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  1. Mr.Unknown

    2 or 3 Channel, Single Ended Class "A" Design Thread

    Zen headphone amp:
  2. Mr.Unknown

    Elekit TU882 tube headphone amp mod?

    Do people have schematic of thisheadamp.
  3. Mr.Unknown

    Which tube can make headamp.

    I have collected some Nos tube, but I don't have more information about it. 1. JAN 5933 Tungsol USA 2. 6146B Raytheon USA 3. JAN 2E24 RCA USA 4. JAN 2E26 GE Canada 5. 7984 USA 6. 5670 Sylvania 7. 5726 Sylvania 8. JAN 6130 (3c45) USA What tube can make headamp(with schematic...
  4. Mr.Unknown


    I will test this circuit after finishing the Carlosfm . It is suitable for Current FB opamp. The Dc offset is very small.
  5. Mr.Unknown

    A nice(?), simple chip amplifier

    Heed canamp seem to be a simple amp . I'm going to build AD815 headphone amp and mod heed can to use AD815 in input stage. I will using MJE15030 in output and shunt regulator in power supply . AD815 is very good chip, another diyer in my country have finished AD815 pre, It sound very good( I...
  6. Mr.Unknown


    I have aerovox 40uf, si I will use it. Dc ofset is about xxmV, I don't want to "burn" my headphone. What about the gain, 3x is enough.
  7. Mr.Unknown


    Thanks you very much. The Cout is 4.7uf/01.uf not 33uf. The gain of this pre 3x.
  8. Mr.Unknown


  9. Mr.Unknown


    I'm having AD815. But i don't have a headamp schematic . I also have PCB(Carlos pre), so can't I use this pre to driver headphone(100ohm) without modding or how to mod this pre. Thanks.
  10. Mr.Unknown

    Is the Grado RA-1 a CMOY?

    Why we don't find the reason why the Ra-1 is suitable for grado headphone( may be only with grado). I already think that Grado headphone have a low impedance so another low impedance(not grado) can be suitable ?.
  11. Mr.Unknown

    Total newbie with Tube amp

    Hi everyone, I'm a newbie too, but I want to desgin a tube amp(it's very simple), so I need some schematic of Famoustube headamp(commercial product not diy such as Little Dot, Dark voice, wooaudio, ...) to refence, who can help me???( pm)
  12. Mr.Unknown

    A cheap-but-good DIY portable amp?

    Oh man, What is the best diy portable headamp under 300$(25)$ recommend)
  13. Mr.Unknown

    New Millett Hybrid MiniMAX (what happened to this thread?)

    people, I can't find millett tube in my country(12AE6- 12FM6...) so can i design input stage with another tube such as 12AU7 or 12AX7 ,..... Please help me, thank.
  14. Mr.Unknown

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    people, i realize that 70% of Millett max í of tangentsoft,. Psu is step, Buffer is of PPAv2(mistaken), only input stage is new. I can't find millett tube in my country(12AE6- 12FM6...) so can i design input stage with another tube such as 12AU7 or 12AX7 ,..... Please help me, thank.
  15. Mr.Unknown

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    people, i realize that 70% of Millett max í of tangentsoft,. Psu is step, Buffer is of M^3, only input stage is new. I can't find millett tube in my country(12AE6- 12FM6...) so can i design input stage with another tube such as 12AU7 or 12AX7 ,..... Please help me, thank.
  16. Mr.Unknown

    Hoontech DSP24value. Anyone know any thing about it

    what is the different betwen line out and RCA out put bumpppppp
  17. Mr.Unknown

    Hoontech DSP24value. Anyone know any thing about it

    I decide to buy this sound card. Please give some advise
  18. Mr.Unknown

    Post links of vintage headphones here

    Where can i buy them? And do they need headamp. I am using SONY DR-S3, it is very old(pre 80) but it í still good