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  1. engrjoey

    Name some contemporary music that you listen to.

    Some of these songs are not even my favorite at first, but after listening to them on a good pair of headphones and heard details I was missing, I started listening to them a lot.   Please share yours.   Here's some of mine: The Downfall of Us All - A Day To Remember Everything's Magic -...
  2. engrjoey

    Upgrade from Creative Aurvana Live

    appsmarsterx thank you. I'd definitely consider those and look up their reviews. spitf1r3 great idea, I'll try that. There's a store here where they let costumers test their products. too bad they don't have the m100, and SoundMagic HP150 yet, so that I could give them a listen amped/unamped.
  3. engrjoey

    Upgrade from Creative Aurvana Live

    Hi, newbie here. I'm looking for an upgrade from my creative aurvana live. The headphones that are currently on the top of my list are the ath-m50x and vmoda m100. Portability is one of the major factors why I leaned towards the two. Can anyone suggest any headphones out there?Or which of the...