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  1. M


      Will sure do. Expecting it to arrive this coming week. 
  2. M

    W30 vs W40 - Help Please

    Ok Guys, all set now. I pulled the plug on W30 after reading this thread by Spyro. Huge THANKS to Spyro!!!!
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    Spyro, my man, I am a newbie to Head-Fi. I was mulling over W30s for a week. I opened a thread earlier today asking an opinion between W30 and W40.   I read  your thread now and I already pulled the plug on W30. Bought it in eBay (listed as 'used only for few hours'), some nice guy who appears...
  4. M

    W30 vs W40 - Help Please

    Guys, I wanna buy a good IEM for < $400 and have researched on Shure SE535, Westone W30 and W40, Senn IE80.    I narrowed down my choices between W40 and W30. I only listen to MP3 songs from either my PC or iPod/iPhone. I am not an audiophile and not into FLAC and Hi-Def Audio formats. But, I...
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    Shure SE846 Impressions Thread

    Thanks Buddy. That was good advice. 
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    Shure SE846 Impressions Thread

    You are right. I guess i have to take one step at a time with this engineering marvel. Let me listen to my mp3 some more time and then mull over options to buy dac/amp, replacing cable. 
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    Shure SE846 Impressions Thread

    Thanks my friend. I picked the medium size olive. So far my biggest concern (which is pbly true with any IEM) is that the thing takes about a minute to fit them right in my ears. Also, i cannot move around without thinking that 'oh i am gonna lose my seal'.    And, yes u r right, i am not into...
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    Shure SE846 Impressions Thread

    Oh man! that's good to hear its still a deal. (In btw, i snapped it up in THE CITY - NYC, so may be the competition or the guy had a quota to meet or he was in a good mood ).    So far i have heard a couple songs from my ipod and they sound pretty good. I am comparing it with my Audio technica...
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    Shure SE846 Impressions Thread

    Guys, i am new to this forum. I was able to get these earphones for $750 from an authorized dealer. Is that a great price or what?   I kind of bargained with the dealer and he said he would give it to me for $750 if I bought them NOW. I just pulled the plug. Hope I didn't make a $750 mistake...