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  1. anubisgrau

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    What is the cheapest source for LCD-3?
  2. anubisgrau

    Audio-GD Reference 7 - the new flagship DAC

    pardon my silly question that has probably already been covered earlier but would anyone care to comment on 7 vs 7.1 sound differences, if any significant   also what is an ongoing rate for 7 (1.5 yrs old)?
  3. anubisgrau

    Wadia 170 iTransport owners club

    hi, i'm wondering if 170i works on all voltages (110-240) as most of the devices with switching PS do, or a voltage should be specified when ordering? thanks in advance
  4. anubisgrau

    DAC1 OR DA10 for classical music?

    altmann attraction
  5. anubisgrau

    Altmann Attraction DAC - is thrill gone?

    i would expect a certain difference between beresford and attraction though
  6. anubisgrau

    Altmann Attraction DAC - is thrill gone?

    Strange, it seems no one is writing about it on Head-Fi anymore? Must be some reason for that - a lack of headphone input or something else. Would be interested in to know if there are any users that moved to another DAC and why
  7. anubisgrau

    Paradisea+ just arrived

    anyone had a chance to compare the paradisea plus vs altmann attraction DACs?
  8. anubisgrau

    High-end non-upsampling DACs

    dont forget altmann attraction DAC, it is between $1000 and $1600 depending on a configuration. for many users it is the best sounding DAC regardless of a price.
  9. anubisgrau

    Which is better? Ah! Njoe Tjoeb(not upsampled) / Ca Azur 640 C / dac

    it is difficult to recommend without knowing your taste in audio. a digital source is particularly tricky to buy without listening because the differences are smaller than with other products but they can be really irritating. speaking of the names you mentioned, CA will give you more audio...
  10. anubisgrau

    TDA1451 DAC question

    what does R2R stand for? is it possible to reprogram TD1543? i am wondering if the trick of altmann attraction performance could be in reprogrammed DA chip. it is hard to believe that plain 1543 can deliver that performance.
  11. anubisgrau

    C.E.C. TL-51XR

    considering it's a belt driven CDP, anyone has a clue about how long should a belt last?
  12. anubisgrau

    Shanling MC-3 Music Center

    great. all you need is a pair of LS3/5A.
  13. anubisgrau

    C.E.C. TL-51XR

    and something else - so what DAC chip the discontinued 51XZ used when the current 51XR uses PCM1796?
  14. anubisgrau

    C.E.C. TL-51XR

    so, the TL-51XR is a combo of TL-51X transport and DA-53 DAC, right? ayt999, it would be great if you could refresh your impressions in comparison with accu CDP. i've seen only a few reviews of TL-51 but they were always very positive in absolute way, regardless of the price. larry cox from...
  15. anubisgrau

    C.E.C. TL-51XR

    Quote: Originally Posted by ayt999 I have a DA53 dac and a TL51X transport. other than the transport-dac link the combo should be pretty much the same as the TL51XR. (the TL51XR uses the CEC superlink, but since the DA53 doesn't have that particular input I can't I am not sure if...
  16. anubisgrau

    Going to Hong-Kong - Need advice

    Anyone can give some tips for good source for C.E.C. gear in HK, mainland China or elsewhere? I have upgraditis and I need a quick mail order fix
  17. anubisgrau

    Going to Hong-Kong - Need advice

    Hi, can anyone recommend an export shop (it could be online only as well) to order CEC Tl-51XR CD player from HK? Thanks G.
  18. anubisgrau

    C.E.C. TL-51XR

    Thanks for the interesting post. I didn't know that CEC OEM-ed for Parasound. I am wondering how do you know that the clock is a weak spot. Is it audible or what kind of behaviour a bad clock has?
  19. anubisgrau

    C.E.C. TL-51XR

    I tried a search engine on this forum but it seems that CEC 51XR hasn't been mentioned here. This is an updated version of TL-51XZ CDP that featured a fantastic transport mechanism (belt-driven, as found in all CEC products) but not so good DAC. The new, 51XR has an updated DAC section and...
  20. anubisgrau

    Paradisea+ just arrived

    anyone had a chance to test paradisea + agains old paradisea? i am curious what improvement a different PSU (based on a new transformer) brought.
  21. anubisgrau

    Who has the best deal for LAvry DA10

    Pls advise where to buy DA10 in the US? Who has the best deal. Thanks
  22. anubisgrau

    Lector CDP-7TL

    ANyone tried this beast?
  23. anubisgrau

    Behringer SRC2496 deal

    anyone can point to web resources of the mods that turns this DAC into a real beast?
  24. anubisgrau

    CD Player with built-in pre amp

    i am also interested if there is a decent pre/CD combination that doesn't cost a fortune. audio aero capitole reference is a fantastic device, but it costs 6,000 USD at least.
  25. anubisgrau

    CD Player with built-in pre amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by agile_one mmmmm, actually, the aforementioned Musical Fidelity CD Pre24 IS a full pre amp with analog inputs and analog volume control. Check description and specs here. true, except it is not a good CD player at all. quite harsh and fatiguing sound...