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  1. mikell128

    1964 Ears Adel IEMs

    Hoping for some NAMM feedback!
  2. mikell128

    1964 Ears A12 & A10 - ADEL Equipped 12BA & 10BA Driver Custom - Anticipation and Appreciation Thread

    Looks like there's an update for you lucky A people on kickstarter and you'll get to start customizing early January. Jealous!
  3. mikell128

    1964 Ears Adel IEMs

    I'm craving an update of information from 1964. I check this thread far too often....
  4. mikell128

    1964 Ears Adel IEMs

    Agreed, most concerning to me was knowing the lineup with adel really stood up with the rest of the 1964 lineup. Based on his brief review, it appears to be one of the best IEMs he's reviewed. Im content enough knowing they'll sound great and just hope that the ADEL tech produces further gains...
  5. mikell128

    1964 Ears Adel IEMs

    So about that review... 50 hours to go...
  6. mikell128

    1964 Ears Adel IEMs

    They said during the webcast that it would be before the end of the campaign. If it's not, then I would think a lot of people (myself included) are going to pull back their funding. While the information session was good, it really boils down to everyone wanting someone knowledgeable to actual...
  7. mikell128

    1964 Ears Adel IEMs

    Lots of information given on the webinar and they went on for over two and a half hours which was nice to see. I believe you can watch it over on spreecast after the fact.   Some highlights:   - Hard case will most likely be the next stretch goal - You will be able to activate ADEL with...
  8. mikell128

    VSonic GR07 Bass Edition Impressions

    I would reach out to Brian at BTG directly to see your current options. If you want I'll PM you how much I was charged. I think it was worth it. While it was a significant chunk of what I paid for the headphones initially, I really like their sound and wanted to keep them. In that sense it was...
  9. mikell128

    VSonic GR07 Bass Edition Impressions

    I had my gr07 be recabled by BTG and they're perfect now. The cable, close to the driver, started cutting out in one ear after about 14 months. I hated the waiting time but worth it
  10. mikell128

    1964 Ears Adel IEMs

    There was a response on kickstarter! Q&A to come on Tuesday 9am PST. That should hopefully give us all a lot more information and (hopefully) comfort as we close in on funding.
  11. mikell128

    1964 Ears Adel IEMs

        Pretty much how I feel as well. If we don't hear anything from 1964 before the funding deadline, as much as I don't want to, I may drop them and give EarWerkz a shot. Still hoping we get a little more info on the Adel line though!
  12. mikell128

    1964 Ears Adel IEMs

    It sounds like we're going to go demo-less before the funding date. Has anyone heard any info otherwise or if demo units are even available at this point? Currently signed on for a U6 but the lack of info, mixed reports from customer service and slow responsiveness on kickstarter has gotten me...