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  1. ACoolName

    The Audio Technica M50 studio monitor thread

    Quote: Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet   /claydavis
  2. ACoolName

    The Audio Technica M50 studio monitor thread

    So uh, got myself a pair of these. Superb! Quick question though... I noticed if I stand up and just let the (coiled) cord dangle, and I turn my head from left to right, right to left, etc., I can hear a little clicking sound that is probably coming from the wire on the left side of the 'phones...
  3. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Quote: Well, thanks. I appreciate all the replies and suggestions.   And yeah, agreed, lol
  4. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Quote:   Well, yeah. But if the M50s really are better and more of what I'm looking for, I'll sell my Sonys and buy the ATs. Quote:   I mean, yeah the M50s are sweet, but if everyone here (and people/reviews on other sites/places) said that the 7506s and M50s were almost...
  5. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Quote:   Just looking for that extra 15% of assurance, I suppose, lol.   Also, is ProAudioMart still on eBay, I can't seem to find them...  
  6. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Quote: Uhhhh I suppose not, lol. Can anyone else vouch for this?   But honestly, I think I'm just going to sell the Sonys and get the M50s. If anyone else has any reasons why this is in fact the right/wrong decision, speak now or forever hold your peace!
  7. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Quote: If it's not bent back perfectly straight, will that affect the sound quality / transmission of sound / whatever it is?
  8. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Quote: Hm, interesting.   This might be a stupid question, but can the plug just be bent back into normal form? I mean, it's just bent slightly, but enough to cause fitting problems.   Again, thanks for the responses. Keep 'em coming!
  9. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Quote: Thanks! Could I ask what swayed you to the M50s?
  10. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Quote:   I can't (nor do I really want to try to, lol) do it myself. (Btw, what's the difference between a "normal" stereo plug and a solderless?)   When it's all said and done it'll probably be around $5-14 for the plug ($14 if I order online -- shipping), and I'm guessing somewhere...
  11. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Soooooo...   - for my personal preferences/music selection/source should I get the M50s or just stick with the 7506s?   - could anyone who has listened to either (or both) the M50/7506 comment on if my observations of their sounds and stuff were correct (and possibly add some of your own...
  12. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Quote: Well, I did use my ears, and I liked the M50 better. Buuut: the Sonys and ATs were compared on a source that is most likely more powerful than my iMac, and they didn't have an equal amount of burn in (unless Guitar Center burns in all their headphones or something, lol). So I'm...
  13. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Quote: Ouch, lol. Thanks for your input though!  
  14. ACoolName

    Decisions, decisions... (Sony MDR-7506 or Audio Technica M50)

    Hi all,   I have a pair of Sony MDR-7506s that I used for just a few months until the plug got slightly bent. I've yet to have it repaired, an am exploring some other options. The Audio Technica M-50 seems to be the perfect headphone for my needs, but I just want to be completely sure.   ...
  15. ACoolName

    Are these Fake? Any thoughts? (Sony MDR-7506)

    I purchased some Sony MDR-V6s off eBay for $35 ($45 shipped) that claimed to be brand new, in box, from a seller with 1948 feedback (98.8% positive), from Hong Kong. Sound familiar?   The headphones were like.... partly real knockoffs. Like, if someone didn't know better, they might think...
  16. ACoolName

    A debate that needs settling

    I'll try to make this as unbiased as possible:   My brother and I are having a debate on which 'phones are better. To truly settle it, I decided that it was best we heard some opinions and reasons from the knowledgeable users of My brother says that the Beats by Dr. Dre...
  17. ACoolName

    Problem with Sony MDR-7506 plug

    Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it.
  18. ACoolName

    Problem with Sony MDR-7506 plug

    (shameful bump)
  19. ACoolName

    Problem with Sony MDR-7506 plug

    Thanks for replying :D I can't solder, but I would just take it to some place that could (any advice?). Although, assuming Sony's plug is in fact better (if however slight the difference may be) would there be a difference in sound quality? I don't know a lot about this stuff, lol.
  20. ACoolName

    Problem with Sony MDR-7506 plug

    Dang guys, almost a whole day and still no comments/help? I'd like to get this resolved as quickly as possible, and I'm sure that with all of the knowledge here Head-Fi someone has to know something about this. Again, thanks.
  21. ACoolName

    Problem with Sony MDR-7506 plug

    I was Google-ing for help and came across this on another forum:   Quote:   Does this mean the sound quality will be diminished?
  22. ACoolName

    Problem with Sony MDR-7506 plug

    Hey everybody,   Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but the stereo plug on my Sonys got bent slightly and I was wondering how it could be fixed? Like, would I have to buy a whole new cord ($39.99) or could I just purchase a new plug?   Thanks in advance for your time!