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  1. JackaBoss

    Get the HD58x Jubilee now or wait for the HD6xx drop?

    Should i join the HD58x Jubilee drop at massdrop now or wait for the next HD6xx drop. Getting both headphones is a choice but i plan to get my first 'entry level audiophile headphone (as some people say)' then get an amp later. Getting both means the amp has to wait and i want to avoid that. I...
  2. JackaBoss

    Need help figuring out which headphone to buy.

    @muffins @MTMECraig Thanks for your opinions guys. It really helps a lot, i can get a general idea of what im getting here (I used the HD6xx on my phone for about 5 minutes). The problem is both the HD58x and HD6xx dont ship to my country directly, so im having problems :( Otherwise i'd get...
  3. JackaBoss

    Need help figuring out which headphone to buy.

    I see, thanks guys for the feedback!
  4. JackaBoss

    How loud is the HD6xx to the person sitting beside you?

    Alright thanks dude, currently figuring out which is the best headphone to get first and which will suit my daily life the most.
  5. JackaBoss

    How loud is the HD6xx to the person sitting beside you?

    I know the HD6xx/HD650 is an open back headphone and people around you can hear your music. But to what extent? Can they hear every beat and tone coming from your headphone or they will just hear a slight beat of noise? Sorry for bad english, cheers from Malaysia.
  6. JackaBoss

    Need help figuring out which headphone to buy.

    Hi guys, I'm very new into audio equipment and would like to get myself a new pair of headphone. I currently own a HD451 and Hyper X Cloud 2. (Both are gifts btw, so no complains here) and no amp. Before last month i had no idea music could sound so great on a pair of headphones. A friend of...
  7. JackaBoss

    New Member Introductions thread

    Yo guys, friend of mine recommended this place and here I am. Trying to read most of the reviews on this site to get me a new pair of headphones.