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  1. Staple2

    How does music converting work?

    Sup, if I downloaded a music file at 128kbps and mp3 format, will there be a difference in quality (for the better ofc) if I convert it to, say, 320kbps FLAC? The source from which I downloaded might have had the file in a higher original quality, but I only ever had it at 128kbps, so will it...
  2. Staple2


    Reason I'm asking is because I used to keep my Aerial7 Chopper2s on a "Rock" preset which sounded fairly good all round, and adjusted it slightly when listening to more bassy genres, and I'm just not sure if this would be the optimal setting. So what is basically being said is that keeping it to...
  3. Staple2


    Fairly new to all this - I got my first decent pair of headphones (HD555) and now I'd like to know how you guys work your equalizers? Do you set different settings for different genres etc? Presets or do you do everything on your own?
  4. Staple2

    Sound Leakage on Sennheiser HD-555

    Cool. So I'm guessing they wouldn't need to go up to the volume I have my speakers at because they're right next to my ear, and they block more noise (obviously) than the speakers. Percentage-wise though, how much less noise do they leak than a full-on speaker set? 50%?
  5. Staple2

    Sound Leakage on Sennheiser HD-555

    What I meant was, are the HD 555s still worth buying if I'll be using them on an intergrated sound card? Thanks for the reply. I'm pretty noob at all this, so this will sound incredibly stupid. But the headphones will not disturb the family as much as my current desktop speakers, at similar...
  6. Staple2

    Sound Leakage on Sennheiser HD-555

    Hi I'm new, and I will probably only be posting in this one thread   I know it's cheap to come abuse your pretty forums like this, but I'm desperate mmkay :)   I'm poor. I don't have lots of money. I saved up a lot for the Sennheiser HD-555, which I will be using to play games, music and...