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  1. RealX777

    'Out of focus' sound, dac or amp?

    I have xonar stx and modi 2 for dac, I have magni 2 for amp. With various headphones the sound is kind of smeary or scattered, out of focus. I'm wondering what generally tightens it up so its crisp and clear. What upgrade would I make? thank you
  2. RealX777

    T90 vs T1 soundstage size?

    When you say faster this includes treble also? I would assume this allows for better layering and separation depth wise? When I listen to complex fast music like dance there are so many layers and a lesser headphone just kind of puts all the layers in one place instead of behind eachother with...
  3. RealX777

    T90 vs T1 soundstage size?

    HD800 and T1 have similar height ss? On hd598 and k702 I found a wide soundstage with poor height.
  4. RealX777

    T90 vs T1 soundstage size?

    I only have a magni 2 right now but I understand the hd800 is more picky. I'm asking in terms of music in which soundstage width/height are both important to me for electronic music.
  5. RealX777

    T90 vs T1 soundstage size?

    The T90 is cheaper but if the T1 soundstage is noticeably wider/taller I will spend the extra. Other thoughts are helpful too, thanks.
  6. RealX777

    Headphones with poor dynamics or compressed sounding means?

    I've been thinking about getting the T90's but someone said they were compressed sounding. I had the K702 and they had a wide soundstage but poor height and it sounded compressed? Can this give the impression of poorer soundstage height and if something like hd700 is said to have good dynamics...
  7. RealX777

    ad1/2000x vs dt880/t90 for electronic dance music?

    Do you think they can sound good on a ss amp? At this point I'm not upgrading my amps. Is t1 even more picky?
  8. RealX777

    ad1/2000x vs dt880/t90 for electronic dance music?

    I have a magni 2 and xonar stx amp. If power weren't an issue which are best?
  9. RealX777

    ad1/2000x vs dt880/t90 for electronic dance music?

    I listen to various forms of trance that are complex and layered so I need something fast/detailed. I'm also more into treble/highs than I am into lows honestly. I don't like lows/mids to interfere with treble much or mud it up. I'm willing to pay the difference between lower and upper teir if...
  10. RealX777

    stx vs modi/magni 2?

    I'm finding my stx with lt1364's to have cleaner and smoother sound than schiit stack. My schiit stack sounds muddy with poor treble. I'm wondering if my stack is defective or is modi 2 etc just low sq?
  11. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

    Well on the k702, especially with bassy passages, those lows/mids are kind of filling that whole space of the soundstage, vertically too. Had the same issue with the hd598. It is the opposite of what I would called tight and controlled, it fills and congests. I don't know what could cause this...
  12. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

     maybe I just have weird hearing? I tried the ad700 and hd598 on the cowon j3 and fiio x1 and...same issues. I tried my dac/amp through a netbook both plugged and unplugged with the k702, same issues. Have tried xonar stx with them too, same. It has been indicated that I may have electrical...
  13. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

    Ok, update to the issues I was having. I am going to try to clean up any noise/ground loops that exist in my system. That being said what I'm finding is that most headphones just have too much bass/mids for my liking and not enough trebble. I'm having the same issue with the k702 that I did with...
  14. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

    The settings are correct for enhancements. I tried other players also. The issue is the same on my different headphones. There's a heavy muddiness which obscures detail. If I eq out the bass and mid there's is still a type of muddiness but i'm not sure if its noise? All I know is to hear details...
  15. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

    These are the one's made in china. The earpads are as they came, it looks like the fatter part is toward the rear when they're on. There is noise when the volume is raised 'a lot' but not normally.
  16. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

    Pretty much all of them were working from my computer. Could it be an internal issue like noise, motherboard, psu, etc?
  17. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

    Kind of makes me want to give up on any product I can afford. At this point I've tried fiio x1, cayan c5, xonar stx with rolling, modi/magni, ad700, hd598, and now k702 but everything has sounded mediocre. Maybe my expectations are too high but it would be nice if anything I'd tried sounded at...
  18. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

    It's happening with other genres and slow music also, lack of clarity. I'm wondering what could be the weak link in my chain. I might have usb noise right, I'm using cheap usb/rca cables. Is my equipment just not up to task to run these headphones well?
  19. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

    The issue that I'm having is that things sound smeary and out of focus.   The issue I'm having is that things sound smeary and out of focus. The separation is poor also. I'm not sure what could be causing this.
  20. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

    Mostly electronic music that is complex and layered. The clarity just isn't there.
  21. RealX777

    my new k702's don't sound good :/

    I'm running them through foobar> modi 2/magni 2. changing 16/24 bit doesn't help. First of all they are clearer than my hd598's but that isn't saying much. I notice a lot of coloration in the treble, the resolution is it really cause I haven't burned them in yet? not sure whats wrong...
  22. RealX777

    k702 or dt-880?

    I read a lot of the threads but you're right I'll have to hear them to really know. Analyzing it is only getting me so far.
  23. RealX777

    k702 or dt-880?

    I know the 880's are pretty good and you've reconfirmed it for me. I kind of think I'd like either choice at this point even though the q/k70x have more polarized opinions. At some point I just need to pull the trigger on one and go with it. ~'flips a coin 10 times.'
  24. RealX777

    k702 or dt-880?

    How do you feel about the soundstage? I do kind of like  out of head type experience.
  25. RealX777

    k702 or dt-880?

    Yeah, I've read a number of forums on related topics and I guess both cans have pros/cons compared to each other. It really comes down to preference. The dt880 is maybe a better all-rounder while the k702 would be a bit more analytical and shine in songs/genres that could utilize its vast sound...