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  1. walt93

    Band Name Game!

  2. walt93

    Band Name Game!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Cousin Patty Satyricon Neil Young and Crazy Horse
  3. walt93

    Is it just me or apple buds sound really good?

    Quote: Originally Posted by headphonejunkie For 40 bucks I would get a pair of yuin pk3's or something like that.I am tempted to get myself some but I use my sr80's at work most of the time. theres no real reason to buy a pair at current prices (other than perhaps aesthetics)...
  4. walt93

    rock that's uplifting but not too happy

    From the OP I couldn't help but think of the REM song "It's the End of the World as We Know It..." (is that right? with the ellipsis too?). Not for the genre you were reffering to, but just the idea of uplifting view of turmoil and desparation. Maybe thats just me, but for semi-uplifting...
  5. walt93

    The "My very favorite Song of all time" Thread...

    Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison Hard to necesarrily say as my favorite of all time, but its definitely up there, and definitely gets me every time. A pretty generic fave, but hey, I'm a pretty generic guy.
  6. walt93

    The Beatles Experiment

    Ask a number of people who like the Beatles (most people in other words) what their favourite Beatles album is. If they say Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, then ask them their 3 favourite beatles songs. 2nd test: Ask the same people (or similar people) their favourite member of the...
  7. walt93

    The Music Game VII

    Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyd
  8. walt93

    How many of you play an instrument?

    Played piano for many years when I was really young (started when I was like 4 or something). I got pretty good by the time I stopped (about 13 or so) taking lessons for it. After that I pretty much just stopped playing, and my skills were gone. I was never great at it, but I could play some...
  9. walt93

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    The End - John Murphy (28 days OST)
  10. walt93

    Beatles split on 10 April 1970: Where were you?

    waiting for another 15 years to be born...
  11. walt93

    New Headphones for School

    a nice big set of headphones, and just wear them around your neck when you're not using them. Big clunky headphones are key. Either that or some IEMs or buds is what I say.
  12. walt93

    Is it just me or apple buds sound really good?

    I listen to my ibuds on the go sometimes. They're the ones bundled with 5th gen ipods (but my ipod is 2nd gen). Not bad for a quick listen to pop in and out, but not great. I personally don't have much experience with other earbuds (minus a few cheapies, that I feel the iBuds outbeat them all)...
  13. walt93

    Bose IE in a Vending Machine?

    those game things aren't exactly vending machines.
  14. walt93

    best soundstage possible (for gaming)

    What you'd really want for competitive online gaming fps games (like CS and BF2) is a good pair of neutral headphones like HD280s. For single player gaming and such you'd probably want a more bass boosted headphone for really feeling the explosions and gunfire. For what you want though, I'd...
  15. walt93

    Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs)

    Quote: Originally Posted by monolith Heh. Fair enough. Try to find their material on vinyl if you get the chance. They're very lush, and the packaging is usually pretty neat. hmm, my lack of vinyl equipment makes vinyl a rough choice for me (plus I like it all on my computer, and...
  16. walt93

    Favourite Album Game

    a new game that I thought up as a result of too much time with too little to do at my job. Anyways, here's the basic idea. Someone names a band, and someone fairly familiar with that band, names their favourite album by that band. The person who just answered, is then able to name a band...
  17. walt93

    Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs)

    Quote: Originally Posted by monolith Excellent choice with that Godspeed. Of all their work, I think Moya (first track on Slow Riot), is their best. I actually prefer the 2nd track with the guy talking about his speeding ticket.
  18. walt93

    Help me get into other genres!

    Try some post rock: Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas (not my favorite Godspeed album, but the best place to start with them imo) Explosions in the Sky - The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place (or How Strange, Innocence) Some non-post rock (well-known, well...
  19. walt93

    Jazz fusion recommendations...

    Quote: Originally Posted by Henry Flower I actually did try searching and didnt come up with anything (something must have messed up as I did search for jazz fusion, and I got no results). Thanks though for finding it for...
  20. walt93

    200hr on my K701s....

    Would the benefits of burn in, in general be similar to the theory of diminishing marginal returns, or would it be more a peaked graph (as in would it start out that the first 10 hours would be the most beneficial for headphones, and then the next 10 hours slightly less beneficial and so on, or...
  21. walt93

    Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs)

    Newest 4: Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation Godspeed - Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada Built to Spill - You in Reverse Enjoying them all.
  22. walt93

    The Who - Live at Leeds - Best ever!

    nice I'm gonna have to grab that at some point (when I get to grabbing about 1000 other albums I'm in need of)
  23. walt93

    Jazz fusion recommendations...

    Anyone got any good recommendations for any Jazz fushion (artists/bands/ablums). Don't really know much about the genre, but am looking to give it a shot (after hearing one song, that I don't know the name of, that someone told me was jazz fushion).
  24. walt93

    The Who - Live at Leeds - Best ever!

    Tommy for me as my favorite who album. Btw, did the Who ever do a studio recording of Magic Bus? What album? (Not live versions.)
  25. walt93

    And in the end...The Beatles are why audiophilia exists?

    Quote: Originally Posted by anadin Nobody influenced music more than the beatles, especially when they went into there hippy stoned mode of music. He was talking about the technology in recording equipment and such, not the music. Also many other people (not just musicians)...