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  1. davemmevad

    IEM recommendation for someone going deaf

    Joggler LOL yes, I've been through several. The issue is that hearing aids are not designed for music. They are not designed for accurate representation, they are designed for clarity. You can cheat it at the lower levels of loss, but as it gets worse, their number one priority of making speech...
  2. davemmevad

    IEM recommendation for someone going deaf

    Hi Basking, unfortunately BC earphones don't work for me. BC's by pass the outer ear, ear drum and the anvil stirrup mechanism, but still rely on the Cochlea to receive the sound ... and that is the part I've got issues with. No recovering here, either, just a slow decline.
  3. davemmevad

    IEM recommendation for someone going deaf

    So, the title says it all- I'm going deaf (doc says it is likely an autoimmune thing), and am looking for some IEM's that are capable of putting out some serious volume so I can enjoy music for a few more years before it is gone to me. I'll be running them off my O2 amp - I've given away the...
  4. davemmevad

    Replacements for my old Shure e3's

    Hi All, I'm a noob here, so please excuse, but my left ear finally stopped getting music and I need some new earphones. I liked the e3's I had - and with the medium silicon bud they were major comfy. I listen at work using my iPod (old photo version) to block out the background Tastes...