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  1. M

    Will an Amp fix my concerns/Issues with my Hifiman Sundaras'?

    Thanks everyone for your responses! I certainly felt like i learned a bit more about what i need to know because of it. So my Amp arrived, and is has certainly helped, if only because the higher volume it allowed me allowed for greater clarity and im currently messing with new as i am...
  2. M

    Will an Amp fix my concerns/Issues with my Hifiman Sundaras'?

    So i recently upgraded from a pair of Audio-Technica M50X's to a pair of Hifiman Sundaras however i feel like at best, they sound very much alike and at worst some details in some of the music i listen to are lost to the Sundaras. For example, on the m50x's i might hear a very subtle thing in...
  3. M

    Best Open back headphones + Amp for £400?

    So i've done some more research on those two headphones (The Sennheiser HD600's and the Hifiman Sundara) And i was struggling to decide between which of them seem the most appealing to me when i found out the weight of the two headphones. the HD600's are about 260 grams, so a little ligher than...
  4. M

    Best Open back headphones + Amp for £400?

    Thanks for the insight, I'll certainly look those up! I had a look at the Hifiman Sundara but it seems to be similar ohmage to my M50X's i currently have. Would an amp even be required for that? From what research i have done, it seems fairly popular opinion that you only really "need" an amp...
  5. M

    Best Open back headphones + Amp for £400?

    So i've been researching for a solid 4-5 hours now and im no closer to getting an answer than when i began. I'm at a complete loss and it seem the info about amps has gone completely over my head and some research i've done lists things i should know about amps, but upon going on the...