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    Please advice for choosing my first amp

    The Predator is just too expensive for me, I'll have to sell my blood and sperms for the extra $$. If the SQ of the 3Move and D10 is comparable to the P-51, then I might just have to choose between these two.

    Please advice for choosing my first amp

    Thanks for all of your advice. My budget is around $300, and I m willing to go as far as $400 only if its SQ can beat all the cheaper ones clean. Though Nuforce Icon Mobile is cheap, but I heard that it doesn't provide bass quality as well as those on my list. Since I mostly listen to...

    Please advice for choosing my first amp

    I m new here and have been learning from the posts here. After getting the Shure 530, I realize that my iPod 4G alone cannot deliver the SQ I want from the headphone. After researching through lots of posts, I have narrow down my selection to 3 amp: 1. Meier Corda 3Move 2. iBasso D10 3. RSA...