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  • Users: tk_suki
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  1. tk_suki

    Meridian G08 voltage flexibility?

    The user guide suggests is a universal power supply, but there is a small orange sticker on the back stating tested at 110-120v. I purchased unit from TTVJ shipped direct to Japan, worked fine. Now just landed in Bangkok where voltage at 220-240v. Would like to confirm if the unit is plug and...
  2. tk_suki

    Dr Dac

    Taking a gamble on this little sucker, has some interesting features for a travel rig. Mod potential too, My first use was to debug my attempt to try Bal. XLR thru the Stax, found out not a good idea to run both XLR and RCA at same time as output from my G08...
  3. tk_suki

    Portable security

    With all this publicity on iPOD thefts, curious if anyone besides myself, would be interested in portable security? A good read is at: Since mobile mfgs are moving towards music mobiles, might be an opportunity to take advantage of...
  4. tk_suki

    recording vinyl

    While I really like my vinyl collection, I would like to be able to bring with me via DAP, and also make some CD mixes, instead of having to swap records. Plus for casual listening don`t need the finer quality of vinyl. After rontokyo showed me what was involved in recording vinyl, summed up...
  5. tk_suki

    Tokyo Mini-Meet

    Jason great host! Awesome gear, place, & hospitality. I made some new friends and came home with the K1000`s, one night stand for now but feel a relationship building. Sound EVEN more very pleasing at home thru my SE 300Bs! As I said, while lacking some of the separation on the R10s, instead...
  6. tk_suki

    Best Music for Alertness

    This was presented as a topic on the weekly Japanese health show. Among other things like green tea is good for concentration guess which music according to their less than scientific test yielded best results? oops, please move to members lounge. tia.
  7. tk_suki

    Hi-rez SACD/DVD-A UX-3 or ?

    UX-3 now out. Kind of a slightly more affordable unit than UX-1 or higher quality DV-50. 700,000 at Dynamic Audio MRSP 735K. Did a quick comparison to the UX-1, seems very similar, except no BNC(? /*edit - iLink for multichannel instead of analog outs - like this BNC jacks same. Some changes...
  8. tk_suki

    Waterproof MP3 Player Uses Bone Conduction

    Sorry if this has come up b4. But discussion on slashdot, which all due respect to those geeks, feel I would enjoy here more. In Japan cell phones are using, not sure it has caught on, since hype died down a few months ago. Just Place the mic on side of your head and let it reverberate. I...
  9. tk_suki

    so tired - XP7 or SR-71?

    Yes search works fine if you got lots of time. Welcome some folks with time to either point me to the threads/posters in case a zillion of them and/or sum up the pros/cons. I know the size dif. Been evaluating the SR-71 for a couple weeks, typical RS quality, which I like, so one or the other...
  10. tk_suki

    concise - get to the point

    Why don't folks sum up their message in the beginning like an executive summary? Great commentary and reviews abound but most often the conclusion must be dechiphered from a long message. While I acknowledge a writer wants to capture readers attention, from my perspective this is done with an...
  11. tk_suki

    Qualia 010 & IE-recvrs encounter Ginza

    Well all this talk about Qualias finally made it to the Sony showroom to see for myself. First, 010s (IERs at end), to cut to the chase, was a limited review < 10 songs, I preferred the R10s overall but found the 010s to be an enjoyable and quality phone. 010s were a bit thinner, and R10s...
  12. tk_suki

    1163 R10 S/N#

    So the R10s arrive today. My lucky #s are now 1163. That is the serial #. Just a wild guess but if they started at 1 then that would suggest an approximate quantity shipped. Given that this model appears to have been discountined just after I made my order in mid-Aug, curious how high the...
  13. tk_suki

    web movie production

    ok sounds outlandish. It is but could work. Think Packers? Hugh? That's right that humble old team from WI. Where many small investors own/control. Here is the deal. Take a low production cost idea $ something like High Fidelity, then bid out to internet. Create lots of small investors to...
  14. tk_suki

    progressive ambient - Hevia, ACSS, DreamCast

    Anyone else like these bands? Did a search not much came up. They are all sort of different, like to add Clannad and Celtic Tides in the group if ya like one ya might like the others. Discovered these from a friend who found searching the web. Downloaded some tunes liked the samples then...
  15. tk_suki

    Beatles for Sale, Cheap

    From Yahoo. Guy buys a suitcase for $37 full of Beatles stuff, including vinyl an unreleased tape. Man am I Jealous. SO what should he do? Sell, keep and if so play? What would you do? Assuming you are a Beatles fan, non-fans know you would sell. Selling could buy alot of other...
  16. tk_suki

    Tomjanovich Agrees to Be Head Coach, Say Lakers

    No wonder no-one wants this job, some nut agrees to be-head them. No job is worth losing your nogging over. Geez what a crazy world.
  17. tk_suki

    music boxes - pics

    ran across these last night. thought they were kind of cool. Looks and sound. anyone collecting these? I am curious how much they cost. Nice antiques.
  18. tk_suki

    CD3K vs HD650 on vinyl surprise!

    Well this is a tough one since both have their strengths/weaknesses but a major blow to HD650s tonight. The bass got really distorted on Simon and Garfunkel Greatest Hits - Sony/CBS 40AP1651-2., record 2 side A. Up until now it was more a matter of CD3Ks being a little bright vs HD650s. But...
  19. tk_suki

    vinyl cleaning spindle - Marble cake(etc...)

    Today picked up a $13 marble cake spindle 30cm. Added a rubber Yamaha TT matt, and super glued a short wood spindle in the middle and makes a neat little cleaning stand. I was using an old PoS Yamaha TT for cleaning records but took up a space and looked bad. Also, generated alot of static...
  20. tk_suki

    teres showcase in Vegas

    I picked up a copy of latest Analogue - Japanese Magazine which always has some really nice pics. A chore for me to read but anyway, last quarter had a nice three arm Thorens, but the latest showed a Teres two arm what appears to be a 255. Not listed as option on Teres web-site. There was also a...
  21. tk_suki

    Meridian G08 1st impressions

    This will be lame but something. Rec`d Meridian G08 12hrs ago. Listened maybe 3hrs. Playing 12hrs+. Setup: 1)G08 - of course 2)Cardas NR RCA -> Pre 3) Stealth - pre->: 4.a)CD3000s 4.b)HD650 4.c)AudioTech high-end cheapies RCA cables $10 -> 5) Yamaha Yamaha-DSP-AX1300 - HT amp -> 6)...
  22. tk_suki

    Meridian mayhem

    My much anticipated Meridian G08 arrived last Sat. well almost, seems the Japan Customs folks want to play with it for a while. It took 3 days for me to get the notice I had to pay 5% consumption/sales tax, fine, paid it right away. Now they are questioning if it is just a CD player. The...
  23. tk_suki

    Drovers vinyl?

    Hey as a former Chicago area resident this was one of the bands I really enjoyed. Sadly I lost a small but significant portion of my CD collection a few weeks ago including some Drover CDs. While most of the others are easily replaceable. I live in Japan and unable to find the Drovers, no big...
  24. tk_suki

    Kind of Blue Classic Records?

    Well I went to buy at the local Jazz store and there were two nearly identical except price. Only dif I could see was this. CS8163-BV $60 CS8163-Q $40 Both were classic label. BV = Blue Vinyl (ltd edition) Q = ???QUIEX?? not sure if it is the SV(super vinyl) I just want a high...
  25. tk_suki

    XR2 + Stealth = :)

    Well the set is complete. Initial Impressions: I have been enjoying the XR-2 for the last month, but 13hrs ago recd Stealth. WOW! again * 2! Wow was how I first felt when I hooked up the XR-2, b4 Stealth. Everything opened up. Excellent detail, I like, but what stood out the most was bass...