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  • Users: mnp75
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  1. mnp75

    Oppo PM-3 : The Portable Planar - Impressions

    Restoring my PM-3s… Installed replacement pads ( and did what's probably just a temporary fix to the headband: handlebar tape for a cycle attached to the bottom of the band with electricians tape. Not sure how long the electricians tape will hold and...
  2. mnp75

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Yes, exactly as I stated on the message immediately following the one you quoted 😅
  3. mnp75

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    The only thing I was able to find on the firmware update here was this video (more than a dozen pages back 😅) …and actually based on that the firmware...
  4. mnp75

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    wow, just thinking about the €€€s wasted on trying to chase a cable that wouldn't introduce the white noise, and it was a firmware issue all along 😂 but yeah, will need to look into this – thanks!
  5. mnp75

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Wait, has there been an official statement from Chord on the white noise issue as being something they can fix with firmware update??
  6. mnp75

    Denafrips Ares 12th speculation/discussion/impressions

    That’s fantastic news, thanks for the confirmation!
  7. mnp75

    Denafrips Ares 12th speculation/discussion/impressions

    Can someone with the 12th verify whether the lip sync issue is there or not with the optical connection? Was 1.5 years ago considering the original Ares II, but decided to go with VMV D1se instead as I'm using the DAC also with TV and the lag of Ares II would've been unacceptable in that use...
  8. mnp75

    Oppo PM-3 : The Portable Planar - Impressions

    Thanks for the info! Didn't realize where they are located, does indeed sound a bit complex at the moment…
  9. mnp75

    Oppo PM-3 : The Portable Planar - Impressions

    What did their pads cost? There’s no price list to be found on their site unfortunately…
  10. mnp75

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    As suggested in the replies, I went with the Oppo PM-3 – took a sweet while to actually find a reasonably priced pair in reasonable condition in Europe, but finally today I’m listening them with Mojo2 and sipping iced latte in the shade 😎 Haven’t done any critical listening yet, but I think the...
  11. mnp75

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    Yeah it really can feel like you’re in this very secret club that only very few people know of, but which makes the members extremely satisfied 😂
  12. mnp75

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    Don't have a tube headphone amp myself, but I've been thoroughly enjoying the tube-like harmonics effect that my DAC, SMSL VMV D1se, has as an option – it really makes the ERAs sing in wonderfully enjoyable way when driven with the solid-state JDLabs Element amp.
  13. mnp75

    SMSL / VMV D1SE Impressions thread

    FWIW, I had no issues with the delivery from Hifi-Express to EU last fall.
  14. mnp75

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    For anyone still looking for a short Lightning–USB-C cable in Europe, can highly suggest this one: Actually in stock unlike some of the cheaper Fiios, ships super fast with delivery included in the price. And the cable itself is really high quality...
  15. mnp75

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    That actually sounds pretty much perfect all and all – had totally forgotten about that model. Shame it's no longer available as a new, but will keep an eye for used ones! I actually have an old pair of Sennheiser HD-25sp, which are super-light and don't sound too bad at all (esp. after some...
  16. mnp75

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    But that's the thing – IEMs just are not my cup of tea. (I actually just very recently got Moondrop Katos as I wanted to see if my aversion to IEMs was just due to trying solely cheaper mainstream products earlier, but turns out it's a broader issue with e.g. comfort, getting a good fit etc that...
  17. mnp75

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    Any thoughts on what would be could candidates for headphones with similar sound signature to Era-1 but relatively light, closed-back over-ears for on-the-go listening? As this would be non-critical listening, the sound quality doesn't need to be exactly on par with Era-1 – would be very happy...
  18. mnp75

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    Nice to hear that Era-1 scales up well even to the level of Dave! Also mentioned myself earlier in the thread that I can quite clearly hear the differences of the gear in my own setup now with Era-1 in ways that just wasn't obvious with Hifiman HE-400s earlier. Which in turn has ended up...
  19. mnp75

    If you compare a cassete recording to mp3?

    FWIW, have been listening recently both cassettes from early 90s and MP3s from early 00s – and can tell you that the cassettes sounded way better than I had thought would be possible, meanwhile the MP3s sounded mostly absolutely hideous. Guess the cassette technology was pretty much “ready” in...
  20. mnp75

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Yeah that's actually kinda one thing that I wish that the Mojo 2 had: a way to save certain settings as a preset that you can quickly get back to. At least right now when I've been trying out different headphones, speaker setups and different kind of music, I end up toggling EQ & crossfeed back...
  21. mnp75

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Nice work! The visualization makes it very clear that it actually might make sense to put equal numbers to ALL 4 bands – the result is NOT an equally elevated flat line, but a V-shape. As someone mentioned already earlier in the thread, but it wasn't instinctively clear that that would be the...
  22. mnp75

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Well you can certainly take the expensive audiophile route, but I ordered two of these – one for the desktop and one for on the go: Waiting for the package to arrive early next week. Not that many reviews, but all very positive and someone even...
  23. mnp75

    SMSL / VMV D1SE Impressions thread

    Did a bit more focused comparative listening (not proper A/B-testing though) between Mojo 2 and D1SE and still feeling pretty similarly – D1SE is clearly the better DAC out of these two for me. Some notes: - On U2's Mysterious Ways after 0:20 there's a bit of an interesting echo in the mix in...
  24. mnp75

    SMSL / VMV D1SE Impressions thread

    The differences are more minor than I had thought based on the reviews I'd seen. And very much dependant on the system. Don't hear much anything with my speakers via tube amp, think the harmonics produced by the tubes overpower anything put out by D1SE – if anything, things start to sound a...
  25. mnp75

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Good point, tactile controls always have that benefit that you can use them "blindfolded" as long as you remember the patterns needed for the operation (and have the patience to count the steps)