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  1. oneade

    notebook usb digital out without resampling?

    Quote: Originally Posted by jagorev I would suggest just getting a DAC that supports USB input when you eventually buy one. The Headroom Micro, Meier Corda Aria, Apogee Mini-DAC, and a bunch of others support this. And I can't say for sure whether they resample, but I'm pretty certain...
  2. oneade

    notebook usb digital out without resampling? this the one? It only has analog out though. I'm after a digital out (coax / toslink). toslink is preferable (my current notebook has ground loop problems).
  3. oneade

    notebook usb digital out without resampling?

    I'm thinking of moving my entire cd collection onto harddisk (flac / or other lossless format) and playing from a notebook. I mostly listen to music via a hifi system (only headphone occasionally these days). is there a usb device out there which does digital out (so I can link it to an...
  4. oneade

    HORRIBLE "system noises" on Aureon 7.1

    i get these noises from my laptop and pc as well. Are you by any chance using Windows 2000? I've noticed I only get these noises when using 2000. The noises went away when I changed to xp or nt.
  5. oneade

    soldering tips for non-tracked protoboard

    Does anyone have any tips on how to solder a cct using those boards without premade tracks. Soldering free wires to connect between components looks pretty hard. Up to now, i've only been using pretracked boards and have gotten away with jumpering to connect tracks. I've seen the pics...
  6. oneade

    high quality recordings?? ellington / armstrong

    Can anyone point me to some good recordings of Louis Armstrong or Duke Ellington?
  7. oneade

    help! Denon PMA-255uk vs NADC320

    the PMA-255UK doesn't have pre-outs. What is the purpose of pre-amp though? I was under the (wrong) impression that preamps were just used for switching audio sources.
  8. oneade

    help! Denon PMA-255uk vs NADC320

    Is the C350 actually better than the C320? I remember reading somewhere that the C320 actually has better sound than the C340.
  9. oneade

    help! Denon PMA-255uk vs NADC320

    I'm thinking of upgrading my JVC integrated amp for something better. Currently looking at either the Denon PMA-255UK or the NAD C320. I'm looking to spend AUD $500 - $700. Does anyone know how these two compare? Any other recommended amps (around the same price)? Thanks!
  10. oneade

    noise cancelling & planes

    meatman. Please post some comments after you've had the chance to make a comparison. Would be much appreciated!
  11. oneade

    difference between headphone amps and integrated amps?

    I'm new to this What's the difference between headphone specific amps and the standard hifi amps I'm using to drive my speakers? I've currently got an JVC integrated amp and Pioneer CD player with floor speakers (nothing speccy, just what I could afford while I was at Uni 8 years ago)...
  12. oneade

    noise cancelling & planes

    Theoretically the opposing sound wave 'cancels' out the noise wave. It's not tricking the brain. The sound wave actually disappears! However, I've got no idea what happens in practice.
  13. oneade

    noise cancelling & planes

    do they really work? or are they a great gimmick? How well do they work on planes? Have anyone tried these? How do they compare to say using a closed pair of phones?