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  • Users: p0wah
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  1. p0wah

    What is the cause of this?

      Well i use Spotify Premium so 320kbps.
  2. p0wah

    What is the cause of this?

      The swing is not that bad, its definitely changing and its rather annoying to be honest. That makes sense it could be that i guess, damn adaptations! :(
  3. p0wah

    What is the cause of this?

      No, i mean like, during the song... when there are some vocals it seems as though the volume goes down slightly but when the vocals stop and its just instrumentals it turns up again. Not by much but it is noticeable 
  4. p0wah

    What is the cause of this?

    Hey,   So i have Sennheiser HD 558 into Asus Xonar DG and when i listen to music at around 90-100% volume (I know you shouldnt really listen to music this loud alot!) it feels as if the volume levels keep changing slightly, why is this?   Thanks
  5. p0wah

    Best Soundstage for under $200

    If soundstage is all youre looking for then the Audio Technica AD700X is what you want.
  6. p0wah

    Q701 impressions thread

      Interesting... I do like a warm sounding headphone so the E9 seems the right choice for me. Thanks for the input!
  7. p0wah

    Q701 impressions thread

      Ah right, Thanks. I'll have a look around to decide between the E09K and Magni. If i go for the Magni ill end up getting the Modi later on as im on abit of a budget at the moment.
  8. p0wah

    Q701 impressions thread

    Quick question, which one of these would you recommend most for the Q701s? The Objective2, E09K or Magni. Also, if you have any other recommendations for around the same price (or less!) let me know.   Thanks!
  9. p0wah

    Question about Beyerdynamic DT 770 80 Ohm headphones...

    @niko96 It was pretty much the same with that test.   @TwelveTrains Nope, none at all.   Do you guys think it will be the same with the DT 990s?
  10. p0wah

    Question about Beyerdynamic DT 770 80 Ohm headphones...

    Hey,   So after using them for a couple of weeks i have to say they are rather good headphones but theres just one thing thats bugging me and that is to do with the sound stage. Im not too sure how to explain it but here goes. Basically, ive been playing CS:GO alot lately and i have noticed...
  11. p0wah

    Please delete!

    please delete, thanks!
  12. p0wah

    Creative Aurvana Live! 2

    Any more people got their hands on these? If so, what are your thoughts?
  13. p0wah

    Need some headphones/IEMs sub £50 (available on Amazon preferably) - are these any good, and do you have suggestions?

    That JVC suggestion from JK1 seems like the way to go, £25 on Amazon which leaves you some room for something else. :P
  14. p0wah

    SoundMAGIC HP100/HP150 Review and Impressions Thread

      Awesome thanks alot!           Also, does anybody have any suggestions for where to get these for a good price in the UK? I see a couple of sellers on eBay from China selling it for cheaper even with shipping, has anyone bought from them also?   Thanks once again :P
  15. p0wah

    SoundMAGIC HP100/HP150 Review and Impressions Thread

    I know this may be a really really random question but can anybody let me know the dimensions of the box?     Thanks!
  16. p0wah

    Headphone, mic and soundcard

      Yep! Heres a thread on them if you want to read up on them a little bit, they got released recently so there isnt many reviews about them but have a look.
  17. p0wah

    Headphone, mic and soundcard

    Just to let you know... theres a new version of Creative Aurvana Live, check them out on the Creative website.
  18. p0wah

    Creative Aurvana Live! 2

    Ahh yes, thanks!
  19. p0wah

    Creative Aurvana Live! 2

    Would having bigger ears be a problem with the CAL! 2? I wouldnt want my ears rubbing on the drivers and/or not fitting in the cups properly.
  20. p0wah

    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    If the M50s had better soundstage i would buy them in a heartbeat but unfortunately thats not the case. Im not looking for a massive soundstage, just one where its relatively easy to pinpoint where footsteps are coming from in Counter-Strike for example. The M50s seem almost perfect apart from...
  21. p0wah

    Creative Aurvana Live! 2

    Are there any other headphones that compete/beat these for the price?
  22. p0wah

    What headphones would you recommend?

    Well, it looks like DT990 Pro's it is for sure then. Thanks for all the help guys!
  23. p0wah

    What headphones would you recommend?

    Yeah the thing is about the MA900s is that they seem pretty damn flimsy and my brother is kinda rough with his headphones at times so yeah.  
  24. p0wah

    What headphones would you recommend?

    Sorry for double post, I didnt notice your reply. I dont think he would mind closed full-size headphones as long as they have above average soundstage.