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  1. DanPrior


    Greetings. I enjoy of my K701 headphones drived by a Graham Slee Solo now. However, I have decided to improve still futher the musical experience through headphones. I like a rather neutral sound that doesn´t protrude any sonic frecuency. I want to buy a high-end range headphones (I have...
  2. DanPrior

    A good SACD source?

    Greetings Which are your opinion about Marantz SA-11S1? I would like to buy it. At the moment use AKG K701 with an Lehmann audio amp and I want to combine it with which I have. bye
  3. DanPrior

    Lehmann Audio Black Cube Linear headphone amplifier

    Greetings Is a good amp for AKG K701? bye
  4. DanPrior

    AKG K701 - Anyone purchased and wasn't impressed with the sound?

    Robm321...a little question...I see that you have in your top-ranking the AKG K1000. I know that they have soundstage like no other headphone in market but in quality of sound is also better than AKG K701?
  5. DanPrior

    About AKG K301 XTRA

    What´s your opinion about sound quality of AKG K301 XTRA? (or AKG K530, both cans are the same but this one of white color)
  6. DanPrior

    my AKG 701 with...

    Greetings Are Marantz 11S1 SACD player with a Graham Slee solo amp a good combination with my AKG 701?
  7. DanPrior

    AKG K530

    Somebody has the AKG K530? I like to know about quality sound of this cans... is a evolution of the K301? Sounds exactly equal to K301? bye
  8. DanPrior

    AKG K701 vs K1000

    Thinks K1000 sounds better to the K701? I have been reading K701 sounds better and is much more cheaper. Personally I believe that thus is, but is truth?
  9. DanPrior


    I like to know the price of K701 with Silver Dragon single ended recabled. Also I want to know if MoonAudio make international sendings...
  10. DanPrior


    Is a good combination? Source --> Marantz SA-11S1 Cables --> I don´t know Amp --> Musical Fidelity X-CAN V3 Cans --> AKG K701 Help me to cabling this and like doing it. The source has analogical balanced out. And I believe that the MF also… Some advice?
  11. DanPrior

    finding K701 amp...

    Greetings What´s the better amp for my k701s? between 200 € and 300 €...
  12. DanPrior

    John Williams

    I like to know if there is some record John Williams soundtracks with very good sound quality (I prefer SACD )
  13. DanPrior

    AKG K324P

    Somebody heard this new akg IEM? What sound quality they have? and isolation? Is comparable to some Shure IEM?
  14. DanPrior

    Cheap headphones for computer

    I find some cheaper headphone for computer use. What´s better, AKG K44, K55, or K66?
  15. DanPrior

    Cheap headphones for computer

    I find some cheaper headphone for computer use. What´s better, AKG K44, K55, or K66?
  16. DanPrior

    Better bass in K701?

    But the bass is better with a Black or Silver Dragon cables?
  17. DanPrior

    Better bass in K701?

  18. DanPrior

    Better bass in K701?

    And, what Black Dragoon uses? Single ended or balanced?
  19. DanPrior

    Better bass in K701?

    With Black Dragon cable for AKg 701 I get deeper, more accurate bass, lots more detail, air and harmonic richness??
  20. DanPrior

    John Williams

    I like to know if recordings of John Williams (the film composer) exists in SACD format. If there are exists, improves the quality with respect to the CD?
  21. DanPrior

    Upgrade sound quality K701?

    Greetings. I like me to change my K701 cable. The problem is MoonAudio Black dragoon single ended Cable, it costs 500 €!!!, Really notices the difference in quality?
  22. DanPrior

    K701 bad?

    Also it seems to be that the K501 is better because they are more neutral, and they not give that warmth of the 701, with which they are but natural at the time of music listening, right?
  23. DanPrior

    K701 bad?

    Many of here talks about the bass lack of K701, as well as the instrumental presentation, "less intimacy"… but, what mean the "less intimacy" in this headphone therminology. So… K701 are bad for jazz music, for example
  24. DanPrior

    AKG K701 recable

    So... which is better? The Moon Audio cable (dragoons) or Kimber Hero Kable?
  25. DanPrior

    PSP speakers

    Whici is the better spekears to buy for PSP. I looked by Logitech, but... recommend one !!