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  • Users: pat1006
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  1. pat1006

    For people that use Facebook and Google+

    I am taking a course on the topic of privacy where we are primary look at online privacy and how to protect your privacy. For our course project, we have to write a paper on a topic about privacy. I want to investigate if Google+ actually makes users more privacy conscience then Facebook. In...
  2. pat1006

    Living in Seattle

    Hey guys, Currently, I live in Philadelphia but I am moving to Seattle for six months because of an internship.    I was hoping you guys that are from Seattle could help me out with recommendations on what to do/see while I am there. Also, any good happy hour spots or weekend party spots...
  3. pat1006

    Tandberg Receiver Giveaway!

    My dad has a Tandberg TR 2045 receiver that he no longer wants. The only problem that I know of with it is that the tuner only tunes down and not up. I thought maybe some head-fier would like to fix it up. According to google these are the technical specs on it...
  4. pat1006

    HW Help: Music Survey

    For my computer ethics class, we were asked to survey 10 of our friends on these questions. I figured I might as well collect as much information as possible. If you could take some time to answer these three questions I would appreciate it! The questions are about how you obtained your...
  5. pat1006

    Going to NYC Saturday

    I am planning on taking my girlfriend to New York City for the day on Saturday. I am taking her to a concert at the HighLine Ballroom at night but I was looking for suggestions on what to do for during the day. Lunch and dinner recommendations would also be great! The concert venue is between...
  6. pat1006

    Philly Impressions 4/25

    It was great getting to meet everyone! I want to thank everyone who came even Phong (I know I have to be spelling your name wrong) who dicthed his wife to come up from Delaware. I can't beleive I forgot to take pictures. I really don't have much time to post impressions but I want to say that...
  7. pat1006

    Philadelphia Area Meet - 4/25

    When: Saturday April 25 10-5pm Where: Grace Lutheran Church 45 North Main Street Hatfield, PA 19440 The A is where the address is which is the post office. The church is right accross the street. I will have signs that will point you from the parking lot to the room where the meet will be...
  8. pat1006

    Planning a Philadelphia Area Meet

    I am trying to plan a meet in the Philadelphia area for April or March. I am trying to see how much interest there is for a meet. I am in contact with my church to use their space. This space would be free to use but I am trying to pull together a way to create a donation for the church's youth...
  9. pat1006

    Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

    So this year I was planning on getting my girlfriend a pair of headphones. She loves music just as much as I do but has been using ibuds. I figured Valentine's Day would be a good excuse to introduce her into higher end audio. I was all excited this year to be getting her a pair until I found...
  10. pat1006

    I need music reccomendations to train my ears

    I want to begin trying to train my ears to be able to pick up little things in recordings that aren't necessarily musical. I consider myself sheltered when it comes to a variety of artists in my musical collection and I want to take advance of this training experience to learn about other...
  11. pat1006

    How bout those Phils?

    I was fortunate enough to have partial season tickets this year, (I made it to 19 regular season and 3 playoff games) and I could not be more proud of my Phillies. Finally, after 28 years we won!
  12. pat1006

    Upgrading from HD555s. I need help.

    I got my hd555s in March and have been happy with them. However, I feel like something is missing from the music though I can not place what. Something just feels like it should be there but isn't. I have been looking into the 650s and the Denon D2000s but other suggestions would be nice. I...