my ears that hard...
  13. Alatriste

    Finding the limits of my hearing

    Quote: Originally Posted by guttorm you can see how high you can hear here don't crank it up to hear them, try to listen at whatever you normally listen at. I have a feeling these tones could probably f your hearing up if you blare them. I...
  14. Alatriste

    Finding the limits of my hearing

    Hi guys, i want to know the frecuency limit to my ears. Human hearing is about 20hz to 20 khz. I tought if a source audio file have all frecuency range (20hz to 20khz or more), and with the help of an equalizer, you can know when your ears stop hearing nothing. Any help about this...
  15. Alatriste

    T7900 vs HD555 vs Z-2300

    When you say estereo, you mean is not compatible with 2.1? or subwoofer is included. I played some files with 3D positional on headphones (in a barbershop), you think is possible take Dolby digital 5.1 data, and transform in a good 3d sound?? x-fi do that? i like to see movies too. Anyone...
  16. Alatriste

    mp3 quality

    Quote: Originally Posted by Febs And if so--and I've said this before--that means that Rockbox's decoder is broken. But that is irrelevant to your other assertion, which is the one that I was responding to: you claimed that one can tell that lossless is different from .wav by looking at...
  17. Alatriste

    T7900 vs HD555 vs Z-2300

    Quote: Originally Posted by Sir Nobax You should DEFINITELY replace that Xtreme gamer, thats not a X-Fi, thats a rebadged Audigy SE (yes, the cheap a-$$ version of the first Audigy). How compares my sound blaster 128 to x-fi card?? With the loud that i like for music, the sound...
  18. Alatriste

    T7900 vs HD555 vs Z-2300

    Quote: Originally Posted by Tracker Okay, so the HD595 is good for music and Z-2300's are not. If you don't know about games, what about the Creative T7900 set? And how much worse is the HD555? I was thinking to buy HD555 or HD595, both were good rated on webpages i saw like...
  19. Alatriste

    mp3 quality

    Quote: Originally Posted by qazwsx For lossless vs. WAV I have no idea. I bet if I listened to a billion dollar setup and a five grand headphone I might. LOSSLESS, the word says it all...
  20. Alatriste

    mp3 quality

    Quote: Originally Posted by WindowsX I "DID" read it before and "USED" to believe in loseless until I found the truth behind between loseless and full source with my own ears and my rig. If you try playing loseless file with program that can show bitrate while playing, you'll see why...
  21. Alatriste

    Help me purchasing a good Audiophile Rig

    I found here, that a lot of people say Emu 0404 have bad sound, worse than audigi or x-fi cheaper soundcards, Where is the point?? Is not a good source and Dac options like you said? Also people say that this card is bright, with low bass...
  22. Alatriste

    Help me purchasing a good Audiophile Rig

    Thx all for your help rlly apreciate it , i think will go with the E-MU 0404 USB. It is cheaper, arround 175€. The AK4396 DAC inside is even better that those DAC-AMP combo with 24 bits 192khz support, im right?. Also is a profesional sound card, that can hold microphones, midi devices, and...
  23. Alatriste

    Help me purchasing a good Audiophile Rig

    Thx for your help!!, i tought you were going to send me to hell, or something like, this is not the forum for that idiot!, read more. Well, Emu 4040 USB looks very nice, found for 186 euros , little expensive tought but if you say it is...
  24. Alatriste

    Help me purchasing a good Audiophile Rig

    Hi music candy lovers. I recently purchased a pair of Senns HD-595 cans. Those cans are amacing! i tought, but my electronic system is a ****, and i need really hard a good source, amp... dac.... Anything that could improve my sound quality, because i love the music, and my sens 595 are ****ing...