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  1. leon226

    EMF from headphones?

    I was using emf sensor from my android phone on my hd650 and it is over 6000 mGauss, FYI normal range in my room is 350mG, is it true that headphones emit harmful emf? you can gauge emf by using this apps: If you still...
  2. leon226

    Best headphones for epic orchestral/cinematic music like Two steps from hell?

    thanks for your reply, does hd800 need more than audiogd 300$ amp dac? Thanks
  3. leon226

    Best headphones for epic orchestral/cinematic music like Two steps from hell?

    Hi, I am using HD598 and considering upgrading to under 500$ headphones with Audiogd amp+dac, I only listen to epic orchestral music like two steps from hell. Does it worth it to upgrade from hd598( no amp/dac) to under 500$ headphones with 300$ audiogd amp dac? Thanks
  4. leon226

    Best headphones for orchestral music

    you would like a headphones with widest soundstage you can afford, because Orchestral music consists of a lot of sound sources, wide sound stages helps emulate the experience of listening in an orchestra, headphones with narrow soundstages will mix up those sources, make them overloading each...
  5. leon226

    Amp or DAC for HD600?

    I already have Asus Xonar DG on my computer, but is it really needed to buy an AMP for HD600? What is the best AMP under 150$?  Thanks
  6. leon226

    V-moda XS or Sennheiser Amperior?

    I listen to a wide variety of music, I can afford either of them, which one should I choose? Thanks