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  1. suckerr70

    Bringing all my audio to one speaker system.

    I was woundering if there was some sort of thing I could build to bring all my different audio sources (stereo, computer, TV ect.) into one place and spit them all out of the same 5.1 speaker system (of if thats not possible, then just stereo) with amping and bass and trebel control of possible...
  2. suckerr70

    AKG K81DJ Store.

    Thanks so much! timmins, you found a place preaty close to where I live! Now I don't have to order. Thanks all of you though! This forum rocks for asking questions!
  3. suckerr70

    AKG K81DJ Store.

    After finaly choosing I wanted to get a pair of the AKG K81DJ, I checked out a couple electronic shops around my place and could not find them. Is there a Vendore that is in Vancouver, BC, Canada that sells them. Thank-you!
  4. suckerr70

    Need new headphones.

    I've never really cared about my headphones at all (always using the stock earbuds that come with mp3 players and diskmen) and I never really understood why people would pay good money for a good pair of phones. Music is music. All that changed when I heard my friends headphones! Now my music...
  5. suckerr70

    Next project?

    Thanks for the replys. I was thinking about doing the MINT but how hard is this whole "surface mount"? Also, is there any other way of getting the boards (in canada maybe?)? Im not really an online shopper person but if that is the only way then I shall try it. Also, is there a good shop to get...
  6. suckerr70

    Next project?

    I have made the CMoy amp that was explained at and I want to make an other one now like the MINT or PIMETA amp on that site. I have one problem. In the CMoy amp I used a Radio Shack 0150 board and linked things together with jumpers but on the Mint amp, Its like a pre made...
  7. suckerr70


    I don't know the model number of it but it has 3 prongs. So do they just hook up right befor the out jack? and which prongs hook up to which wire (right, left, ground) Thanks!
  8. suckerr70


    How and where do I hook up my pot to my CMoy I just built? Thanks!
  9. suckerr70

    More help!(cmoy)

    OK thanks. For now I have a question. Here is a picture of my jacks and i was woundering which prong is right and which is left. 1.= grounding 2.= left or right 3.= left or right.
  10. suckerr70

    More help!(cmoy)

    ok, hope this might be better. One thing, where do i connect the on/off switch and the volume nob (is that a pot?)? I know my soldering is REALY bad:P these photos make my soldering look even worse then it allreddi is...
  11. suckerr70

    More help!(cmoy)

    Heres one pic. Kinda bad but its the best i can do at this momment. Ill post more later. Is there a way i can controle the gain with a nob? That would be cool. Are there any wrong things on this? Hope this helps!
  12. suckerr70

    More help!(cmoy)

    OMG! IT WORKS! I'm so happy! It's my first amp! well... kinda works.... Sound goes from one end to the other! It's not very loud (infact, it's unloud!:P) and very staticy and disstorted but i hear music! I also hooked up my guitar to it and it sounds like its on overdrive so it must have too...
  13. suckerr70

    More help!(cmoy)

    Quote: Originally Posted by miketriple one of the mass? i'm not really sure what to say except double, triple check all of the connections. make sure that none of the solder jobs are accidentally touching another row and stuff like that. you know how you need 3 diff connections...
  14. suckerr70

    More help!(cmoy)

    Ok. I've put it all together and when i hook it up nothing happnded. If I connect everything but one of the mass (ground) then connect it, it makes a static sound just for a sec. Then if i dissconnect it it makes the same sound but no music! GRRRR! IM ANGRY!... and outa ideas. Can someone help...
  15. suckerr70

    More help!(cmoy)

    Thanks a bunch! One last thing, Whats the R5?: Alt. 1/4W metal film resistor assortment 1 R1-R5 I know it says alt. but in the instructions it says you can put in the R5 to reduse static in the background or something.
  16. suckerr70

    More help!(cmoy)

    Hey, I have 2 things to ask. 1. Can anyone give me the picture with a bunch of lines on it... aka the schematic (not a site but the image file) 2. in the derections it neames the resistors r1, r2, r3 ect. and on the list of materials it has: 4.7/4.75 KΩ 1/4W -- metal film resistor -- 2 --...
  17. suckerr70

    Help (Cmoy)

    Thanks, I figured it all out but now I have a diff problem. I'm havin trouble finding an op amp. I live in Vancouver B.C. Canada. If you know a place near(ish) please tell me.
  18. suckerr70

    Help (Cmoy)

    Thanks so much! What do you mean veries? Oh well... Thanks again!
  19. suckerr70

    Help (Cmoy)

    Right off the bat, i'm a newb. On the .pdf diadram it lables some resistors "R1, R2, R3 etc." and could someone tell me the value of them are. (eg. 10k) thanks!
  20. suckerr70

    About the CMOY Pocket Amp.

    Thanks everyone, The only reason i thought a picture would help is because I dont know how people are soldering things and how everything connects somehow. I also dont get where the wires go exacly but i bet i can figure that out.
  21. suckerr70

    About the CMOY Pocket Amp.

    Hey, I've just started to be intrested in electronics and this is my first REAL project. Could someone post a GOOD picture of what the bottem should look like? And do you solder the jumpers in? It never says to but just to make sure. (or maybe it did. I couldn't find where) Thanks for you help!