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  1. Whitcomb

    Schiit jotunheim vs Audio-GD R2R 11

    Has anyone experience with these both AMP/DAC's and can tell me the reason why i should investest more money in the Schiit Jotunheim ? Audio-GD R2R 11
  2. Whitcomb

    New headphones [Upgrade from DT 880 Edition]

    Sry for the confusion and thanks for ur suggestions. 1. The new headphones don't have to sound like the DT 880, i just liked the analytic sound. 2. Closed is negotiable, it would be nice but they don't have to be closed.
  3. Whitcomb

    New headphones [Upgrade from DT 880 Edition]

    I am looking for new headphones and i hope to get a sound upgrade from my old DT 880 Edition. For me the quality of the DT 880 was really amazing and i want the same quality for my new headphones. I liked the natural sound of vocals and bass,i would call it analytical sound. My future headphones...